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Counterinsurgency | Exclusive Interview with a Pakistani Special Forces Operator.

This should be published on dawn or tribune.... The bigot readers of these sites should know how are forces operate...
the comment section of that site is mostly very hostile towards Pakistan army. I am not just talking about Indians. I wont expect them to support our forces but its some members who are very cynical and negative towards our forces.
@Irfan Baloch

I read this interview today, was a treat and pleasure to have a glimpse of what is happening on ground. Good work sir.

I have someone who has been in Swat and and part of Al-Meezan op but he won't tell me a shit about any details, sometimes when he is in mood he will just pass on few words and that's it :mad:.
@Irfan Baloch Very good interview
1 question how do they transport gear and weapons when they were being using civilian transport and friendly support?
I think the whole op was done professionally, kill all tangos I say.
I feel the other team had to encounter more resistance from the terrorists, though it is equally difficult to keep a hvt alive in a firefight.
@Irfan Baloch Very good interview
1 question how do they transport gear and weapons when they were being using civilian transport and friendly support?
I think the whole op was done professionally, kill all tangos I say.
I feel the other team had to encounter more resistance from the terrorists, though it is equally difficult to keep a hvt alive in a firefight.
the tactical gear was carried by the troops. mission was only supposed to last for few hours and actual firefight was very small. I believe some stuff might have been transported via mules or unmarked civilian transport but much should have been in the rucksacks

yes re HVT, the troops went at extra length and getting him/ them alive was the main mission which made it very risky, I believe this is why the team involved in shakai was purely SSG whereas the one on the other area involving a heavy fire fight consisted on other troops as well who although are special forces but a lower tier and not as specialists
the tactical gear was carried by the troops. mission was only supposed to last for few hours and actual firefight was very small. I believe some stuff might have been transported via mules or unmarked civilian transport but much should have been in the rucksacks

yes re HVT, the troops went at extra length and getting him/ them alive was the main mission which made it very risky, I believe this is why the team involved in shakai was purely SSG whereas the one on the other area involving a heavy fire fight consisted on other troops as well who although are special forces but a lower tier and not as specialists

The lower tier troops you were referring to were I presume LCB and not actual SSG.
The lower tier troops you were referring to were I presume LCB and not actual SSG.
Yes I didn’t mean SSG , they are the premier force in our SOTF like their naval and air force comrades.

I was referring to FC, Maybe lower tier was a wrong term to use because they are trained on the lines of special forces and above the league of our regular troops.

The rough comparison is like American 101 airborne brigade vs its Delta force for example both are special forces but Delta is top end.

In the interview I didn’t cover the support troops and personal involved in the operation otherwise this would have been a very cumbersome and lengthy read. I would try to avoid this debate of who is better and who is not because it’s a matter of opinion and who you ask.

SSG, SSGN, SSW, Rangers FC etc. all take their training and their mission very seriously. Their roles are different and some of them are specialist in those roles and in something type are not. Which doesn’t mean they are to be taken lightly. Their training regime and proficiency is way ahead of the regular troops.
Bravo ISI SSG FC SP and PDF all of you made me even more proud. May god help you to earn more such victories.
@Irfan Baloch
Let me rephrase my question, how difficult is it to ensure that the identity of the troops was not revealed to others especially when using civilian transport, as weapons can reveal the kind of unit in transit, especially to an experienced guy

Other part you mentioned to which I agree completely, is the specialized role part, for example tracking in a particular terrain, local forces will have upper hand due to local knowledge and experience.
Wow what a nice read.
Perfect recipe for bollywood or lollywood Masala action movie blockbuster.
Paisa wasul
I was respectful not to probe more than needed and not to record the interview also avoided any sensitive questions like base locations, flight times .. tribe names that helped us etc.

there were many operations that were conducted simultaneously this could be one of them which is reported here

I some how missed it---but anyway a great job. Thank you.
@Irfan Baloch Sir a wonderful read and very clear and concise. Would love to read the longer version you thought most people would get bored reading. Thank you for taking time out for compiling this work. Please tag me in any future threads you create. I joined PDF late and it took me some time getting here after reading older threads. Just a query is it safe to post details of operating procedures here, as much as a common man can learn here I think those who hate us can learn more.
@Irfan Baloch
Let me rephrase my question, how difficult is it to ensure that the identity of the troops was not revealed to others especially when using civilian transport, as weapons can reveal the kind of unit in transit, especially to an experienced guy

Other part you mentioned to which I agree completely, is the specialized role part, for example tracking in a particular terrain, local forces will have upper hand due to local knowledge and experience.

Have a look at the picture and keep it in mind while reading the rest of the paragraph.


Can the troops hide themselves among civilians when they want to? How easy it is to conceal themselves and their equipment/ mission from the prying eyes?

Very easy for the special forces that conduct the covert operations because that is part of their training.

Now the picture? Over 4000 vehicles pass through using number of routes in and out of FATA/ Afghanistan and Pakistani settled areas at any given day. It excludes NATO supplies and the movement of the IDPs their relief supplies and supplies for the forces conducting the operations. Official trade between Pakistan Afghanistan stands at over 3 Billion and unofficial / illegal trade is tens fold higher.

Point? The movement of people and goods requires this very limited number of roads. Far from being desolate place, the roads can be very congested and gridlocked just due to sheer and unprecedented traffic or any natural obstacles. So people who are trained not to be seen or identified can easily loose themselves among the crowd especially when they have their very own civilian vehicles and those that are going to “check” the traffic look the other way. Need to know is a very simple rule, FC, levis, friendly militias assist in such movements and only know as much as they need to. They might not know the details, timing or even the destination and any other inquisitive individuals that serve as scouts for the TTP get the **** off nothing to see here asshole look or treatment as the case maybe.

To be honest with you, I didn’t go into details about how the troops moved unnoticed among the public to reach their destination. They didn’t use a direct route and didn’t put on anything which would have screamed their identity and intention.

See this picture below? It was SSG colonel leading the raid on red Mosque. Apart from that M4 he didn’t look any different that the inhabitants of that place. Also read about the lookout of SAS members that conducted the raid on Iranian embassy back in the 80s, they looked like hippies with long hair. so in short the participants of a covert operation can put any drab (apart

from the gillies suit) that will meld them into the environment. which can include local dress as well


beards and moustaches. So no one recognised them as they prepared and closed in to their target until the time they breached the building.

I some how missed it---but anyway a great job. Thank you.

glad you eventually found it. there was a lot of effort and I was not even happy with it but over all got the positive response. the person in question is an ace, he was planning to train the SSG but since 16 Dec he is on the hunt again. hopefully my next instalment will be more explosive and intense whenever we will nab the big TTP fishes and if I am fortunate to get hold of him.

@Irfan Baloch . Just a query is it safe to post details of operating procedures here, as much as a common man can learn here I think those who hate us can learn more.
everything discussed is a text book procedure of COIN and special ops of the world. there is nothing betraying or unique to SSG which can be used as something unknown by the enemy.

it is instead a message to our enemies that we will get them eventually, they can hide in whatever hole, cave, diplomat centre, madrassah, mosque or house but that wont last for longer.
Thank you @Irfan Baloch for the detailed reply. To me the lower pic explained a lot more than the upper pic.

It seems logical that the transit look of the operators would be civilian. The tools would be carried in a manner of civilian goods seems logical as well.

Wish the man good luck from across the border in nabbing the terrorists and sending them to hell.
@Syed.Ali.Haider sorry for tagging you, you were missed when I was proof reading and editing it
it is a bit dated but was one of my hardest work I did compiling this interview to keep it interesting, relevant and to the point without compromising anything horus helped in stylizing the interview to make it easier for readers. hope to getthes. chance to interview the guy again if he ever gets the chance to nail the culprits of 16 Dec school massacre I mean the main planner
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