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why is denying the holocaust against the law?

Europe lost too much in WW2 so whitewashing the Nazis is excepted from freedom of speech.

That shows your agenda. Arabs in Israel have all rights and live better then in their own countries.

Nazism is very weak in Europe, so it works.

Freedom is speech has exceptions everywhere including the USA. U again show ur extreme ignorance.
actually israelis took some advice from the nazis:

Just look at the video and see amount of Isreali's supporting the racist thugs who attacked Blacks:

Author Amoz Oz calls Israeli hate-crime graffitists 'Hebrew neo-Nazis' - Telegraph

Well, could it be that since we are always at the receiving end of the lessons about freedom from the West we just thought why not highlight the hypocrisy??

And why are you guys always at the 'receiving end' of all these 'lessons' ? Where there is smoke....
OK, I was misinformed about that particular newspaper having published them. But Iran officially hosted a cartoon contest on the holocaust, and you can see the entries if you type "holocaust cartoons" into google images search. You can find thousands, if not more. No jews went about murdering nuns or exploding embassies for those. Every other sentence in my post is true, including the one you quoted.
that is disgusting ...I was not even serious!
Isn't it 'strange' that an abnormal percentage of Muslims question the Holocaust ? Maybe not. THERE, I SAID IT.
Its to do with the "palestine issue". No sir, holocaust did not take place. The willy jews made everything up. The are to be despised. And " death to israel". Now let us go cause we have more people from the other"sect" to kill in syria and iraq and business to do with the jews. We obviously will deny everything in the end as usual.
You have always been moronic in every thread and on every topic, you can

And you were in those camps yourself, so your knowledge is first hand, I bet you have some rose tattooed on your P***** or on your Bu******.
address the ones who wrote the articles, if what they wrote does not please you.
I am neutral on this, I have just presented facts on the matter written by people who made much research on the subject, there are thousands of articles like this one, books, magazines and much more.
I know you are a moron, and I do not appreciate conversations with you, so, just forget it when you see my posts, I do not lie and I do not like liars like you and your kind.
What about those who entered countries illegally under fake names and stuff? some even in containers or unregistered ferries? What about those who escaped and those who helped them escape moved? What about those who the Ottoman empire helped cross borders? Why no one read their records?
I already mentioned it: out of 9 million Jews in 1939 Europe some 3 million survived many of them thanks to actions u mentioned.

Number of Jews in America and Asia (about 8 mln total) remained stable.
Europe lost too much in WW2 so whitewashing the Nazis is excepted from freedom of speech.
white washing nazism and making it a crime to deny the holocaust is 2 different things!! how the hell do you fail to see that?

That shows your agenda. Arabs in Israel have all rights and live better then in their own countries.
yes living under blockade sure must be better then living in a country of your own.
and these arabs you speak of are in their own country which is occupied by you people.
do you really think of your self as gods chosen? lol
no human has a god given right to take another persons land

Nazism is very weak in Europe, so it works.
i always thought nazism was stronger in europe then anywhere else in the world, but i guess facts are wrong since you have to make your argument.

Freedom is speech has exceptions everywhere including the USA. U again show ur extreme ignorance.
give me example where america limits freedom of speech.
except saying "bomb" in a crowded theater i never heard of anything.
I already mentioned it: out of 9 million Jews in 1939 Europe some 3 million survived many of them thanks to actions u mentioned.

Number of Jews in America and Asia (about 8 mln total) remained stable.
3 million only survived? What about those who changed their name and dont acknowledge to be Jews? What about the change in the memorial from 6 Million to 1.2 Million?
Its to do with the "palestine issue". No sir, holocaust did not take place. The willy jews made everything up. The are to be despised. And " death to israel". Now let us go cause we have more people from the other"sect" to kill in syria and iraq and business to do with the jews. We obviously will deny everything in the end as usual.

I always got a kick out of all the sinister stuff blamed on the Jews. ( where is Elis when you need him ? ) If the Jews were half as bad as the shit they get blamed for, there wouldn't be any Muslims left. They'd have whacked them all out by now and Israel would be 40 times the size it is.:rofl:
For a start you can begin reading on how Hitler came to power and why. Mostly why. Then you can use the conclusion from this to form an opinion why a similar thing couldn't happen in America.
hitler came to power because of the misery germany was in.
so if chances of another hitler coming are slim then wtf are we arguing? first you say that by having laws like these would give rise to another hitler and now your changing your statement.
these laws having nothing to do with hitler rising or not.
they are just restrictions of freedom of speech removing them will do nothing. keeping them will make europe seem like hypocrites. i have nothing else to argue about.

Wow, the audacity of these European/Russian Jews to occupy Palestinian's land and then claim it as their "home" in order to deport Black immigrants! Oh, the hypocrisy!!

The 'teacher' ALWAYS has more authority than the 'student'. Do what we say.....:usflag:
A good teacher is someone who practices what he/she preaches.

Would you let a doctor operate on you if he didn't practice half the things he preached??
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I always got a kick out of all the sinister stuff blamed on the Jews. ( where is Elis when you need him ? ) If the Jews were half as bad as the shit they get blamed for, there wouldn't be any Muslims left. They'd have whacked them all out by now and Israel would be 40 times the size it is.:rofl:
How else do you think they can justify their repeated humiliation at the hands of israel. Though they had no qualms killing palestinian in Jordan itself. The arab states have just used palestinians as pawns in their nefarious games. Hope israelis and palestinians find peace and co-exist peacefully for the sake of their future generations.
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