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why is denying the holocaust against the law?

That's extremely authoritarian. Infringing the very democratic rights it claims to uphold.


By that logic, you would have total freedom to do anything you want. The line has to be drawn somewhere, right?
If they want to make it a law fine. But, in the US it shouldn't be compulsory education where you spent half of your middle school English year being indoctrinated about modern Jewish plight and 'Israel'. Anybody who lives in the US knows what I'm talking about. This is why so many people here keep citing the 'Nazis' to make any example. It's like they don't know any other history then the 'Nazis' and WW2. There's no other 'evil' besides the 'Nazi's'. It makes people seem uneducated and needs to come to an end.
well you can look it up by searching each person.
should it even matter how they denied it? is it not a basic human right to simply deny something?
if denying the holocaust is wrong then make denying god wrong as well or something… it opens doors for too many things and gives too much power to the government

what would be next on the list?
these types of laws will bring to the situation in the book 1984


I dont deny the right to deny.... but if somebody spreads lies like that the holocaust did not happen, he does spread lies in favour of one of the worst regimes in human history.... and the perhaps worst thing that happened to these countries and its people.

And after some online searches, I am pretty sure that most people convicted had some influence on people, thats why they were convicted.
Well... in case of Germany, Austria and of course Israel, I`d say that its pretty clear why they have this law. Since the Nazis were pretty much the worst that happened to them, they want to keep fighting them and contain them... thats why we see all those laws, from forbidden swastikas to the ban of Hitler`s Mein Kampf.

And freedom of speech also has its limits. The distribution of anti democratic propaganda and in this case false information which supports one of the most anti human regimes in human history should indeed be forbidden.

yep. it is also based on the culture, religion, and history of the nation.

I am sure I can't say Muhammad is fake, Or openly insult Hindus and Hinduism in their respective majoritarian countries.

In a lot of nations, advocating secularism will get you jailed. Offending religions will get you jailed.

As far as freedom of speech goes, it is imperfect.
yep. it is also based on the culture, religion, and history of the nation.

I am sure I can't say Muhammad is fake, Or openly insult Hindus and Hinduism in their respective majoritarian countries.

In a lot of nations, advocating secularism will get you jailed. Offending religions will get you jailed.

As far as freedom of speech goes, it is imperfect.

If it threatens the order inside a country, it has its limits. And offending religions in developing countries is a threat to law and order ... especially in India where braindead zombie like mobs are formed by religious nuts the second someone makes a wrong remark about their God.
If they want to make it a law fine. But, in the US it shouldn't be compulsory education where you spent half of your middle school English year being indoctrinated about modern Jewish plight and 'Israel'. Anybody who lives in the US knows what I'm talking about. This is why so many people here keep citing the 'Nazis' to make any example. It's like they don't know any other history then the 'Nazis' and WW2. There's no other 'evil' besides the 'Nazi's'. It makes people seem uneducated and needs to come to an end.

It is because the Nazis were batshit insane.

IMO, it proved how Nazis using adverse economic conditions usurped and brainwashed a large segment of a nation, considred one of the most inteliigent, and industrious.

This is the land of Beethoven, where Einstein came from.

The balance of the extremes is perfect.

I dont deny the right to deny.... but if somebody spreads lies like that the holocaust did not happen, he does spread lies in favour of one of the worst regimes in human history.... and the perhaps worst thing that happened to these countries and its people.

And after some online searches, I am pretty sure that most people convicted had some influence on people, thats why they were convicted.
doesn't matter bro
allowing the governments to have laws like this will encourage them to add more authoritarian laws on later.
Why is this case put above others?

Most likely because of the fear that another party like the nazis might climb to power.

Coincidentally, denying Rwandan genocide is a crime in Rwanda as well.
It is because the Nazis were batshit insane.

IMO, it proved how Nazis using adverse economic conditions usurped and brainwashed a large segment of a nation, considred one of the most inteliigent, and industrious.

This is the land of Beethoven, where Einstein came from.

The balance of the extremes is perfect.

German people weren't buffoons. Many of them believed in their ideology even though it was extreme. It isn't all 'brainwashing'. Nevertheless, you can't have it that way were your English education isn't about educating yourselves on English or let alone WW2. It's about the modern narrative they try feeding children's brain with. Israel has nothing to do with the holocaust, the request was made and declared long before. They need to quit spreading lies, one thing hate I hate is achieving your mass goals through propaganda and exploitation.

Most likely because of the fear that another party like the nazis might climb to power.

Coincidentally, denying Rwandan genocide is a crime in Rwanda as well.

Already exist, just a lot more clever this time and don't target Jews. I call them neocons.

And about the Rwandan genocide, it's thanks to you Euro colonialist retards who colonized the people and put a minority in power. Everywhere there is blood being shed the Europeans were connected to it one way or another.
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hitler came to power because of the misery germany was in.

Ya, misery. Coupled with a sense of defeat in the great war that just ended and burden of reparations. None of that in USA.

first you say that by having laws like these would give rise to another hitler and now your changing your statement.

Really? Do quote both statements.

these laws having nothing to do with hitler rising or not.

They have to do with prevention of his modern day followers forming a larger cult. Because the law reminds history revisionists to where they can go in their efforts to recruit a larger pool.
Ofcourse even so, the deniers have to expose themselves pretty thoroughly, noone goes to jail the first time they deny genocide or spout random crap against Jews, blacks, immigrants etc etc

they are just restrictions of freedom of speech removing them will do nothing. keeping them will make europe seem like hypocrites. i have nothing else to argue about.

Okay. btw, you can wear a swastika or anything else nazi related, you just cannot deny genocide they did, and from the cases you listed, these are obviously some sort of activists, repeated offenders.
By that logic, you would have total freedom to do anything you want. The line has to be drawn somewhere, right?

No, there's a big difference between criminalizing the dispute of a historical fact and having people say and do whatever you wan't. Civil liberties related to politics, free choice, and so on, that is very limited. I see how you could extend that to anarchy, but I'm not suggesting anarchy, just not selective freedoms and blatant hypocrisy without a very good reason. ;)
Most likely because of the fear that another party like the nazis might climb to power.

Coincidentally, denying Rwandan genocide is a crime in Rwanda as well.

Well like I said, it's expected of the host nation, UNLESS the nation is known globally for being champions of human rights and civil liberties.

Also, the Nazis, the Nazis, why fear them? I tell you what folks in Europe should fear, a group like the Nazis, the mindset and environmental factors bought about people like the Nazis, they just happened to call them selves the Nazis, and happened to have happened one way or another. Fear a group like the Nazis, who can be seen on the rise every time there's some sort of crisis in Europe and not the Nazis themselves. We have nothing to fear from them now.

Freedom of speech, and other civil liberties, Europe fought hard to keep, it's ironic that it doesn't allow itself to apply these rights to it's own struggle.

I also am a firm believer of the idea that this holocaust denial law is a source of extreme paranoia for some.

World war II not a good reason?

World War II can't be blamed solely on the Nazis. And the Nazis cannot be considered one offs. I'll explain in detail later, leave your reply here.

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