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New Zealand pubs ban Israelis over Gaza operation

Its called profit orientated diplomacy. Nations have no friends, Just interests. It is in our interest when Israel is strong and palestine weak. At least at the moment. That can change.

Then highlighting human sufferings in one area and calling it self defense in another should be renamed profit oriented diplomacy instead of hypocrisy.
Europe(British crown and Germany) made Israel in the first place. That's why they should care. Germany had no right to kick jews out like it did in WW2. Jews were living there for several centuries. If Hitler's logic of kicking them out was right, then all Europeans from America, Australia, NZ, South America and South Africa should be kicked out. Not that I support such a thing.

Lol at the Portugal flag. "Oh I'm 1/32 Portuguese, so I should use a Portugal flag in my profile." Lol. Typical Indian self-hate.

might makes right. We can do what we want. Try to stop us.

On a sidenote, did you ever visit israel? Its cool there. Haifa and Tel Aviv has coolest night clubs and beaches.
Europe(British crown and Germany) made Israel in the first place. That's why they should care. Germany had no right to kick jews out like it did in WW2. Jews were living there for several centuries. If Hitler's logic of kicking them out was right, then all Europeans from America, Australia, NZ, South America and South Africa should be kicked out. Not that I support such a thing.

Do you think Israeli Jews would rather go back to Europe, or live in their own state?

In Europe, they would face widespread antisemitism as before. In Israel, they are the masters of their own destiny.
never expected anything different from Indian, it only shows your hate for muslims which actually stems from hating your own muslim then Pakistanis.

he is crying about 3 Israeli teen agers maybe some should show him 1000s of innocent teenager who are killed by Israel for no reason.

I have yet to see a hindu criticizing Israel if only once on any minor thing, only then i will believe you are unbiased
He's Christian you retard.
Sign placed at entrance to pub in Kaikoura reads, 'Israelis not welcome before Gaza shelling stops'; two Israeli woman ordered to leave another pub because 'Israel kills innocent babies and women'

Anat Shalev Published: 01.16.09, 11:48 / Israel News

An Israeli citizen residing in Kaikoura, New Zealand has informed Ynet Friday that a local pub, the Strawberry Tree, placed a sign outside its door reading, "Israelis not welcome before shelling (in Gaza) stops".

Surprising Figures

Denmark: 29% support Israel, 22% back Palestinians / Yael Levy

Survey held by Danish TV2 reveals surprising figures, as more Danes side with Jewish state in Operation Cast Lead; 38% believe two sides to be equally responsible for situation. Picture in rest of Scandinavia is much different
Full Story
Two other Israeli tourists encountered a similar restriction at a café located in another part of the country. Kaikoura, located on the east coast of New Zealand's South Island, is a tourist hub known for its dolphin shows.

"The pub's owner has extreme views; in the past he worked as a photojournalist in Gaza, and inside the pub a sign reading 'Free Palestine" has been hanging for some time now," the Israeli citizen, who wished to remain nameless, told Ynet.

"It is alarming the (conflict in Gaza) has resonated to this region and in such a one-sided way."
The Israeli continued to say that "the owner expressed his aversion to the supposed racism on Israel's part – but he himself is acting in a racist manner when he screens his patrons according to their nationality."

'You never know'
He said the local community has unequivocally condemned the pub owner's act. "People are calling us (Israelis) to offer their support; they are even saying that the restriction is redolent of the days in which black Americans were banned from public places and even of Nazi Germany.

"The community is made up of many immigrants, and that is why it identifies with us," he said.

The Southland Times reported Friday that two Israeli women, Natalie Bennie and her sister Tamara Shefa, were ordered to leave the Mevlana Café in Invercargill, New Zealand's southernmost city.

According to the report, the pub's owner Mustafa Tekinkaya, a Turkish Muslim, told the women he would not serve anyone from Israel "until it stopped killing innocent babies and women in Gaza."

Tekinkaya was quoted as saying he had received dozens of phone calls from people supporting him and a handful of calls opposed to his stance.

Natalie Bennie told the newspaper that she and her visiting Israeli sister had received over a dozen calls from strangers to say they were appalled by Tekinkaya's stance. She said the pub owner displayed "anti-Semitic" behavior, adding "he might as well have put a sign outside his shop saying 'No Jews Allowed'."

Bennie told The Southland Times that her mother, who lives in Israel, was concerned she could now become a target for New Zealand radical Muslims.

"It could be a possibility, you never know."

New Zealand pubs ban Israelis over Gaza operation - Israel News, Ynetnews

Very dumb move on NZ's part. Who target citizens because of their government's policy.

and believe you me so will majority of Indian, because that will give them a chance to get a job in ME.
This is not about a job and you know it.
Pakistani's feel obliged and special towards Arabs because of conditioning of your schools and environment that Islam trump everything and comes before Nation.
Indians are conditioned that Nation trumps everything and is holy initself. Arabs are neither kith nor kin nor special for us.
There is a very fundamental difference in attitudes.
Israel only does it against Palestinians, and just like US knew iraq did not have WMD Israel knows there are no weapons in Gaza but the few that they provide them to fire at Israel occasionally. Again cost and benefits, Israel couldnt and didnt do jack about Iran killing their diplomat. so this value of citizenry only goes as long as you know other cant fight
Again, I agree with you.
Israel achieved that capability vis-a-vis most of its neighbours. It can not against Iran. But it aspires to become capable enough such that it can.

Its not just about capability but also will.
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Europe(British crown and Germany) made Israel in the first place. That's why they should care. Germany had no right to kick jews out like it did in WW2. Jews were living there for several centuries. If Hitler's logic of kicking them out was right, then all Europeans from America, Australia, NZ, South America and South Africa should be kicked out. Not that I support such a thing.

Lol at the Portugal flag. "Oh I'm 1/32 Portuguese, so I should use a Portugal flag in my profile." Lol. Typical Indian self-hate.
He's half Portuguese
He's Christian you retard.

retard the ones who think everyone is suppose to know your religion
people talk about majority you retard, Israel is a Jewish country doesnt means there is not even a single non-jewish, got it captin dumbo?
New Zealand genocided Maori. Now they play nice. What a joke.
I don't think there was any genocide against the Moari, the Moari signed a treaty with the British. The Moari did commit genocide against the Moriori though.

Nice bump.
retard the ones who think everyone is suppose to know your religion
people talk about majority you retard, Israel is a Jewish country doesnt means there is not even a single non-jewish, got it captin dumbo?
Don't try making excuses you retard, you were wrong and now you can't accept it so you are deflecting, typical Muslim move.
Don't try making excuses you retard, you were wrong and now you can't accept it so you are deflecting, typical Muslim move.

you are so stupid not even worth replying
are you standing on dirt?
might makes right. We can do what we want. Try to stop us.

On a sidenote, did you ever visit israel? Its cool there. Haifa and Tel Aviv has coolest night clubs and beaches.

Nope. Might doesn't make right. It's like you admitting that bullying is right as that's "might makes right" in practice.
Nope. Might doesn't make right. It's like you admitting that bullying is right as that's "might makes right" in practice.

I´m just realistic. You don´t like that we support Israel? Then make us stop it. You can´t?
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