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Answering your previous question.

I learn Sufism from Al-Hakim al-Tirmidzi (205-320 H), Ibnu Qayim (Madarijus Salikin/ not yet completed), Abu Madyan Al-Maghribi (Al-Hikam) (594 H), Al-Ghazali, Ibnu Ataillah (Al-Hikam). I also like inferiority complex theory of Adler and agree on him that we, as a human, has a motivation to be the best over time. I learn from classic books only.

Good to see you well and alive brother. It's been long since we last talked.

Very good choices.

May I also recommend the works of Ibn Arabi (ra) - probably the most famous and most revered Sufi mystic of them all, Abul Hasan ash-Shadhili (ra), Abd al-Qadir al-Jilani (ra), Abdullah ibn Alawi al-Haddad (ra), Abu al-Hasan al-Shushtari (ra) and Muhammad al-Faqih Muqaddam (ra) to mention a few.

More contemporary ones then look out for Habi Umar bin Hafiz and Muhammad Alawi al-Maliki (ra) one of my favorite scholars as I have told you about before.
Good to see you well and alive brother. It's been long since we last talked.

Very good choices.

May I also recommend the works of Ibn Arabi (ra) - probably the most famous and most revered Sufi mystic of them all, Abul Hasan ash-Shadhili (ra), Abd al-Qadir al-Jilani (ra), Abdullah ibn Alawi al-Haddad (ra), Abu al-Hasan al-Shushtari (ra) and Muhammad al-Faqih Muqaddam (ra) to mention a few.

More contemporary ones then look out for Habi Umar bin Hafiz and Muhammad Alawi al-Maliki (ra) one of my favorite scholars as I have told you about before.

Thanks brother, I am alive and healthy, alhamduliLLAH, how are you then....?

This verse is quite amazing

Quran; Ar-Rahman: 37

And when the heaven is split open and becomes rose-colored like oil –




Also how could I forget the great Imam al-Busiri (ra)? Al-Burda remains one of my favorite odes of praise to our beloved Prophet Muhammad (saws).

Thanks brother, I am alive and healthy, alhamduliLLAH, how are you then....?

This verse is quite amazing

Quran; Ar-Rahman: 37

And when the heaven is split open and becomes rose-colored like oil –





I am happy about your well-being.

I am good brother but I am just disillusioned and sad by all the violence, lack of unity etc. in the Arab and Muslim world of late. Not only there but in our world as a whole. Sometimes it all seems so pointless.

Beautiful verse indeed.
@Mugwop Hai mate, how do you do ?

I have a question for you as a New Yorker, can you give me a link of New York government website in here, and if you know, how percentage of New York government budget that is for their state employee salary ??
Also how could I forget the great Imam al-Busiri (ra)? Al-Burda remains one of my favorite odes of praise to our beloved Prophet Muhammad (saws).

I am happy about your well-being.

I am good brother but I am just disillusioned and sad by all the violence, lack of unity etc. in the Arab and Muslim world of late. Not only there but in our world as a whole. Sometimes it all seems so pointless.

Beautiful verse indeed.

Dont worry mate, I think this man will raise soon, inshaALLAH. But of course I believe he is in anti-ISIL camp


ISIL become large because people think that ISIL is a black flag holder. In my opinion what the prophet said about a black flag is actually a secret soldiers, not a literal translation that the soldier really has "a REAL" blag flag. All the ISIL done is actually violating Islamic rules. Very sad for the Naive Follower.

@Mugwop Hai mate, how do you do ?

I have a question for you as a New Yorker, can you give me a link of New York government website in here, and if you know, how percentage of New York government budget that is for their state employee salary ??

Dont worry mate, I think this man will raise soon, inshaALLAH. But of course I believe he is in anti-ISIL camp


ISIL become large because people think that ISIL is a black flag holder. In my opinion what the prophet said about a black flag is actually a secret soldiers, not a literal translation that the soldier really has "a REAL" blag flag. All the ISIL done is actually violating Islamic rules. Very sad for the Naive Follower.

Daesh are textbook Khawarij. Their supporters are demising in numbers and those that have joined them were either brainwashed, fooled or simply people with deep troubles who wanted to escape their depressive life's. Looking for "action" in other words and money. Don't forget that many that have joined them (most in fact) are dropouts or poor local Iraqi and Syrians (frustrated with their countries situation since their birth) and they are paying well I believe. Similar to how the Mexican cartels and other terrorist/criminal organizations lure gullible people.

I refuse to believe that all of them are evil by heart. Something must have gone wrong in the process. I believe that the internet is the main source for brainwashing.

Our brothers and sisters in Indonesia and Southeast Asia as a whole must be vary about the dangers of such terrorist organizations and similar ones and do everything to stop them.
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Daesh are textbook Khawarij.

I thinks, the time has come for all Muslim Countries to join hands and declares them(ISIS, Daes, TTP, Taliban) Fitna-e-KHAWARIJ-2 unanimously and fought this menace collectively; However, I'm against your suggestion to involves west in this fight bcz their direct help is counter productive towards these Zombies.
Daesh are textbook Khawarij. Their supporters are demising in numbers and those that have joined them were either brainwashed, fooled or simply people with deep troubles who wanted to escape their depressive life's. Looking for "action" in other words and money. Don't forget that many that have joined them (most in fact) are dropouts or poor local Iraqi and Syrians (frustrated with their countries situation since their birth) and they are paying well I believe. Similar to how the Mexican cartels and other terrorist/criminal organizations lure gullible people.

I refuse to believe that all of them are evil by heart. Something must have gone wrong in the process. I believe that the internet is the main source for brainwashing.

Our brothers and sisters in Indonesia and Southeast Asia as a whole must be vary about the dangers of such terrorist organizations and similar ones and do everything to stop them.

The present of ISIS is somewhat worrying us, but our responsibility is not now mate. I am also depressed with many bad policy our current leaders decided (nationally and internationally) , but this is the world that is not perfect and just, and we just hope that our present here in this world can make the future become much much better and more just. I can be crazy if I do just nothing in here. No matter the result we can have later, our God knows that we are fighting for Him and trying to make the world as just and better as we can. The future is our responsibility, and knowledgeable persons should take a lead, if not, we will be lead by fools.
FIRST of all we are helping palestine for allahs sake and the muslims and al aqsa mosque. those rats dont represent the majority of palestinians.
second id like to give the refugee rat @Falcon29

You are not helping palestine; just lip service. You dare not give them weapons. If KSA unequivocally supports palestine right to self determination then you could give them weapons if needed and you do not. KSA gives more to America in arms deals than Falcon gives in taxes, furthermore Palestinian americans have no choice, whilst KSA does.
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I know it
This stateless arab-obsessed Berber always bash and try to provoke arabs

Taken from;


Despite being banned 3-4 times in a row lately he has not learnt from his past mistakes and his severe obsession has not been cured. @1000 can also confirm this.

He is giving Algeria and Algerians a bad reputation although they are our brothers and sisters and the Berber people and Arab people are also related people and most have no problems with each other. If he does not stop then write to the moderators as I did. They will deal with him again.

A disturbed individual that changes opinions 24/7 like so many other users here;

Admit what? How can you hate somebody that you don't even freaking know? And Can you say that I hate arabs, when we share blood and culture... For a supposed learned individual, you are really lacking in social skills. Sometimes, you act like an imbecile..and you are showing it here...

9/11: The Rothschild Zionist Connection | Page 2

No Arab user is attacking Berbers ever. We only reply to his insults when we bother.

Algerian brotherly pilgrims in Madinah;

King’s initiative to expand two holy mosques hailed


Algerian pilgrims pose for a picture in Madinah.
Monday 19 January 2015

Most Umrah pilgrims, who come from different parts of the world, visit Madinah as part of their spiritual journey to pray at the Prophet’s Mosque and visit historical places in the holy city.

Arab News met with a group of Algerian pilgrims to get their impressions. “I am very happy to visit Madinah, the city of the Prophet,” said Abdul Aziz Khattab. “It gave me an opportunity to pray at the Prophet’s Mosque,” he said.

Khattab said there are millions of Muslims around the world who want to visit this holy place. “I am thankful to Allah for blessing me to be here and I pray that other faithful also get this golden opportunity.”

Ahmed Abul Qassim, also an Algerian, said he was overjoyed for having gotten the chance to visit Makkah and Madinah.

Abul Qassim highlighted the remarkable progress achieved by Madinah during the past few years. “I have visited this holy city several times in the past when I came to Saudi Arabia for Haj and Umrah. The streets have become wider; there are several five-star hotels near the mosque; and new malls have been established.”

He praised Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Abdullah for giving his instructions to expand the Grand Mosque in Makkah and the Prophet’s Mosque in Madinah in order to create space for the growing numbers of pilgrims and worshippers.

Khaled Abdul Monem, another Algerian, said Muslims in his country love Saudi Arabia and its generous people. “We appreciate the Kingdom’s efforts in supporting countries and people at times of difficulty,” he said.

King’s initiative to expand two holy mosques hailed | Arab News
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@Mugwop Hai mate, how do you do ?

I have a question for you as a New Yorker, can you give me a link of New York government website in here, and if you know, how percentage of New York government budget that is for their state employee salary ??

Dont worry mate, I think this man will raise soon, inshaALLAH. But of course I believe he is in anti-ISIL camp


ISIL become large because people think that ISIL is a black flag holder. In my opinion what the prophet said about a black flag is actually a secret soldiers, not a literal translation that the soldier really has "a REAL" blag flag. All the ISIL done is actually violating Islamic rules. Very sad for the Naive Follower.

http://new-york-employees.findthedata.com/ Maybe this site might help
To any Arab that he/she isn't yet sure about Persians. Here is a video that shows the real Persian mind and how they behave when the sugar coat is removed, and Farsi is used in the closed rooms. This guy is supposed to be a Mullah that has a lot to share with Arabs.

Logically, the large secular and nonreligious portion of the Persian population must be far worse than this guy. Though, I don't necessarily agree with everything the translator has inserted as his own comments (written in red). I should also say that there is nothing new here, but wanted to share with all of those who were too kind to believe that our war and struggle with Persians is pretty much eternal.

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I largely agree with Ahmad Al-Tuwaijri here. A new approach towards the MB is definitely needed. Branding them as a outright terrorist organization has IMO in hindsight also proven to be a wrong approach. It's not going to solve anything either.

Having said that then the MB question is not really crucial for KSA as it is mostly a Egyptian internal matter. Also by far the majority of all people in GCC support their rulers. Hard not to when the situation is much worse wherever they look. Be it north, south, west or east.

Let us see. At the end of the day I don't believe in any serious progress in the regions of the ME that are engulfed in unrest as long as certain fundamental issues are not being solved.

Frankly speaking I am now in favor of a isolationist foreign policy when it comes to the Muslim world. Maybe Turkey being the only exception. The remaining gang is giving us more trouble than benefits. We can't solve all their problems.
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my best friends uncle is the president of the saudi wildlife authority. really smart and the right man on the job. he loves wildlife hes not doing it just as a job. i hope the government will give him the support he needs

What a coincidence brother!

See these videos below;



Sources say that there are less than 250 of them in the wild in our beloved Arabian Peninsula.

I hope they do everything to save them in the wild although it looks like a downward spiral.

So many majestic animals that once roamed the Arabian Peninsula for millenniums have become extinct in the wild in the past 100 years.

From our Arabian lions (last one apparently killed in 1923), to cheetahs to Arabian ostrich to Arabian gazelle to mention a few.:(

Arabian ostrich - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Arabian gazelle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Arabian Leopards, Arabian wolfs, our world-famous and majestic Arabian horses (best horses IMO) and Arabian oryx etc. have survived thankfully. As long as it lasts at least.

Luckily we still have quite a lot of wildlife and a extremely rich sea and bird life.


KSA has many nature parks and reserves. Some very big. Could it be possible to create a big natural park in the mountainous regions of Hijaz or Southwestern KSA for instance and reintroduce those extinct animals? For instance now African lions, cheetahs, gazelles etc.? This would be a dream.:D I know that African gazelles have been introduced into the wild again.

Also tell him that I respect his work a lot and that I wish him all the success with his work. It is much needed and we have faith in him and his team and their work. We MUST save the Arabian leopard and other endangered animals in KSA but also the Arabian Peninsula as a whole. The clock is running. Raising awareness is a must. The word must be spread on social media and especially in areas were it has been sighted.
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