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China wants military base in Pakistan

Gwadar is a one of the major pain in the arse of US and some other countries which include some Muslim countries too. And it is One of the two reason due to which US wishes to fcuk our arse and doing so and has made such a hell out of our lives in Pakistan.

This whole game being played from Afghanistan against Pakistan, Gwadar and China are the most important ones, then comes the nukes.

The "cause" is that many don't know for sure what China's motive is, compounded with lack of understanding of Chinese behavior pattern, so whatever we say, due to their own insecurity, they don't believe. To put it bluntly, China is an exception with regard to Bible.

Pak has really been through a hard time. We did what we should, we stand firm for Pakistan, and amonst all the chaotic illusions happpened in and around Pakistan, we see Pak is actually standing next to a door of golden opportunity. We hope we were right, and only what happens next will tell. :toast_sign:
There are no american base in Taiwan, there are no america soldiers.
A indian base in Taiwan???:rofl: Taiwanese just respect US, they just think indian like a joke just like japanese. :lol:

Read my post again. I never said nor insinuated that the Yanks have a base in Taiwan - I spoke of their "astounding military presence". Almost all weapons in Taiwan are American and the USA is committed to protect any Chinese aggression on Taiwan militarily.

"Taiwanese just respect US, they just think indian like a joke just like japanese. :lol" - Let me assure you - they laugh the loudest at the Chinese who despite their posturing can't get a small island which they have been claiming of their own. In your words - "In Taiwan - China is big big joker of the pack" lol. They lost to pi$$ of the Chinese just to show their independence - like inviting the Dalai Lama who went there last year or in 2008.
CHINESE base in PAKISTAN would be a great leverage against our overt enemies like INDIA and ISRAEL,and a headache and set back for the imperialitic desires of our so called allies who really are covertly our enemies and are the reason of the distability in pak.

Up to where a common man stands on the issue of CHINESE base well its quite simple u just go to pak and do a survey from a 100 pakistanis from a street vendor to a banker and stock broker and I can say this with sureity all will say yes to CHINA and a huge “NO” to america and co.The reason being simple time and time again CHINA has proved itself a worthy friend who connects with the people of pak unlike americans who connects to elite only plus AMERICA has always abondened us when its intrest fades away.

Plus I would also like to point out regardless of the saying “countries don’t have friends mere intrests” what I beleive and its my opinion that eastern powers like RUSSIA and CHINA and even JAPAN are comparatively not as selfish as the western powers,they tend not to abondon their friends even if they have no more intrest from that particular country in other words they start to consider them as friends as b/w individuals,in simple words east has bits of humanity left unlike west which is totally selfish and materialistic in its core,maybe the bonding factor lies in the basic family values and traditions which are somewhat same in east regardless of religion and ethnicity,all in all I would trust a eastern power way over my head then a western power any day any time.

A constant argument is being put forward by our honourable indian members that ur soverignty will be compromised,and some of my fellow comrades also agree ,I ask of u all this ask ur self honestly is our sovereignty still intact with american drones crossing into our air space every day and we are not able to do anything about it,my friends and comrades we are becoming a mere colony of america and to avoid this the only check mate we can play is china which will stall if not stop all evil plans of covert and overt enemies.

Giving chinese a naval base would serve both our intrests it will be more of psychological then actual threat to our enemies even if chinese don’t agree to intervene in any indo pak fature standoffs,it will be a fear factor even for the western powers,more over it will benefit china economicaly and strategically u all know that.and I assure u there won’t be any chinese version of black water in pakistan playing with our sovereignty.

Some indian honourable members also raised the point that technological sources from the west will be dried up,tell me this if western technology is so superior then why don’t they back taiwan for declaration of independence,why fear the so called chinese inferior machinery,the truth is chinese military hardware has catched up fast and is worth more then its price tag.unlike the ridiculous prices attached with western equipment.which I wont pay at all the machines are fine but the prices not up for it man.take ur junk away west.and china certainly is catching up fast only problem is the western propaganda that chinese made is inferior.tell me this why all western countries have their manufacturing plants in china.bcuz it brings them huge profits.plus chinese get their hands on new tech americans would so much like to stop this but how could it roll back the capitalist nature of its own ppl.so no there wont be a tech drought infact china will be our source.

Only countries aming to become a super power don’t allow other country’s military in their country pakistan has no aim to become a super power rather just enough force to defend against its enemies,and for a super power like america we need chinese forces and supply of chinese hardware which in war time will be sustained by chinese mass production abilities like russians beat the nazis superior tech only becuz of there mass production abilities.so I am all for china and againsta any westren presence.i will celebrate the day china innagurates its first base in PAK,pak china freindship forever,pakistan zindabad:pakistan::china:
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LOL - just as we speak - here is another example of the Taiwanese pissing off the Chinese. This is today's headline

BBC News - China warns US over proposed arms sales to Taiwan

Nice - the Chinese warning the Americans.

Your post just said that why china still leave Taiwan issue is because of US...
And Taiwan was never a independent nation, deny it? Ask your PM, he will tell you.
And really, India and your PM is just laughed at like a cry baby in china, Taiwan and japan. We just see india as a poor dirty country.:lol:
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Mods can any throw some light on why my post was deleted from this thread? It was in no way offensive or abusive.

This was not expected on this forum.
Mods can any throw some light on why my post was deleted from this thread? It was in no way offensive or abusive.

This was not expected on this forum.

Your post was a Gem It took me 20 mins to find. Never mind it happens just chillax. There are many those who have retained your points in memory.

I am no fan of India by any means however, whatever our differences with India today, there is nothing that cannot be sorted out through dialogue, and if we are enemies today, with hopefully wise people on both sides, we may be able to bridge this cycle of hatred from within our societies.

But by Chinese bases in Pakistan, that will not happen and India/Pakistan may as well be prepared for a further very long process of confrontation with ech other as China will be replacing the US.

Clearly India will be on edge as it will face a threat from north and west far greater then before, and we should play no part in making India feel surrounded and work on a solution with India. I am all up for friendship with China, but not giving them our soil to build bases on.......why do we never learn from our mistakes of the past......China will always ultimately put its interests upmost. An enemy of an enemy is a friend may not work in our favour here as ultimately India will have to come to some sort of decision, can it actually deal with the dragon, truly and if not what can it do, either a foreign military having a base in India, which I dount the Indians will aloow but the future is never known with such a Chinese footprint or India will have to go with a more rigorous defence re-structure to counter the threat from all sides.....China is not helping and I believe this is a confrontational step as they are clearly pointing their finger to India being the enemy.....

I would suggest India changes its positon and attitude radically and Pakistan work with India towards a solution........no fence, but the Indians are more closer to us then the Chinese are even though we have fought wars and hate each other.......we shared a common culture and history, which cannot be ignored.

Wow what a great post. Dhan Dhan Dhan ho gya...I can see many nervous red faces...
I hope people from both sides should read your comments.

Just few point (not for your post but for thread).

Any military expert can tell these jingo that chinese base in Pakistan is an escalation and offence against India and means war for sure. There should be a very sound reasons to place force concentration in Pakistan for China. Last year i heard from some defence analysts that china may place few missiles beyond LOC very quickly during war between Pakistan and India. I think china will never come openly to disclose that it has an exclusive base in Pakistan. This is the only practicality which china will practise.

As far as Pakistan is concerned i don't think china will challenge its sovereignty like other may do, further china will enhance Pakistani defence capabilities and dependency too. However It will be very difficult for India to counter infiltration and force Pakistan to curb terrorism.

What India has done to pressurise Pakistan has been its closed envelope of all possible options including war will become less effectual. India believe in that closed envelope of all options.

I know many here would jump to rant that India always talk about all open options against Pakistan but has never used. But any person in Pakistani school of defence understand the meaning of that envelope (i wont go in details). We can afford to the same way we been pressurising Pakistan post insurgency in Kashmir but would be a different story and most probably end up in a full scale war or as Gazzi Sir has mentioned we will open our doors to many other nations (which is unlikely per my perception). Thus history will repeat itself. Subcontinent will become slave of those cunt powers again(i am getting emotional now ;) ).

So as per my perception India will never open its doors for others but will try to solve those issues under extreme pressure or will indulge into restless defence preparations and will prepare to counter both.

However India may be able to gains heaps as vkurian mentioned in one of his post.

But if i am Pakistan then i will definitely try my luck for sure to invite china in Pakistan operating and using all military resources at disposal.

Mods can any throw some light on why my post was deleted from this thread? It was in no way offensive or abusive.

This was not expected on this forum.

Yeah, for Indians its never abusive or offensive.

Well, if this wasn't expected, then plz join Indian forums and get your offensive and abusive posts about Pakistan posted there.

Why whining.
Tiwan should have been invaded long time ago I don't know ...its like a pimple ... and US keeps feeding it wepons
It must be squashed ...
Your post just said that why china still leave Taiwan issue is because of US...
And Taiwan was never a independent nation, deny it? Ask your PM, he will tell you.
And really, India and your PM is just laughed at like a cry baby in china, Taiwan and japan. We just see india as a poor dirty country.:lol:

Actually, Taiwan held the UN Seat that China holds now - and the USA and most countries who matter recognized Taiwan and not PRC. It changed in 1979. Oh and during the height of apartheid in South Africa - Taiwanese were given "honorary white" status - so Taiwanese could use best of services while Chinese were not.

"We just see india as a poor dirty country" - that is both your privilege and your right. There are many things the world sees China as but I am not going to goad you or get into a mudslinging match. And yes - India is a poor country and it is often a dirty country - admitting it give me no joy but unless I admit there is a problem how am I going to work toward resolving it?
Actually, Taiwan held the UN Seat that China holds now - and the USA and most countries who matter recognized Taiwan and not PRC. It changed in 1979. Oh and during the height of apartheid in South Africa - Taiwanese were given "honorary white" status - so Taiwanese could use best of services while Chinese were not.

"We just see india as a poor dirty country" - that is both your privilege and your right. There are many things the world sees China as but I am not going to goad you or get into a mudslinging match. And yes - India is a poor country and it is often a dirty country - admitting it give me no joy but unless I admit there is a problem how am I going to work toward resolving it?

Nice to see that Indians glorify the apartheid.
It's an excellent idea for China to have several military bases in Pakistan. They should start with one in Miram Shah, one in Wana and one in Mingora. The Chinese should build housing for their families to join them as well. Nothing like having military bases in your neighbor's territory to promote greater friendship. Of course, Pakistan should have bases in China to reciprocate.
It's an excellent idea for China to have several military bases in Pakistan. They should start with one in Miram Shah, one in Wana and one in Mingora. The Chinese should build housing for their families to join them as well. Nothing like having military bases in your neighbor's territory to promote greater friendship. Of course, Pakistan should have bases in China to reciprocate.
A much better response was expected from a person of your caliber.
China should have a base in Pakistan,Why not? Blackwater has a base in Pakistan. Al Queda has bases in Pakistan, Taliban has bases in Pakistan. Organised criminals like Dawood has established a base in Karachi, so why not China? That will bring more money to Pakistan.

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