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Free Arab World Pact


والله مافي جواسيس غير اشكالك يا عاهر ، لا فرق بين الحكومة السعودية ولسلطة الفلسطينية الجنسة العميلة أنتم سبب خراب العرب الشعب الفلسطيني متوحد وعن قريب سا نطهر ارض الاضفة من انجاس السلطة
اصلا ان شو بيضمني انك مش اسرائيلي باسم مستعار يا زلمه ؟ شو هاظ ولك ههههه
No two Arabs are equal, one is always less Arab then the next guy.
اصلا ان شو بيضمني انك مش اسرائيلي باسم مستعار يا زلمه ؟ شو هاظ ولك ههههه

هههههههه يفضح عرضكو انت عملا مع اسرايلل وتقولون عن المقاوم يهودي مكشوف بالله عليك :rofl:

حاجة يا رجل وحدو الله
الله يشفيك يا زلمه... مرض! تدفع ضرايب لامريكا و الك عين تتبجح

الله يشفيك يا زلمه... مرض! تدفع ضرايب لامريكا و الك عين تتبجح

ضرايب في طيزك

كل إنسان يتمنا خلافة إسلامية صار مريض حسبي الله ونعم الوكيل فيكم

فعلن شعوب واطية
One day Hazzy you will grow up and see the world for it truly is instead of an empty gun touting parade.

You support your Hamas but what did it ever do for Palestine except effectively giving Israel excuses to destroy Gaza time and again, resistance? What resistance? Immediately throwing human waves at Israel is the stupidest thing that can be done, it was tried and it failed miserably.

I find it laughable that your believe of what constitutes civilized people from uncivilized people is in their capacity to hold AK-47s and RPGs and launching fireworks, you need to open your eyes, you need to realize the reality of the situation and act accordingly.

The MB has done nothing but sow the seed of Islamic extremism in the world.
Mate i really enjoy your rational posts, we need much more of your type here, kudos for this. :tup:
ضرايب في طيزك

كل إنسان يتمنا خلافة إسلامية صار مريض حسبي الله ونعم الوكيل فيكم

فعلن شعوب واطية
يشتم و يقول شعوب واطيه.... ههههه شايف ان يبغالك دكتور نفسي ؟

لا تضيعوا وقتكم بالشرح, فالناس لا يسمعوا إلا ما يريدون

I'm generally a Republican, I don't believe anyone should receive any special treatment based on birthright as a result of conquests made by their ancestors. The monarchy is generally (from whom I've talked to) seen as a novel part of Egyptian history, people only seem interested in the excesses of Farouk and his subsequent life in exile rather than the politcal wrangling that resulted in the 1952 revolution.

I've sworn an oath of allegiance to the British monarch, in that regard there's not much I can actually say.

I am neither pro-monarchy or anti-republican. I am pro whatever the people of a particular state choose to be governed by. I also believe that absolute rule (whatever form it may have) is outdated and wrong. I mean both the first recorded monarchs appeared in the Arab world and so did the first semi-republican city states. The tradition of absolute rule is just so strong in the Arab world that it will be a long process to change that. I am hopeful though.

Yes, hence the contradiction I was alluding to.

Anyway may the madness continue. I got an exam tomorrow. Bloody hell, PDF is going to ruin my life……Screw this place.:lol:
يشتم و يقول شعوب واطيه.... ههههه شايف ان يبغالك دكتور نفسي ؟

ههه بتستحقو اكثر من شتامه يا واطيين قرف يقرفكم شعوب بسوش تعريفة الكم سبعين سنة ولا إنسان فيكم طلع في مظاهرة
@Falcon29 when you gonna join Hamas instead of text jihad
ولك كس أمك الشرموطة

According to your logic anyone that has a narrative that is 100% right for region has to go fight ? Why? There are more than enough men to fight you dumb backwards trashi Iraqi Saddam put you in your place.
ولك كس أمك الشرموطة

According to your logic anyone that has a narrative that is 100% right for region has to go fight ? Why? There are more than enough men to fight you dumb backwards trashi Iraqi Saddam put you in your place.
i just want you to know that no matter what you say... I STILL LOVE YOU :smitten:
Seriously how do you people become so stupid??? Half of you here are wanna be Western seculars who do not understand politics and other half of regime worshippers.
ولك كس أمك الشرموطة

According to your logic anyone that has a narrative that is 100% right for region has to go fight ? Why? There are more than enough men to fight you dumb backwards trashi Iraqi Saddam put you in your place.

There are more than enough, yes. However, you're talking war, no one else is on this forum.

It's funny to see you laud Saddam, a known drunkard, misogynist, and mass murderer. Funnily enough the last leader to support Pan-Arabism with Iraq as its center. But don't let his excesses and corruption get in the way of pushing your own twisted views, you're too honorable to support anyone crooked. But then again we are corrupt so we can't really talk.
ولك كس أمك الشرموطة

According to your logic anyone that has a narrative that is 100% right for region has to go fight ? Why? There are more than enough men to fight you dumb backwards trashi Iraqi Saddam put you in your place.

No but you're battling here on a forum, it's better to use that anger in war, join Hamas instead.

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