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Jihadi John identified

Converts are the ones usually more aggressive......clear case of being 'more loyal than the Queen'.....
Whoever he is, if he is identified and gets caught alive, do the following. Hand him over to any relatives of the people he has killed(because they will be able to do this). Cut all his limbs at one go and then burn him instantly, so that he can feel the pain yet cannot dance. And make a video of it and post in ISIS websites.

Sigh...... I am also thinking like them...:hitwall:
Apparently he comes from a fairly rich,well integrated family.

Well,there goes "they're doing this because they're poor and have no jobs and because evil Euro zionists don't give moneyyzzz to them " excuse out the window.
One of "Jihadi John's" friends:

One part from 1.45 is especially funny,i could use it with some posters in here who constanly like to play the victim card

Jihadi John friend:"Your question is racist and inherently islamophobic"

Sky News reporter:"Nonsense.Get over yourself" LMAO :rofl::rofl:
One of "Jihadi John's" friends:

One part from 1.45 is especially funny,i could use it with some posters in here who constanly like to play the victim card

Jihadi John friend:"Your question is racist and inherently islamophobic"

Sky News reporter:"Nonsense.Get over yourself" LMAO :rofl::rofl:

Damn!! I cant believe she said that haha. This guys reminds me so much of some posters here.
'Jihadi John' identified as Mohammed Emwazi of London, reports say
Washington Post says man came from well-to-do family, has degree in computer programming

The "Jihadi John" masked fighter who fronted Islamic State beheading videos is MohammedEmwazi, a Kuwaiti-born Briton from a prosperous family who grew up in London and graduated with a computer programming degree, according to the Washington Post.
In videos released by the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS), the black-clad militant brandishing a knife and speaking with an English accent appears to have decapitated hostages including Americans, Britons and Syrians.

The Washington Post said Emwazi, who used the videos to threaten the West and taunt leaders such as President Barack Obama and British Prime Minister David Cameron, was believed to have travelled to Syria around 2012 and to have later joined ISIS.

"His real name, according to friends and others familiar with his case, is Mohammed Emwazi, a Briton from a well-to-do family who grew up in West London and graduated from college with a degree in computer programming," the Post said.

In each beheading video, he is dressed entirely in black, a balaclava covering all but his eyes and the ridge of his nose. He wears a holster under his left arm.

Hostages gave him the name John as he and other ISIS Britons had been nicknamed the Beatles. Another was dubbed George.

The BBC said Emwazi is suspected of appearing in videos that showed the killings of U.S. journalists James Foley and Steven Sotloff, British aid worker David Haines, British taxi driver Alan Henning, and American aid worker Abdul-Rahman Kassig, who also went by Peter.

The black-clad militant also appeared in videos in January 2015 that showed Japanese hostages Haruna Yukawa and Kenji Goto, who were later killed.

No official confirmation
British government sources and the police refused to confirm or deny the report, citing a live anti-terrorism investigation, a position mirrored by a spokeswoman for Cameron.

"We don't confirm or deny matters relating to intelligence," the spokeswoman said. "I am not going to get into the details of an ongoing police and security investigation."

"We have said since we have seen the awful actions being taken by these terrorists that we are absolutely determined to bring the perpetrators to justice, and the police and the security agencies have been working hard to do that, continue to work hard to do that and that is what we want to see," she said.

Since a video surfaced in August 2014 showing a masked man raging against the United States before apparently beheading U.S. citizen James Foley off camera, "Jihadi John" has been one of the world's most hunted men.

Intelligence services in Britain and the United States were ordered to track down the masked man who became a menacing symbol of the brutality of ISIS. Authorities used a variety of investigative techniques including voice and facial recognition as well as interviews with former hostages.

The services had chosen not to disclose his name for operational reasons.

It was not immediately possible to confirm whether Emwazi is indeed Jihadi John. There was no answer at addresses in London where Emwazi was listed as living.

But the London-based International Centre for the Study of Radicalisation said it believed the detailed Washington Post report was accurate.

Asim Qureshi, the research director for London-based CAGE, a Muslim lobbying group, told The Associated Press that the man in the beheading videos bears "striking similarities" to Emwazi, although he said "there was no way he could 100 per cent certain" because of the hood the militant wore in the videos.

The Post quoted one of Emwazi's close friends as saying: "I have no doubt that Mohammed is Jihadi John. He was like a brother to me ... I am sure it is him."

The Post quoted the friends of Emwazi, who spoke on condition of anonymity, as saying they thought he had started to become radicalized after a planned safari in Tanzania following his graduation from the University of Westminster in London.

They said Emwazi and two friends - a German convert to Islam named Omar and another man, Abu Talib - never made it to the safari. On landing in Dar es Salaam, in May 2009, they were detained by police and held overnight before eventually being deported, they added.

In a statement, the University of Westminster said a Mohammed Emwazi had left the college six years ago. "If these allegations are true, we are shocked and sickened by the news," a spokesperson said.

The Post said Emwazi claimed that representatives from Britain's MI5 security service had tried to recruit him. He later tried to move to Kuwait but was detained by counter terrorism officials in Britain in 2010.

Emwazi was prevented from travelling but eventually found a way to Syria in 2012, it added.
One of "Jihadi John's" friends:

One part from 1.45 is especially funny,i could use it with some posters in here who constanly like to play the victim card

Jihadi John friend:"Your question is racist and inherently islamophobic"

Sky News reporter:"Nonsense.Get over yourself" LMAO :rofl::rofl:
That's how you put those bozos in their place.

He quickly tried to bring the race card as it is a way to silence your opponent these days but it didn't work this time.
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I saw that news conference a few minutes ago.It was absolutely disgusting.In fact,the sad part is that it was the usual routine.They started by saying they don't agree with his actions (ofcourse!!-the usual cliche) .....BUT (yep,it's starts from here as usual)...he is a kind man,it's the MI5's fault for having him on a terror list,for harassing him,it's the Tanzanians authorities fault for harassing him with questions (sic!!),it's the goverment's fault for harassing muslims and especially because they threated their NGO and " Jihadi John" like terrorists----good thing that he proved them wrong :|............Anyway,apparently it's anybody's else's fault but not the guy's who is currently chopping heads in Syria.

Of course "he was a kind man", if he started yelling ALLAHU AKBAR and running naked through the streets of London with a Battle Axe same same wouldn't be said now would it.

If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck.

Converts are the ones usually more aggressive......clear case of being 'more loyal than the Queen'.....

He was born a Kuwaiti, family moved to England. The news organizations sat on this story for months and they still get it wrong. :tsk:
If you're a non-Western man living in the Anglosphere (especially the US), putting up with all the bigotry, odds are good that you'll go berserk too: remember Cho Seung-hui of Virginia Tech fame?
He is one of the filth that was let in here during Tony Blair's wonderful "open gates" policy. :rolleyes:

Anyhow, he is a from a wealthy family, he was educated to a reasonable degree and I find it hard to believe he faced "tough times". He was raised in a part of West London which is known as "Arab central".

He is evil personified.
I saw that news conference a few minutes ago.It was absolutely disgusting.In fact,the sad part is that it was the usual routine.They started by saying they don't agree with his actions (ofcourse!!-the usual cliche) .....BUT (yep,it's starts from here as usual)...he is a kind man,it's the MI5's fault for having him on a terror list,for harassing him,it's the Tanzanians authorities fault for harassing him with questions (sic!!),it's the goverment's fault for harassing muslims and especially because they threated their NGO and " Jihadi John" like terrorists----good thing that he proved them wrong :|............Anyway,apparently it's anybody's else's fault but not the guy's who is currently chopping heads in Syria.

Nobody is trying to justify the barbaric actions of his and others like him but there is a thing called 'other side of the coin' that helps you to put things in perspective and avoid blind hatred.

BBC News - 'Jihadi John' UK harassment claims revealed in emails
Is he an ethnic Kuwaiti Arab born to parents who were naturalized British citizens?
If you're a non-Western man living in the Anglosphere (especially the US), putting up with all the bigotry, odds are good that you'll go berserk too: remember Cho Seung-hui of Virginia Tech fame?

What bigotry?!! This is a highly gross generalization...

The Virginia Tech madman was a socially inept weirdo that took his insecurities and complexes out on innocent college kids...his rant about being a "victim" are ridiculous, especially considering his actions were not in any way aimed towards his tormentors but just anybody and everybody!
Yes...bullying on an individual basis is a problem in the US schools and colleges, but to put a racial spin on it is absolutely preposterous!
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