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Negative rating protocol

What is the point of rating a post negatively if you are going to delete it the next moment? It defeats the whole purpose of negative rating. I am not talking about posts which were rated negatively by someone and then subsequently deleted by someone else later. The game played by Horus here is that he rates it and then immediately deletes it. One would not even know why one is getting a negative rating unless it comes with a warning too, which is how I knew it. As I said before, 11 of my 13 ratings were given by the same person in a similar fashion. So this is not a one off. It is a deliberate "juvenile" game played by him.

A system where a negative or positive rating gets removed on deletion of the post/thread is the only way to stop such repeated childish acts.

Exactly. Just one correction. 3 negative ratings make a post hidden where the reader will have to click on it to view it. If you are going to delete the post in the next second what is the point of rating it? But just as I said before, this kind of infantile behavior is very much expected of the person concerned. Your ability to monitor a forum 24*7 does not necessarily make you mature. Also don't expect any change.

Valid points but no need to attack individuals. You find prob, we fix. Team work.
Dear @WebMaster @Horus

One of my posts was deleted yesterday. I got a message "low quality post"

Now I know what that post was because

1) It was really recent (just yesterday)

2) I only made one post on that thread

Incidentally the post was a photo of Kejri Baal with fat lips after being slapped by someone who came over to garland him. :lol: Can't help it. I break out into uncontrollable guffaws when I see that face.

Anyways, I neither got to know who deleted that post and graded it "low quality".

Nor was there an indication of what the post was.

In such a situation, how does a member protest or ask for a review? We can't keep knocking on your door every time blindly. I mean, some of the ratings/deletions could well be deserved, and find agreement from our side as well. We are human, and do give in to our impulses from time to time ....

Best regards.
Valid points but no need to attack individuals. You find prob, we fix. Team work.

Well this has been happening again and again and when you see that the same individual is repeatedly doing it despite being told about it then it leaves me with no other option. I like to call a spade a spade. I don't really care about ranks here, as ranks are rarely merit based. Anyways I opened this thread in August 2014 and nothing has changed since then. So I am not not holding my breath expecting a "fix".
I break out into uncontrollable guffaws when I see that face.
Its natural instinct that come into play. Being a woman when you see a man in such condition laughter break out.
i suggest admns keep it in mind while rating a post : )
This rating stuff is total and unadulterated bullshit!
Its natural instinct that come into play. Being a woman when you see a man in such condition laughter break out.
i suggest admns keep it in mind while rating a post : )

I hear you. Its the repressed woman-in-a-man's world part of me which subconsciously wants to see men miserable.

Fat lips being just the start.
I hear you. Its the repressed woman-in-a-man's world part of me which subconsciously wants to see men miserable.

Fat lips being just the start.


Centuries of power imbalance men dominance now with education and awareness, i call it Paradigm Shift.
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We generally dont infract [step1 of moderation] a post when it has already been rated negatively [well deserved rating]- we delete it which is the step2 of moderation
We generally dont infract [step1 of moderation] a post when it has already been rated - we delete it which is the step2 of moderation

It should be Infract if a post is rated neg or reverse the rating. Step 2 shouldn't happen because we should now hide if a post is rated negatively (and it truly violates rules).

System doesn't work when people don't follow the guidelines of rating or report things unnecessarily.
I do not know why I can't give positive/ negative ratings. I have a lot to dole out!
Make a recycle bin where all the deleted material go. There see if it can be recycled or disposed off. Hence the poster will get time to present its reasoning and everything.
I hear you. Its the repressed woman-in-a-man's world part of me which subconsciously wants to see men miserable.

Fat lips being just the start.

Oey am I missing something big time or its just that this post of yours is confusing for me?
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