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Free Arab World Pact

OK, we will realise the demands of Ansar Beit Almaqdis.

Yallah I'm off to the Presidential palace to tell Sisi to resign, and then go to EgySat 1 and televise a conference by the Mufti of ABM in which he claims Egypt for the Caliphate and reiterates his fealty to Imam Almo'minin, The glorious leader, captain, grand ayatollah, Albaghdadi.

Funny I'm not even an Arab Nationalist but you continue to try and label me, taghoot, murtad, Arab nationalist, what's next? they're all equally wrong but who cares.

It was disastrous the first time, what's the point in repeating it.

Militias used to be ordinary neglected Egyptians. You are refusing to see root of problem. And I don't care anymore, the region will change at rapid pace. All Arab regimes will be punished. Arab nationalism is thing of past. The coup and war against Islam by certain Arab nationalists was the most major mistake of world history. It has backfired.
Militias used to be ordinary neglected Egyptians. You are refusing to see root of problem. And I don't care anymore, the region will change at rapid pace. All Arab regimes will be punished. Arab nationalism is thing of past. The coup and war against Islam by certain Arab nationalists was the most major mistake of world history. It has backfired.

The root causes must be addressed but that does not excuse radicalization and terrorism. I'm well aware of what the causes of radicalization are, and they exhibit themselves world wide not just in Egypt and much like the rest of the world the people will not bow down to the demands of terrorists nor be coerced by them.

By the way they are not militias, they are terrorist organisations, but I'll let you dwell upon the difference but then again you won't find one.

Also I'm sure the Taliban are ordinary people who were neglected, as are the TTP, AQ, and your new darling ISIS
I believe Arab world can only work in three camps. One Shia camp, one Arab pensinula camp. And one Arab Sunni pact which I will mention here.

The free Arab world camp will include Algeria, Gaza, Sudan, Tunis, Libya , Hezbollah in Lebanon , Morroco(If tensions with Algeria settle) and Egyptian Sinai if possible. Maybe Jordan if possible.

I can't trust any other Arab nation as of now. I'm sorry, although I know there are good Arabs amongst other nations I mentioned. I didn't mention Syria , Iraq because Syria is in conflict and Iraq is very sectarian. The stable nations are honestly full of sick people and corruption.

These nations and parts of nations I mentioned share so much love towards each other. Especially Sudan , Algeria, Palestine , Tunis and Libya . The people love each other. And what would relieve us is pact together of economic /political ties. I as Palestinian would much rather have those 4 nations as neighbors to us rather than Egypt and Jordan. Sinai under CC is unable to have ties with us it used to. But we are very close peoples. if possible in future we need such pact. This is one of those ideas that actually can work unlike unrealistic total Arab unity.


These are ties we Palestinians wish we could have. Egypt has oppressed us along with Israel for all these years its not possible to have relation with them and the media in Egypt is trying hard to get Egypt and Hamas into conflict.

@Mootaz-khelifi @Tunisian Marine Corps @Ceylal

Nationalism is Haram, we all know why. Nationalism is the reason why we are now divided into 57 states. So i dont support this pact. We should work on building a Khalifat instead.
Nationalism is Haram, we all know why. Nationalism is the reason why we are now divided into 57 states. So i dont support this pact. We should work on building a Khalifat instead.

I agree, but if you demand that Arab nationalists will treat you like enemy. Because they hate God and his prophet ....
I agree, but if you demand that Arab nationalists will treat you like enemy. Because they hate God and his prophet ....

Before 1914 we used to call ourselves "muslims" now look at how divided we are. Arab Nationalism was started by Lawrence, not only did the British divided the muslims they also divided the Arabs. Now we call our selves "Iraqi, Egyptian, Pakistan" instead of Muslim.
Before 1914 we used to call ourselves "muslims" now look at how divided we are. Arab Nationalism was started by Lawrence, not only did the British divided the muslims they also divided the Arabs. Now we call our selves "Iraqi, Egyptian, Pakistan" instead of Muslim.

Please educate these Arabs brother. No matter how many facts are in front of them they will still ride that bandwagon.

Are you ok? What is going on?

You speak against this mythical Arab nationalism knowing fully fell that Arab nationalism equals the failed secular SOCIALIST/DICTATOR movements of the 1960's and 1970's which hijacked true Arab brotherhood.

Arab nationalism is found in every single Arab. Islamist or non-Islamist. Arab nationalism in this case meaning the cooperation of the Arab people. It just means Arab brotherhood. That's all.

I am a supporter of that but I do not care about Saddam, Nasser, Gaddafi or whatever. Nor any other leaders.

Before 1914 we used to call ourselves "muslims" now look at how divided we are. Arab Nationalism was started by Lawrence, not only did the British divided the muslims they also divided the Arabs. Now we call our selves "Iraqi, Egyptian, Pakistan" instead of Muslim.

Arab nationalism has always existed and will always exist as long as the 450 million Arabs are alive.

Prophet Muhammad (saws) and the Prophets before him did not renounce their Arab and Semitic heritage, the Ahl al-Bayt, the Caliphs nor Sahaba. Rather the contrary. Yet they were the greatest Muslims ever alive.

Besides your username contains a name of a recent country (Pakistan), you write on a Pakistani nationalist forum (mainly) yet write what you write. It makes no sense.

This thread itself has Arab nationalistic movements. Just in a Islamic garb.

Ultimately all of us Arabs want better times. Those are our problems and we have to solve them. I as an Arab want all the best for my fellow people and world (Arab world). I can think that way and be a observing Muslim at the same time.

Also with all due respect then foreigners cannot dictate what Arabs should feel, say or do.

I for instance do not care about foreigners views of Arabs and the Arab world at the end of the day. Whether insults or praise.

The failed leaderships and dictatorships have to go ultimately. How is the question.

But no single Arab leader is an Arab nationalist. That's pure nonsense.

Arab nationalism (I don't even like that wording - it's an 200 year old European concept) or as I prefer to say Arab brotherhood and solidarity is well and alive. In the Arab Islamic world and on every other field.
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Are you ok? What is going on?

You should have seen how he was lauding and justifying the cowardly attack on SA soldiers by ISIS on a thread that has been removed.
You should have seen how he was lauding and justifying the cowardly attack on SA soldiers by ISIS on a thread that has been removed.

I did not see that but if correct then that's very disappointing as no Saudi Arabian user has shown any disrespect to fallen Palestinian martyrs.

I wrote another post to him on the Arabic Coffee Shop just a few minutes ago.

Arabic Coffee shop | Page 319

Hazzy clearly has had a few bad days. You can sense that by his posts. We all have them. We should not be fighting this way here. None of us are responsible for anything. We all want better times for our countries and the Arab world.

Are you ok? What is going on?

You speak against this mythical Arab nationalism knowing fully fell that Arab nationalism equals the failed secular SOCIALIST/DICTATOR movements of the 1960's and 1970's which hijacked true Arab brotherhood.

Arab nationalism is found in every single Arab. Islamist or non-Islamist. Arab nationalism in this case meaning the cooperation of the Arab people. It just means Arab brotherhood. That's all.

I am a supporter of that but I do not care about Saddam, Nasser, Gaddafi or whatever. Nor any other leaders.

Arab nationalism has always existed and will always exist as long as the 450 million Arabs are alive.

Prophet Muhammad (saws) and the Prophets before him did not renounce their Arab and Semitic heritage, the Ahl al-Bayt, the Caliphs nor Sahaba. Rather the contrary. Yet they were the greatest Muslims ever alive.

Besides your username contains a name of a recent country (Pakistan), you write on a Pakistani nationalist forum (mainly) yet write what you write. It makes no sense.

This thread itself has Arab nationalistic movements. Just in a Islamic garb.

Ultimately all of us Arabs want better times. Those are our problems and we have to solve them. I as an Arab want all the best for my fellow people and world (Arab world). I can think that way and be a observing Muslim at the same time.

Also with all due respect then foreigners cannot dictate what Arabs should feel, say or do.

I for instance do not care about foreigners views of Arabs and the Arab world at the end of the day. Whether insults or praise.

The failed leaderships and dictatorships have to go ultimately. How is the question.

But no single Arab leader is an Arab nationalist. That's pure nonsense.

Arab nationalism (I don't even like that wording - it's an 200 year old European concept) or as I prefer to say Arab brotherhood and soldiery is well and alive. In the Arab Islamic world and on every other field.
He always bring politics and to military threads and ruin them

Like Jordan armed forces thread
Egyptian military thread

He use these threads to attack the governments of these countries
He always bring politics and to military threads and ruin them

Like Jordan armed forces thread
Egyptian military thread

He use these threads to attack the governments of these countries

I agree that those threads should be kept out of such nonsense discussions.

I just remember his wars with @BLACKEAGLE . Those were not constructive at all. Now Blackeagle is active on that other forum (you know which - totally forgot about it) and we lost a great user and fellow Arab who by no means is anti-Palestine at all. I remember that before Hazzy became a user on PDF Blackeagle was very vocal in his support. Also on the Arabic forums. We all were and are.

What we Arabs need to learn is to accept pluralism. It is a big mystery for me why we have such a hard time doing that knowing the enormous diversity of our societies. There are 450 million of us home and abroad and 450 million different opinions yet it appears to me that we only have 3-4 main narratives.

Either a misunderstood concept of Arab nationalism (which I personally prefer calling Arab brotherhood and solidarity instead), Islamism, pro-regime or anti-regime. The first has both conservatives, liberals and socialists. The anti- and pro regime supporters are also a diverse bunch. Yet it appears to me that at the end of the day there are only those 4 options.

Something is wrong when that is the case.

What about me? I am a a Muslim. I am not anti-Islam or anti-religion. I am a conservative person in terms of preserving our rich Arab and Islamic heritage. Yet at the same time I also respect our great, mostly Semitic, pre-Islamic past which was barely rivaled by anyone if any during antiquity. Yet I am also liberal in the sense that I am against absolutism and dictatorships. I understand that all 450 million Arabs cannot have the same views and be like robots. Hence I support pluralism. In KSA for instance I would love to see the various Sunni schools being optional in the state clergy (not only Hanbali fiqh), that sufism was not looked down upon and that Shias got more to say in their own country.

I am no regime supporter either but I prefer stability over bloodshed and prefer people to remove their regimes gradually for this reason. Why? Because I know that either the Western or Eastern powers are supporting the various Arab regimes.

Is it really worth it to remove a regime if your progress is stopped for 10-20 years? Is it not better to work for that gradually? Societies need to change first before regimes will fall. People themselves must by large understand that there are better options out there.

Where do you categorize me? I have been called all of the above. Most of the Arabs are like me yet we have no power to get our views across it seems because those 3-4 narratives have hijacked everything.
You guys are crazy, you are naive and think these regimes or any alternative you hope for are working for the good of our people. Let alone how your Arab nations treat Palestinians like sheep. The only truthful Arab is an Islamist Arab and I used to be confused at ISIS approach but now I realize they are doing all Arabs a favor.
You guys are crazy, you are naive and think these regimes or any alternative you hope for are working for the good of our people. Let alone how your Arab nations treat Palestinians like sheep. The only truthful Arab is an Islamist Arab and I used to be confused at ISIS approach but now I realize they are doing all Arabs a favor.

Read post 39 and 41 and tell me where I support any regimes. Carefully read my post number 41 especially Hazzy.

This thread is doing nothing but creating trolling.

What have ISIS to do with anything? I hope that you realize what they truly are. They are not doing us any favor but creating more anti-Muslim and anti-Arab sentiment and more misery in Syria and Iraq. Like there was not enough of that already due to regimes.
Not talking about you personally but about 80% of Arab world and their people who do. Also the brainless Egyptians on this forum who are slap happy nationalist to point where their mind is polluted and they throw blame elsewhere for their problems. Once you go back to Arab world you will recognize this problem. Saying we don't support them isn't enough. Or hoping for even worse stooge democratic government. what we need is a real Muslim leader and Islamic state. Because Muslims don't screw each other over , Arabs do.

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