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Favourite Mahabharata Character

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Mar 8, 2015
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I was wondering what your favourite Mahabharata character(s) is/are and why? It would be preferential if they were non-main characters. I am doing a uni project on the characters and am looking for inspiration. Most people know Arjun, Karna, etc and I want to bring focus on the less known ones, only problem is idk on who to do it on. :(

Edit: Be sure to explain why
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I was wondering what your favourite Mahabharata character(s) is/are and why? It would be preferential if they were non-main characters. I am doing a uni project on the characters and am looking for inspiration. Most people know Arjun, Karna, etc and I want to bring focus on the less known ones, only problem is idk on who to do it on. :(

I was wondering what your favourite Mahabharata character(s) is/are and why? It would be preferential if they were non-main characters. I am doing a uni project on the characters and am looking for inspiration. Most people know Arjun, Karna, etc and I want to bring focus on the less known ones, only problem is idk on who to do it on. :(
My favourite is Karna

I would have made it on him
You can try Abhimanyu also
or Bhisma
or the best Lord Krishna :)
Religious threads are baned on PDF ............Avoid that here .
Draupdi :ashamed:
My favourite is Karna

I would have made it on him
You can try Abhimanyu also
or Bhisma
or the best Lord Krishna :)
As to why......
Though he was also the son of kunti still he couldn't enjoy his life as a prince...it gives an emotional touch
He wasn't trained by Dronacharya who was invincible but still managed to learn the art of Dhanurvidya(archery) and was the only one who could challenge Arjun who was considered the best.....

He was a danveer(giver)
he gave his kawach(shield) and kundal to indra who act as a begger.....the kawach and kundal were gifted by the sun God(who was Karna's father also).....and it is said that .....in presence of Sunlight or moon rays.....no weapon could pierce through his shield...
he knew it was indra but still he gave it.....

He was a good guy among the perceived villains.......he was bound by a promise to them......Duryodhan had made him the king of the state anga and he had promised to support duryodhan.......but still he only promised to kill only 1 son of kunti among the rest 5

Abhimanyu is famous for his valour
Bhishma and Duryodhan are also powerful characters
You can try them

if you are looking for less obvious ones.. go for someone like Ghatotkacha or Ahwatthama or Dronacharya.
Abhimanyu :mad:
if you are looking for less obvious ones.. go for someone like Ghatotkacha or Ahwatthama or Dronacharya.

Awvatthama is the son of Drona, right? He kills all the Pandas at night?

Religious threads are baned on PDF ............Avoid that here .

We are looking at it from a artistic/historical POV.

Why is Shakuni ure favourite?

Draupadi is a virtuous, liberated woman, they should have gotten Priyanka Chopra to play her character.
What's that? drama?
It's a mythological epic in Hinduism
it's written in Bhagwat Gita (Bhagwad Gita is our holy book like Bible is for Christians or Quran for Muslims)
Awvatthama is the son of Drona, right? He kills all the Pandas at night?

We are looking at it from a artistic/historical POV.

Why is Shakuni ure favourite?

Draupadi is a virtuous, liberated woman, they should have gotten Priyanka Chopra to play her character.
Aswathama is the son of Dronacharya ...correct
He killed the pandavas.... false

Other way around, Gita is a part of the Mahabharata. Gita is a small section in one of the 18 books that compose the Mahabharata.
Could be true

It is said that Ved Vyas recited everything to Lord Ganesh who himself wrote Mahabharat
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