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Israelis finally caught counterfeiting American Dollars!


Apr 25, 2012
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United States
Fake $100 bills eluded detection with rare quality - Yahoo Finance

It was the most popular counterfeit $100 bill in circulation, and for more than a decade its makers were a mystery to the U.S. Secret Service.

Agents collected and analyzed the fake greenbacks, which first popped up in Israel in the late 1990s. They were so good that they were often discovered only after they reached a bank or theFederal Reserve.

So when Secret Service agent Adam Gaab came across four of the fake $100s on May 17, 2012, shortly after they had been detected at a Loan Max in Northern Virginia, he knew he had the rare chance to link a bill back to the person who passed it.

"It was the No. 1 note," said Ed Lowery, special agent in charge of the Secret Service's criminal investigation division. "You aggressively run out leads on the No. 1 note."

The investigation evolved into a two-year international odyssey that culminated in the indictment last week of 13 Israelis and Americans of running one of the most successful counterfeiting operations in U.S. history. Hundreds of agents were involved by the time they executed raids and arrest warrants in five states in May and June that resulted in the capture of the 13 suspects and the seizure of $2.5 million in fake bills and a printing plant in a Cherry Hill, New Jersey, warehouse, according to federal authorities.

The counterfeiting ring was responsible for producing at least $77 million in fake bills, mostly $100s, said U.S. Secret Service Director Julia Pierson.

‘Painful' Case
"This has been a painful note for us," Pierson said in an interview. When a bill's so good that it's not discovered until it's in the banking system, that "separates the passing of the note to its detection. It allows these people to operate more anonymously."

One sign of the ring's sophistication, the agents said, was that the counterfeiters appeared close to mimicking the latest currency security features, including 3D ribbons.

The Secret Service has been battling counterfeiting since 1865 and has watched it evolve from an art form practiced by master printers to amateurs scanning and printing bills with their home computers. In the fiscal year ended Sept. 30, the service recovered $157 million in fake bills.

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The home-computer variety is often easy to spot. Those produced on sophisticated printing presses -- mostly overseas -- are harder to identify. Some are so good that they become legendary withinlaw enforcement, such as the "SuperNote" that has been produced in North Korea for decades.

Though famous, the North Korean note wasn't the most widely passed and seized of fraudulent greenbacks cataloged by the Secret Service. That honor belonged to what they called the "Russian-Israeli Note," which agent Gaab held in his hands after he went to the Loan Max in Woodbridge, Virginia, in 2012.

Informant Found
Over the years, the Secret Service's forensic analysis linked 17 different versions of the fake $100 to the same source, according to court records and interviews with Pierson, Lowery and other agents.

The Secret Service was able to break the ring after Gaab tracked down the man who passed the four $100 at the Loan Max. A year later, Gaab and local police raided the suspect's home in Dale City, Virginia, and persuaded him to become an informant.

The man and another informant helped the Secret Service identify his supplier, and soon agents were using wiretaps, tracking mobile phones and conducting time-consuming surveillance on suspects that led them to Israel, where the bills were being manufactured.

Agents identified the ringleaders as two Russian-speaking Israelis: Itzhak Loz, 46, and Ronin Fakiro, 45. Loz and Fakiro, who have been in custody since their arrests in May in New York, made hefty profits on the sale of their bills for 20 percent to 50 percent of their face value, according to the agents and court papers.

Operation Moved
Federal prosecutors are seeking the forfeiture of the ring's assets totaling at least $4.5 million. The ring moved its operation early this year to New Jersey to cut down on costs, agents said.

"It's much easier to distribute counterfeit once it's here, rather than overseas," said Lowery. "Getting it into the country is the hard part."

Agents conducting surveillance of a New Jersey warehouse in February watched in shock as a tractor trailer pulled up and unloaded at least one large printing press that they would determine had been shipped from Israel. Within weeks of the delivery, the ring was churning out fake bills.

"It's rare to see that here in the United States," Lowery said. "I mean, you hear about it in training. We see them overseas. But not here."

the sad part about this whole thing is how much the media is trying to cover up the fact that they are israeli jews who were making these fake notes…
is that how much america is afraid of these guys?

they conveniently termed this note as "israeli-russian" note….. when it was israelis jews by them selves who just spoke russian…..

@gambit @boomslang @KAL-EL @Oscar @KingMamba @Ghareeb_Da_Baal
tag any other american members
We have ALL KINDS of people over here scamming . Israelis, Italians, Russians, Nigerians, Mexicans...... You name 'em...we got 'em.:usflag:I used to go to the Rib It across from Cherry Hill Mall all the time. GREAT babybacks !!
Evil zionists always finding different schemes to make more money.
Last time I looked, Pakistan was a 3rd World Country.:nana:
And the troops of this 3rd World country saved the a** of Americans many times, considering the real documentry which shows the Americans didn't even bother to rescue their trapped troops in Battle of Mogadishu (1993) because of rioting civilians. Pakistan Army went their to rescue Black Hawk. I will say again, :pakistan: It was Pakistan Army (Regular Troops, Not SSG) who rescued Black Hawk troops (Special Force) there. You might have watch the role of Pakistan Army in the Movie "Black Hawk Down", Which in reality is utter BS. The entire Operation was conducted by Pakistan Army. And in Movies they show us as if they were the heroes of Mogadishu.
Pakistan Army saves American marines | MtRtMk
The fun in this story comes from the fact that those apprehended were Israeli-Russians, so who can resist insinuating that Jews are criminals? Of course, if those apprehended were Arab-Americans, it would be equally fun to shout out "entrapment" till hoarse. :D

Never mind that it shows that the US justice system works equally for all criminals, but where is the fun in saying that? :tup:
The fun in this story comes from the fact that those apprehended were Israeli-Russians, so who can resist insinuating that Jews are criminals? Of course, if those apprehended were Arab-Americans, it would be equally fun to shout out "entrapment" till hoarse. :D

Never mind that it shows that the US justice system works equally for all criminals, but where is the fun in saying that? :tup:
get over it…. what ever is up your ***…
your a bigot..
Last time I looked, Pakistan was a 3rd World Country.:nana:
Had it not been for the courage, valour and steadfastness of the Pakistani soldiers, the rescue operation could not have succeeded and the trapped US soldiers might have perished.

Major General Thomas M. Montgomery, Deputy Commander of the United Nations Forces in Somalia in a television interview said: “Many of the soldiers are alive today because of the willingness and skill of the Pakistani soldiers who worked jointly in a rescue operation with Malaysian and American soldiers in most difficult and dangerous combat circumstances”. He thanked the people and Pakistan Army for sending “such splendid soldiers to Somalia who we feel proud to serve with. Pakistani soldiers have been completely dependable even in the most difficult circumstances. They have shouldered a huge and dangerous load for UNOSOM and the Somali people”. :chilli:
Had it not been for the courage, valour and steadfastness of the Pakistani soldiers, the rescue operation could not have succeeded and the trapped US soldiers might have perished.

Major General Thomas M. Montgomery, Deputy Commander of the United Nations Forces in Somalia in a television interview said: “Many of the soldiers are alive today because of the willingness and skill of the Pakistani soldiers who worked jointly in a rescue operation with Malaysian and American soldiers in most difficult and dangerous combat circumstances”. He thanked the people and Pakistan Army for sending “such splendid soldiers to Somalia who we feel proud to serve with. Pakistani soldiers have been completely dependable even in the most difficult circumstances. They have shouldered a huge and dangerous load for UNOSOM and the Somali people”. :chilli:

What does "Blackhawk Down" have to do with this thread?

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