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why is denying the holocaust against the law?

That alien would've yanked out a hand-pump and beat the $h!t out of all those CIA/Military operatives. And then, it would've started singing and dancing for having escaped it's ordeal. :D
No bollywood movie is complete without the heroine. There has to be a heroine in the dancing scene as well.
No it isn't, no it isn't. The Nuremberg trials took place well before the diary was published. The denazification laws were passed well before the diary was published. Please stop making up history.
Mind I say the same to you
the trials did take place in time but the laws were not passed but after the publishing of the journal 1946 or was it 1947?

János Kis and in particular András Schiffer feel the work of Holocaust deniers should be protected by a universal right to free speech. An identical argument was used by the Hungarian Constitutional Court (Alkotmánybíróság) led by László Sólyom when it struck down a law against Holocaust denial in 1992.

I can give you multiple "Special Examples" from ME but then you will lament it's their country and their rules .
Try sticking to the topic at hand....We are talking about EU not you!
banning the nazi party is against freedom of expression.
don't forget murder should be against the law not being a nazi or a KKK
in america we have neo nazi who live freely, they have the right to say what ever they want!

it only becomes a crime when a murder is committed or something.

would thinking be next on the list of being a crime? thinking against the state? or a person ect.
That is fundamental flaw in the logic. In US denying holocaust is not a crime, that doesn't mean every one needs to follow same definition of free speech. Most European countries have histories to prove that allowing expression of anti-free speech is not free speech. I am sure if there was no trend of xenophobia associated with holocaust denial, it would not have been a crime.
No bollywood movie is complete without the heroine. There has to be a heroine in the dancing scene as well.

Apparently, she's considered a femme fatale on the Alpha Centauri solar system.:D
millions of people just do not disappear from the face of the earth without any reason.
I agreed with all of what you said but mind I remind you of the thousands who were helped escaped even after their names were added on the "death list"

I remember reading few articles few mths back regarding honoring some man who saved some 100 Jews and another regarding some family who smuggled some 60 Jews in their lifetime and many such articles are found...and these people mind you have been honoured! So either 1 of the documents is lying regarding numbers!
Which figure?
And please, do not get personal, it kinda childish, you can address the ones who wrote the article.

All figures from post # 127. And I'm addressing the people who BELIEVE the drivel. This was probably the most documented event in history. To argue it is within ones right ( to me) but is senseless. And to use Russian accounts and figures is a joke. They were notorious for fabricating 'facts' after the fact.
As I told you earlier dude, you're free to check out the actual camps where the atrocities were carried out. You're free to interact with people who buried and cremated the dead. You are free to pore over official government documents detailing the number of deaths. Now, where can I see that alien? Any of it's relics on display anywhere?:lol:
lol i will show you more eye witnesses plus survivors of alien abductions and ufo sightings, you can talk to them and they are all over the world thousands of them lol.
That is fundamental flaw in the logic. In US denying holocaust is not a crime, that doesn't mean every one needs to follow same definition of free speech. Most European countries have histories to prove that allowing expression of anti-free speech is not free speech. I am sure if there was no trend of xenophobia associated with holocaust denial, it would not have been a crime.
so now we have different versions of freedom of speech?
what is freedom of speech to you?
these same european countries have no problem with the drawings of the prophet muhammed but to deny something 99.99999999999999999999999% people in the world never seen is against the law?
so what is free speech and what are the boundaries?
You do know that there is a world of information even outside the internet, right? You know, the "hard evidence"? The judgement at Nuremberg did not come to their conclusions based on "Jewish websites".

And anyway, all I can say at this stage is that there is plenty of evidence from any source you want, even German, even Nazi. Arguing that the earth is flat would be easier to do than denying the holocaust.
:rofl: I didnt deny it...I questioned the numbers mentioned...Why are you going on and on about denying...Sure the thread is about why is denying it a crime but other things come under the freedom of speech umbrella even if it is inciting hatred?
what do you guys think about this draconian law?

If you strip nazis of holocaust, they weren't much worse than any other invading army through history. If you accept that they weren't much worse, the path to supporting them becomes much easier. Which is very much against the wishes of any lawmaker and government in Europe.
So, law is in place to stop spreading denial of such a thing. So, that two bit preachers aren't able to stand on the corner and give a sermon how Hitler was just, and Germany oh so great under him.
But muslims were shocked that jews did not go rioting and murdering and bombing random people across the world.
You think? I am not sure if you are lying or just not informed?

Jyllands-Posten, the Danish daily that published the controversial Muhammad drawings, has made a dramatic U-turn on comments an executive made about using Holocaust caricatures.

The paper said it would under no circumstances publish the Holocaust cartoons that an Iranian newspaper, Hamshari, is planning to commission.

Jyllands-Posten, the Danish daily that published the controversial Muhammad drawings, has made a dramatic U-turn on comments an executive made about using Holocaust caricatures.

The paper said it would under no circumstances publish the Holocaust cartoons that an Iranian newspaper, Hamshari, is planning to commission.

This U-turn comes after Jyllands-Posten's culture editor, Flemming Rose, yesterday told CNN that his paper was trying to get in touch with an Iranian paper with a view to running the Holocaust cartoons. Today, Jyllands-Posten said: "This information is based on an over-interpretation of a statement made by culture editor Flemming Rose.

Mr Rose was quoted yesterday by CNN as saying: "My newspaper is trying to establish a contact with the Iranian newspaper, and we would run the cartoons the same day as they publish them."

Meanwhile, Jyllands-Posten has reiterated its apologies to Muslims for causing offence by publishing the original 12 cartoons, in a letter to the Algerian press. The letter was distributed via the Danish embassy in Algiers.

"We apologise for the great misunderstanding generated by the publication of the caricatures that showed the prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and created aggressive feelings towards Denmark and calls for boycotts against Danish goods," the paper said.

"These caricatures have clearly offended millions of Muslims around the world and it is for these reasons that we are apologising and offering our deepest regrets for what has happened, which was not our intention."

Danish paper in U-turn on Holocaust cartoons | Media | MediaGuardian
You think? I am not sure if you are lying or just not informed?
OK, I was misinformed about that particular newspaper having published them. But Iran officially hosted a cartoon contest on the holocaust, and you can see the entries if you type "holocaust cartoons" into google images search. You can find thousands, if not more. No jews went about murdering nuns or exploding embassies for those. Every other sentence in my post is true, including the one you quoted.
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