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Monkey's Invade Indian (Chennai) Airport

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Look, when we call Muhammad a pedophile, which he was by the way, you too should not feel offended at all. After all, it is a historical fact that his wife was aged barely 9 (or was it 6?) when he consummated his marriage with her.

In the same vein when you do agree to my statements above and accept the truth that Muhammad should be called a pedophile simply because it is true, then I assure you no Indian will feel offended at your remarks regarding Hanuman.
@Horus @waz @WebMaster @Oscar please bann this one ... he used offensive words against religion
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We have a monkey problem in Lucknow as well. The Indians (hindutvadis) do not let us shoot them. I believe there should be action and all wild animals locked in pens or cages. Its the simplest solution and does not hurt the Indian Hindus sense of respect to all forms of wildlife.

These ugly little creatures jump into our houses which are open type and if the kitchen is unlocked. God, what would happen???

Why don't you move out of lucknow to some place where there are no monkey's then.

Giving a religious turn to this problem is not required. Even dogs, cats, monkey's are protected by animal welfare ministry. There are several cases of monkey and dog bites in delhi itself. So don't create unnecessary arguments and absurd statements like a radical Mullah, when you are not aware of the facts.
There is a difference between curvy women and fat women.


Curvy women are sexy but they are in a minority, most so called curvy women are just fat. Men like the one in the link you provided are betraying the rest of the male population when they give time of day to fat girls.

they are being men !!!

ladies must be fat... call them whatever else... voluptuous, plump, chubby, that new apologetic term ( curvy )... they are halaal and ka-maal, the rest are yuck.

please watch this enlightening vid... ( Women's Ideal Body Types Throughout History | BuzzFeed - Yahoo Screen )... watch the part about the italian renaissance and england.

they are being men !!!

ladies must be fat... call them whatever else... voluptuous, plump, chubby, that new apologetic term ( curvy )... they are halaal and ka-maal, the rest are yuck.

please watch this enlightening vid... ( Women's Ideal Body Types Throughout History | BuzzFeed - Yahoo Screen )... watch the part about the italian renaissance and england.

Yes really. The Greek, Victorian, and English women were all fat in that video. Which is understandable since they were birthing more children and had no way to exercise. Women of today in the west at least have no reason to be in such shape when they are not mothering children and also have access to plenty of gyms.
These stupid low IQ people dont even eat their cows which in turn destroy their crops .But here in pakistan they taste so better with rice :)Their Religion is a mental disorder
Sir, I just had lamb meatball so I don't need to eat cow. Also you don't seem very secular to me.
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