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Are all terrorists really Muslims?By Aakar Patel

Even the simplest strategic direction I've decided so far - wearing my previous hat as business manager, specifically as CEO, has involved at least a business plan - for the bigger decisions - to a forecast and a detailed note, with tables and figures carefully annotated to indicate the sources and their authenticity.

Believe me, it works. Even a dumbed-down crude version works. Point to remember: work with cash and cash flow not with profits.

Joe Sahib I am not able to articulate my point well enough because I am not talking about what you're answering my questions with ! :(

I am not saying that business managers go about without detailed business plans and that business intuition here is merely a whim. I have studied and practiced enough performance management to know that isn't the case by a long shot and the cash flow is indeed king. I know that budgets are important, as are performance targets, forecasts and financial and non financial indicators to gauge that performance - I know that.....I've done that.

What I was trying to get at it was the business analysis side of it using these models. My impression is that they are not applied in practice with nearly the amount of sense and proportion that they are when analyzing case studies. Naturally when you're thinking of expanding your business you're talking about the challenges you're going to face, where your own strengths are going to lie, what weaknesses you're going to guard against and what possible opportunities would this engagement throw at you.

Briefly a SWOT analysis is what, in my opinion, most business analysis decisions revolve around and it maybe as shallow and as deep as one may want it to be. Likewise it maybe as localized or as expanded as one desires it to be.

I just don't think that Business Managers go about drawing up matrices and elaborate models to figure this stuff out; more or less a SWOT coupled with forecasts, budgets and departmental input does that for them.

They may well be conducting a Porter's 5 Forces analysis or a Value Chain analysis inadvertently but my impression is that these are not conducted as stand-alone conscious exercises but simply something that gets covered in the larger SWOT portion of things.
No, your perception may have been tarred by selective amnesia. Actually it is equal for both sides. Just that the number of nationalists/'Hindu terrorist'/'Deshbhakts'(your take) are higher you may find a more prominent presence of the former. But as far as intensity goes, it takes two to tango.

Unlikely. I monitor acitvities from all ends..
and please.. remember.

Every "nationalist" is in the words of Einstien.

"Nationalism is an infantile thing, it is the measles of mankind"

Clearly India is infected with it to a high degree.

As for Dekh-bakht or Patriotism.

Two saying sum up the very mindset behind it

"Patriot: the person who can holler the loudest without knowing what he is hollering about."

Mark Twain..

and just as appropriate

"Patriotism is the virtue of the vicious".

And as the ideals of your fellow "Dekh-bakhts" resonate all over this forum.. they are vicious,bigoted and murderous in their intent and ideas..and also.. holler the loudest.
We are talking about the discussion here. Or didn't you notice, in your hurry to make your unfounded point?
Well discussion here can't be seen in isolation from what's happening on the ground level. After all it's a monkey see monkey do world when it comes to political ideologies, the only difference is some are well trained and others not so.
Well discussion here can't be seen in isolation from what's happening on the ground level. After all it's a monkey see monkey do world when it comes to political ideologies, the only difference is some are well trained and others not so.

It can, and it should be seen in isolation - there is no connection at all between either the half-witted screeches of a Sakshi Maharaj, or Mani Iyer's increasingly demented rubbish and PDF.
It can, and it should be seen in isolation - there is no connection at all between either the half-witted screeches of a Sakshi Maharaj, or Mani Iyer's increasingly demented rubbish and PDF.
Totally agree on both counts, It can and it should be. But call it Modi's curse, when Admin himself throws around flame bait one can't just point finger towards one particular group blame them for all that's wrong.
I disagree completely. This is a totally biased statement. The Internet Hindus have brought the discussions here to the gutter. Just as they did on PTH.

Hello sir, who is an Internet Hindu? Also, are there Internet Muslims, Internet Christians, Internet Buddhists, Internet Atheists etc as well?
Hello sir, who is an Internet Hindu? Also, are there Internet Muslims, Internet Christians, Internet Buddhists, Internet Atheists etc as well?

Please look it up. It is not a new phrase, nor am I the first to use it.

Totally agree on both counts, It can and it should be. But call it Modi's curse, when Admin himself throws around flame bait one can't just point finger towards one particular group blame them for all that's wrong.

Yes, I agree, there has been some shocking behaviour recently by moderators.

Two wrongs do not make a right. Never has, never will.
Please look it up. It is not a new phrase, nor am I the first to use it.

Yes, I agree, there has been some shocking behaviour recently by moderators.

Two wrongs do not make a right. Never has, never will.
I didn't said it was right, but it was wrong to put all the blame on one particular group. If you finger a beehive expect to be swarmed by bees.
I didn't said it was right, but it was wrong to put all the blame on one particular group. If you finger a beehive expect to be swarmed by bees.

Please. We are not talking about bees. We are talking about supposedly civilised folks, and their vile language and worse manners towards anyone and everyone who does not slavishly toe their line. That is hardly the equivalent of fingering a beehive. That they take pride in it is one step worse than their behaviour. That they have defenders for their egregious behaviour is two steps worse than their behaviour.
Totally agree on both counts, It can and it should be. But call it Modi's curse, when Admin himself throws around flame bait one can't just point finger towards one particular group blame them for all that's wrong.
The admin's focus is maintaining balance.. in literally every aspect of the forum. Its beyond you to get that.

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