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Recognition of Kashmir State.


Nov 1, 2010
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United States

The Big protests World Wide, provide a very sound impetus to Jammu and Kashmirs to struggle for Recognition of Kashmir State.

The recognition of Kashmir Independent State has to be done on the lines of Palestine State, and South Sudan.

Already 4 countries has recognised Palestinian State, and its moving forward nicely.

Final Solution is the recognition of Kashmir State, and first two countries to accept will have to be India and Pakistan, followed by Muslim, Central-South Asians Countries, China, rest of Asian Countries, African continent, European states, Americas and Australians etc etc.

Pakistan has to play its Role to Recognise the Kashmir Independant state, and unite Azad Kashmir to FREE Indian Occupied Kashmir.

Great Advantages of Independent Kashmir from Indian illegal occupation:

Independent Jammu & Kashmir:
Justifications & Advantages

Courtesy of Kashmir Online

Keeping in view a number of historical facts and the current situtaion in Jammu & Kashmir, one reaches the clear conclusion that the best and most logical solution of the Kashmir issue is to re-unite Indian and Pakistani controlled parts of Jammu Kashmir State ( the Vale of Kashmir, Jammu, Ladakh, Azad Kashmir and Gilgit-Baltistan) and make it a fully independent country having friendly relations with both India and Pakistan. An independent Jammu & Kashmir can be a neutral country and act as a bridge between India and Pakistan. This would be the best, practicable, equitable, democratic and permanent solution of the issue.

Justification for the reunification and complete independence of Jammu Kashmir:

  • Unless the Jammu & Kashmir dispute is resolved a nuclear war in South Asia seems imminent.

  • Jammu & Kashmir has been an independent country for about three-fourths of its history. A unique culture and identity exists which incorporates the diversity of all the sub-units of J&K. In, short Jammu & Kashmi was and is a nation.

  • According to a gallop poll conducted by a famous Indian national weekly, Outlook, in 1995, 72 percent of the people interviewed in Kashmir Valley stand for complete independence.
    Although the percentage of pro-independence people in the entire State may not be that high, the majority of people in the State are also pro-independence.

  • The founding-fathers of both India and Pakistan stand committed to complete independence of Kashmir. Pundit Jawaharlal Nehru of India declared on August 9, 1951 and Indian representative Mr Gopala Swami Ayengar declared from the rostrum of UN Security Council on Jan. 15, 1948 that India fully recognised Kashmiris’ right to complete independence whereas the father of Pakistani nation Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah’s policy statements of June 17, July 11, and 30 of 1947 fully recognised Kashmiris’ right to independence.

  • Jammu & Kashmir has historically been independent and for a good reason - its geography. With the highest mountains in the world suroounding it, Jammu & Kashmir is naturally isolated from India and Pakistan. Therefore, a re-unified Jammu & Kashmir is naturally defended. It could be a neutral territory and would be viable from a security point of view.

  • Once it is re-united and independent, Kashmir has the potential of becoming the most prosperous and advanced country in the entire region within a short period of time through eco-tourism and technology-based development. An independent Jammu & Kashmir is therefore economically viable.

  • Kashmiris are a politically conscious people with overall literacy rate far higher than that of India and Pakistan.

  • The population of the State is more than the individual populations of as many as 127 UN member nations and its area larger than that of 97 of them.

  • In an era of economic globalization, borders mean less and less statregically and economically. Indian and Pakistani concerns over security and water rights from Jammu & Kashmir would be ensured by a series of treaties and the creation of a tri-partite permanent monitoring commission. Therefore the national interests of India and Pakistan would be met, while honoring the national rights of the people of Jammu & Kashmir to have their sovereignty.

  • The injustice meted out in the last 50 years has alienated the people of Jammu & Kashmir from both India and Pakistan - so much so that independence is the only acceptable solution to the conflict.
Advantages of an independent Jammu Kashmir

Such a solution could be achieved

  • without hurting the national egos of India and Pakistan (as neither of them will have to hand over Kashmir territory now under her control to the other),

  • without harming India’s secularism or Pakistan’s Two Nation Theory,

  • without causing communal riots,

  • without causing mass migrations,
  • without incurring heavy expenses on implementation of the solution

  • and without causing serious administrative problems.

  • Solving the Jammu & Kashmir problem with eliminate the need for the governments of india and pakistan to allocate huge portions of their annual budget to defence spending, thus diverting precious resources away from economic development.

  • What is all the more important, this solution will demolish the wall of animosity standing between India and Pakistan which has been eating into the very vitals of both of them and will build a bridge of friendship between the two.

This peaceful, practicable, equitable and permanent solution of Kashmir issue will not only herald the
dawn of a new peaceful, prosperous and glorious era for both India and Pakistan and benefit rest of the world indirectly but will also rid 13 million Kashmiris of the continuous agony that they have been in for the last half a century. All that India and Pakistan will have to do to achieve this all-important objective is to part with the territories of Jammu Kashmir now under their respective control. This price is not even one-thousandth part of what India and Pakistan will get in return in the shape of permanent peace, prosperity and glory.

With such sound facts in its favour, isn’t the independence of Jammu Kashmir State the best and the most justified solution of the issue?

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The disputed territory of Jammu and Kashmir has to be recognized as the independent and sovereign,state... diplomatically or otherwise.
So when you gonna declare your part of kashmir as independent state ?
That will be a good start right ?

FYI. The Pakistani side if at all there is one, is called "Azad Kashmir", it has its own Prime Minister, own Azad Kashmir Government, Own Cabinet, own treasury etc etc. Pakistan has already recognised, its time to declare the Indian occupied Independent Sovereign state and have it recognised, the protests have to pressure and highlight the need for an Independent Kashmir state.
Whats the count of 'Free Kashmir/Gift us Kashmir' threads?

Why do we need to open new threads? I am sure there is a kashmir sticky thread and "vigorous" members should feel free to write on that thread whenever they feel so....
The disputed territory of Jammu and Kashmir has to be recognized as the independent and sovereign,state... diplomatically or otherwise.

u can start by declaring the part held by you !! also try to get back the part gifted to China !

India has a enormous market ... no country with an interest in business (which is pretty much everyone) would risk that for your wet dreams.

And thats just one of a dozen reasons.........................

Same was said for Palestine and South Sudan, even weaker states, but 4 countries has recognised Palestine as of now, as an independent state has it not. what is the issue recognising Kashmir has an independent state?
Same was said for Palestine and South Sudan, even weaker states, but 4 countries has recognised Palestine as of now, as an independent state has it not. what is the issue recognising Kashmir has an independent state?

1.) Where are the MASS international protests?

2.) Did Israel ever get the same economic attention as India?
The disputed territory of Jammu and Kashmir has to be recognized as the independent and sovereign,state... diplomatically or otherwise.

Jammu and Kashmir is not disputed. It is integral part of India. Get your facts right.
By the way I head that million march has been renamed hundred march

I like this crying... and counting...

As much as the Indians come and say this, it has flop, no numbers, the more assurances and happiness every Kashmiri gets, that how much butt-hurt Indians are that the Kashmir March has achieved its objectives. Enemy burns means something good has begun.

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