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“Magic Helmet” for F-35 ready for delivery

Hamartia Antidote

Nov 17, 2013
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United States
“Magic Helmet” for F-35 ready for delivery | Ars Technica

Software fixes, new sensors on helmet that let pilot see through plane ready for action.

Rockwell Collins and Elbit Systems' joint—a helmet that can see through planes without making the pilot throw up.
Lockheed Martin
This week, Lockheed Martin officially took delivery of a key part of the F-35 fighter’s combat functionality—the pilot’s helmet. The most expensive and complicated piece of headgear ever constructed, the F-35 Gen III Helmet Mounted Display System (HMDS) is one of the multipurpose fighter’s most critical systems, and it's essential to delivering a fully combat-ready version of the fighter to the Marine Corps, the Navy, and the Air Force. But it almost didn’t make the cut because of software problems and side effects akin to those affecting some 3D virtual reality headsets.

Built by Rockwell Collins ESA Vision Systems International (a joint venture between Rockwell Collins and the Israeli defense company Elbit Systems), the HMDS goes way beyond previous augmented reality displays embedded in pilots’ helmets. In addition to providing the navigational and targeting information typically shown in a combat aircraft’s heads-up display, the HMDS also includes aspects of virtual reality, allowing a pilot to look through the plane. Using a collection of six high-definition video and infrared cameras on the fighter’s exterior called the Distributed Aperture System (DAS), the display extends vision a full 360 degrees around the aircraft from within the cockpit. The helmet is also equipped with night vision capabilities via an infrared sensor that projects imagery inside the facemask.

The helmet is an essential part of the aircraft’s cockpit. Some pilots have called the helmet's austere touchscreen Panoramic Cockpit Display “the most naked cockpit in history“ because of its lack of switches and other physical instrumentation. (“Not true,” said Lockheed Martin F-35 Pilot Vehicle Interface lead Michael Skaff in a presentation he gave on the cockpit. “The Wright flyer had fewer switches.”) When combined with the cockpit’s built-in voice recognition capabilities, the helmet will allow the pilot to track everything in the aircraft’s sphere of visibility.


The cockpit of the F-35 is a spartan place.
Lockheed Martin
The helmet runs for about $600,000, which doesn't include software integration with the aircraft’s systems. But Lockheed Martin hopes the cost will drop as production ramps up.

Jitter bug
In 2011, Department of Defense F-35 program officials were concerned about some major problems with the second generation of the HMDS helmet. One of them was “jitter," a sensitivity in the helmet’s motion sensors that caused the symbology displayed inside the helmet’s visor to bounce when the aircraft was being buffeted by winds or experiencing vibration.

There was also a latency in the video from the DAS cameras that caused the pilots' view to slightly lag behind where their heads were pointed. As a result, pilots were suffering from motion sickness caused by the helmet display—a symptom that many users of other virtual reality systems have experienced, including in early versions of the Oculus Rift VR headset.

Another problem was the helmet’s display of night vision video. The resolution in the original sensor used in the system had 20/70 acuity—meaning the device could see things at 20 feet that a normally sighted person could see at 70 feet in daylight. Most military night vision goggles have an acuity of 20/25. That meant the night-vision features of the helmet were nearly worthless in combat situations.

In September 2011, to cover for a potential failure to deliver, the Defense Department contracted BAE systems to build a cheaper, lower-tech alternative to the HMDS. BAE’s alternate helmet used a variation on the Head Equipment Assembly, a system the company had already developed for the Eurofighter Typhoon flown by the air forces of Britain, Germany, Italy, and Spain. It uses a series of infrared LEDs on the helmet to track the pilot’s head position and projects a holographic display of aircraft data and target information within the helmet’s visor. A pair of binocular night vision goggles could be clipped onto the helmet to provide the night vision capability required.

All in
But development of the BAE option was shot down in October of 2013, when the F-35 program decided that Rockwell Collins and Elbit had solved the majority of the issues with their HMDS in its third generation. After more than 15,000 hours of flight time testing, Lockheed Martin and the DOD signed off on the Rockwell/Elbit helmet as their sole solution.

Gen III of the HMDS has an improved infrared sensor and head-tracking technology, as well as a better imaging system with a backlit internal display. Vision Systems International has delivered 160 of the helmet systems to Lockheed so far, and the helmets will be rolled into the next round of low-rate production for the aircraft.
Helmet and engine are the only things that i like about F 35

The helmet is just a hardware device. It took this long for the software integration and to make so much show up on such a small screen right next to the human eye. The real big deal is the DAS. The newly introduced DAS tech has brought wonders to this plane.
The F-35 has marvelous technology, too bad it's wasted on such a bad plane.

its a cardboard piece of garbage :lol:

just look at the part where sticks are located :lol:

mocking gaher ? thats what u get :omghaha:

i'll be here when qaher gets unveiled in a year or so . love to see the look on your faces

why should a pilot be able to see through his plane ?

dont u think the age of dogfights are over ? now you're spending millions of taxpayer dollars on shitty tech for shitty plane ?



look at the material used :lol:

its a cardboard joke !!

I do not know where the pictures came from so I do not know if they are from a model or not.
Considering one has a car and people in the background that makes me think it was something on display for the public to see/crawl into so it may not be the real thing. I know they had a mockup at the Singapore Airshow so the picture may be from it.

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Still F 35 Have better look than this (proposed Fighter Boeing X32 )
View attachment 40691

Well there was Boeing, Lockheed Martin, McDonald Douglas, and General Dynamics.
Boeing purchased McDonald Douglas.
Lockheed Martin purchased General Dynamics.

Let's look at the recent history of fighter jet development and see where Boeing fit in

Lockheed Martin: F35
Lockheed Martin: F22
McDonald Douglas (now part of Boeing): F18 Super Hornet
McDonald Douglas (later purchased by Boeing): F18
General Dynamics: F16
Grumman: F14
McDonald Douglas: F4 Phantom

So they had no good track record on fighter jets.

Even other stuff
Northrop Grumman: B2 Stealth bomber
Lockheed Martin: F117 Nighthawk
Rockwell International (later purchased by Boeing): B1 Lancer
Lockheed: SR71
Lockheed: U2
Grumman: A6
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