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Beef Eating in Hinduism

Vedic aryans used to have beef. I remember it mentioned in our class 6th or 7th history textbooks

May be, It's Plausible!
But whta ever was good yesterday may not be good or accepted today and what is acceptable today may be considered outragious tomorrow.

So the very idea of debate on somone's food preference is flawed and waste of time.
FYI , i am a atheist hindu .

You can't be an "atheist Hindu" bro. It is either that you are an atheist or a Hindu. The central point of Hinduism is the belief in the existence of Bhagwan (God) who is manifested in various forms and in various times and the worship of Bhagwan by certain rituals including Sathsangh. Atheism is the denial of the existence of God
Had your ancestors not hunted mammoths 10,000 years ago, we would have gone extinct. Humans are an omnivorous species.

thats a bullsh*t argument which i have heard atleast million times from beef eaters .

the mistake that our ancestors committed should we also do the same ?

our ancestors had no choice but we have , we can survive by eating veg food .

our ancestors practiced even caste system , sati prata . Why not even follow those .

continue eating animals and soon the world will turn into a big saudi arabia , the land of deserts .
May be, It's Plausible!
But whta ever was good yesterday may not be good or accepted today and what is acceptable today may be considered outragious tomorrow.

So the very idea of debate on somone's food preference is flawed and waste of time.
I think the purpose of this thread is to convey the point that one is free to choose what to eat and what not to. And one should not and cannot enforce their beliefs, in this case vegetarianism, on others. You of course are free to criticize the practice.

I don't care what Wiki says. Stop. Think. Rationalize with your own mind. If you claim to be a Hindu then you cannot be an atheist. Plain and simple. Hinduism involves the belief of the trinity Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva and their respective Goddesses and sub forms as the manifestation of the Supreme Ishwar. If you don't believe in that then you cannot be a Hindu. If you believe in that then you cannot be an atheist. That is simply it
thats a bullsh*t argument which i have heard atleast million times from beef eaters .

the mistake that our ancestors committed should we also do the same ?

our ancestors had no choice but we have , we can survive by eating veg food .

our ancestors practiced even caste system , sati prata . Why not even follow those .

continue eating animals and soon the world will turn into a big saudi arabia , the land of deserts .
So you mean to say that saudi arabia/rajasthan etc etc turned into a desert because man ate all the animals? That is a very interesting school of thought.

PS: you can also survive by drinking karela juice everyday. I would love to see you doing that, given its "health" benefits
So you mean to say that saudi arabia/rajasthan etc etc turned into a desert because man ate all the animals? That is a very interesting school of thought.
when did i say so , you seem to have some comprehension problems
when did i say so , you seem to have some comprehension problems
Well it is you who has been continuously invoking the prophecy of world turning into deserts if all of us dont turn into vegetarians :undecided:.

Veggienazis :disagree: (to think of it, uncle adolf was also a veggie, hmmmm)
I think the purpose of this thread is to convey the point that one is free to choose what to eat and what not to. And one should not and cannot enforce their beliefs, in this case vegetarianism, on others. You of course are free to criticize the practice.
what if majority wants referendum and ban beef eating by law :woot:
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