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Anti Hindi storm brewing in Tamilnadu

the Kandy court was Tamil, Kandyan kings were Tamils (Buddhist converts), the Kandy perahera was introduces by the Tamil queens from Madurai, the granite architecture of Dalada Maligai was based upon Pandyan architecture , the pre - Buddhist religion of Kanyans was the Pattni cult - worship of a Tamil heroine yet you have the nerve to relegate Tamil as 'regional" and "Indian intervention" - when the so called India was under the British

Actually the court was not Tamil but it was the language that king used so it led to a situation that nobles of Kandyan kingdom were keen on learning it. Besides the national langue stayed as Sinhala. Your other points are non-commentable because no one claim the things you have mentioned as pure Sinhalese of origin.

The Tamil diaspora itself stand at 7 to 8 million which is almost half the size of the Sinhala population in genocidal Lanka, hope you understand its implications and influence

There are 60 million Tamils in India and they do not want or have a separate country. We needn't worry about the 8-9 million butt hurt stateless Tamils. They can all go to India if they do not like it in Sri Lanka. Or besides carve out a new nation from Canada or Australia.
not much fuss about language in pakistan.. punjabi is the biggest language but we don't let it get into our heads… we still use urdu as the national language something which almost all pakistanis speak.

Seems Pakistan don't promote any other language apart from Urdu. ;)

First of all i will never ever take achazai seriously after his recent support for Noora against Imran khan.Even saqib surrani is now backing off.

So you have no issue if Pashto language is degraded and Urdufied but interested in Tamils sensitive to their language. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Unfortunately for him, there was no Direct Action Day equivalent in the South, and support for him, even among Muslims remained insignificant.

@SarthakGanguly I am replying to your comment here. Do you remember the same man who was found supporting Tamils against imposition of Hindi in 1941 was found saying to Bengalis in Dhaka in 1948, "Urdu and only Urdu shall be the national language of Pakistan"
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Actually the court was not Tamil but it was the language that king used so it led to a situation that nobles of Kandyan kingdom were keen on learning it. Besides the national langue stayed as Sinhala. Your other points are non-commentable because no one claim the things you have mentioned as pure Sinhalese of origin.

1) The language of the court was Tamil, hence, the high ranking Sinhalese officials in Kandy were fluent in Tamil and 1000 yr old Sinhala was not the national language but the language of the majority living in the south

2) But no one admits the things I mentioned were of Tamil origin

There are 60 million Tamils in India and they do not want or have a separate country. We needn't worry about the 8-9 million butt hurt stateless Tamils. They can all go to India if they do not like it in Sri Lanka. Or besides carve out a new nation from Canada or Australia.

I am just showing population statistic of Tamils diaspora vs Sinhalas in Lanka, to counter your argument for Tamils to learn the 'majority;' Sinhala language , don't you find your argument comical ?.

Its for the Tamils in Tamilnadu to fight for a separate country , which has a high probability over time , the diaspora can provide the moral ,financial support and international lobbying ,
Seems Pakistan don't promote any other language apart from Urdu. ;)

So you have no issue if Pashto language is degraded and Urdufied but interested in Tamils sensitive to their language. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
i have no problem with urdu..i'm punjabi.

What is your relation with Tamils when you are not even related to them and can't distinguish between Tamil and Kannada script. :girl_wacko::girl_wacko: Where are you from, jaldi batao.

i have no problem with urdu..i'm punjabi.

I know this. I have even heard from Pakistanis themselves as that many urban Punjabis of Pakistan have started speaking Urdu as their first language while Punjabi is now mostly spoken in rural areas.
1) The language of the court was Tamil, hence, the high ranking Sinhalese officials in Kandy were fluent in Tamil and 1000 yr old Sinhala was not the national language but the language of the majority living in the south

Anyway the royal documents were in Sinhalese, which debunk your point pretty nicely.

2) But no one admits the things I mentioned were of Tamil origin

Doesn't matter what is the origin.

I am just showing population statistic of Tamils diaspora vs Sinhalas in Lanka, to counter your argument for Tamils to learn the 'majority;' Sinhala language , don't you find your argument comical ?.

Tamil diaspora do not live in Sri Lanka. Why not Tamil diaspora ask the Canadian, US and British people to learn Tamil instead of Tamil diaspora learn English.

Its for the Tamils in Tamilnadu to fight for a separate country , which has a high probability over time , the diaspora can provide the moral ,financial support and international lobbying ,

Won't hurt us a bit.
@HeinzG Why you wasting your time on him, he is not a Tamil but a troll. Look at first page, he can't even distinguish between Tamil and Kannada language.
Anyway the royal documents were in Sinhalese, which debunk your point pretty nicely.

aren't you a pathetic racist tribe, who back stabbed the Tamil Kandy kingdom by plotting a coup with the British, thus the KC technically has no legality as the King is not a signatory. It doesn't matter which language its written, German would have made a better choice to Sinhala

Tamil diaspora do not live in Sri Lanka. Why not Tamil diaspora ask the Canadian, US and British people to learn Tamil instead of Tamil diaspora learn English..

everyone learns English its an universal language , Canada, Britain , US etc are not Tami homelands, but Eelam and Tamilandu are ....... get the difference ?

I know this. I have even heard from Pakistanis themselves as that many urban Punjabis of Pakistan have started speaking Urdu as their first language while Punjabi is now mostly spoken in rural areas.
all punjabis speak punjabi….. pretty much 90 percent of pakistanis understand it…
but urdu is our national language every pakistani pretty much speaks it.
all punjabis speak punjabi….. pretty much 90 percent of pakistanis understand it…
but urdu is our national language every pakistani pretty much speaks it.

Few folks told me in cities like Lahore speaking Punjabi is considered as a symbol of backwardness and speaking Urdu is a symbol of being an elite. That many Urban Pakistani speak Punjabi only when they are abusing.

Patronage for Hindi Growing in Jaffna -The New Indian Express

COLOMBO: A passion for Hindi film music and the Hindi language is commonplace in Sri Lanka. But Jaffna, the stronghold of Tamil nationalism, has been an exception to this rule. The Tamil-speaking North is one place in the island nation, where Hindi films are not shown, Hindi soaps are not watched, and Hindi songs are not aired.

But these may well be things of the past, soon. Thanks to the sustained efforts of the Indian Consulate, interest in Hindi is sprouting among Jaffna Tamils.

Over 20 Tamils have so far completed the beginners’ course conducted by the Consulate with a spouse of a staffer functioning as a teacher. On September 14, the Consulate celebrated “Hindi Diwas” with students reciting Hindi poems and singing Hindi songs before an appreciative audience of 80 people.

“It is my love for Hindi songs which drew me to this class. If I know the meaning of the lyrics, I can enjoy the songs even more,” student T Srikanthan told Express.

“There are now people who think it will be useful to know Hindi if they go to north India for studies or pilgrimage,” said Acting Consul General S D Moorthy, who hails from Manaparai. The Hindi Diwas has evoked curiosity among the public and more may join the course, Moorthy said.

Is this for real. :woot:
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@HeinzG Why you wasting your time on him, he is not a Tamil but a troll. Look at first page, he can't even distinguish between Tamil and Kannada language.

Ok... anyway I'm just trolling with him.... ;)

aren't you a pathetic racist tribe, who back stabbed the Tamil Kandy kingdom by plotting a coup with the British, thus the KC technically has no legality as the King is not a signatory. It doesn't matter which language its written, German would have made a better choice to Sinhala

There is nothing to back stab. Tamil became a king because the Sinhalese king didn't have children and nobles thought of the Tamil as a puppet. Nobels elected a Tamil and they disposed one. It was the Tamil king that back stabbed the nobels.

everyone learns English its an universal language , Canada, Britain , US etc are not Tami homelands, but Eelam and Tamilandu are ....... get the difference ?....

I dunno one day you will say Canada is the Tamil homeland just as you say Jaffna is Tamil homeland. We never know who got to Canada first. :p
I am told, Tamils are regretting for not joining Pakistan , they say - they have been humiliated and degraded as people and as a state by Indians and India
:rofl: what a joke... and what a joker! entertaining though.. Thats why PDF is interesting, full of character! keep going ! :rofl:
There is nothing to back stab. Tamil became a king because the Sinhalese king didn't have children and nobles thought of the om wasTamil as a puppet. Nobels elected a Tamil and they disposed one. It was the Tamil king that back stabbed the nobels.

backstabbing Tamils in a 1000 yrs old Sinhala pastime , the Kandy Kingdom Kings were Tamils, the last king had no heir so his wife appointed her nephew from Madurai to the throne , the nobles had no role in the appointment ,,

With King Sri Vijaya Raja Sinha of Kandy (1739-1747) a Tamil dynasty from the south of India ascended the Kandyan throne; its last King Sri Vikrama Raja Sinha (1798-1815) had to cede sovereignty to the British.

The Tamil kings :: Sri Lanka: The Miracle

I dunno one day you will say Canada is the Tamil homeland just as you say Jaffna is Tamil homeland. We never know who got to Canada first. :p

seriously, you need to learn to use Google and get the definition of homeland right
backstabbing Tamils in a 1000 yrs old Sinhala pastime , the Kandy Kingdom Kings were Tamils, the last king had no heir so his wife appointed her nephew from Madurai to the throne , the nobles had no role in the appointment ,,

The Tamil kings :: Sri Lanka: The Miracle

The king had no authority in 1815. The authority was with the Kandyan nobels. That is why Brtis signed the K.C with the Nobels.
The king had no authority in 1815. The authority was with the Kandyan nobels. That is why Brtis signed the K.C with the Nobels.

1815 British advance on Kandy saying that they will save Sinhalese from a cruel Malabar ruler Power-hungry Kandyan chiefs flocked around the British expressing willingness to co-operate with the British to overthrow the king. British wasted no time in taking this golden opportunity. British said that they would gladly save Sinhala people from a cruel Malabar ruler. Two British Army divisions reached Kandy in 30 days. King's Chief Adigar, Molligoda pretended to be loyal to the king. He waited till the British force reached Kandy before changing sides. It is impossible even to imagine the dilemma of the patriotic Lankans, who would not know what to do, or how to fight the British under such circumstances. This is why it is so important to foresee and solve problems, with foresight and wisdom, before they become stronger and unsolvable.

1815 14th February, 1815- Kandy, & Lanka fall forever British Governer Sir Robert Brownrigg and 7 Kandyan chiefs signed the agreement, which came to be known as "the Kandyan Convention". (According to this agreement, British promised to look after the interests of the Sinhalese and Buddhism. But British would shamefully dishonour this agreement in just few years, as if they had never made these promises. Such dishonest promises, made without a real intention of honouring them, created such angry hatred among the patriotic Sinhalese about the Europeans). The agreement gave what the Kandyan chiefs had wanted. Molligoda remained as the first Adigar. Ehelepola refused a post of minister and chose to retire if he was not made the new king. He received a few villages, a bulk sum, and all his lands confiscated by the king. British promised to provide state patronage to Buddhism, and not to allow Christian Missionary schools to be opened in Kandy (Missionaries would campaign to break this promise in 3 years).

1815 Dilemma of the public The public was at a dilemma, trying to figure out what the future of the country would be. The disgusted public ignored this ceremony, as they didn't approve any of the parties who were signing the treaty.

History of Sri Lanka from 1796AD to 1948

The chieftains were traitors who conspired with the British to dispose the last Tamil king , who was taken prisoner to Vellore , Tamilnadu , thus handing over the island completely to British rule with the exit of the last kingdom after Jaffna and Kotte .


paintings of the King and Queen by a British Army officer before they were taken to Vellore
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