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why is denying the holocaust against the law?

If you strip nazis of holocaust, they weren't much worse than any other invading army through history. If you accept that they weren't much worse, the path to supporting them becomes much easier. Which is very much against the wishes of any lawmaker and government in Europe.
So, law is in place to stop spreading denial of such a thing. So, that two bit preachers aren't able to stand on the corner and give a sermon how Hitler was just, and Germany oh so great under him.
But Germany was great under him.
I do not need to defend any such laws, since my country does not have them, and acted against them.

Islam goes hand in hand with Sharia.
If Muslims agree that no laws of the Quran should be relevant for modern society, then you can claim
it is not a political force. Otherwise Muhammed will have to be treated like any other political thinker like
Karl Marx. This means that Muhammeds behaviour as well as his thinking will be scrutinized.

according to my history teachers and schools many americans believe the laws in america were inspired by the bible.
does that make christianity a political force?
All figures from post # 127. And I'm addressing the people who BELIEVE the drivel. This was probably the most documented event in history. To argue it is within ones right ( to me) but is senseless. And to use Russian accounts and figures is a joke. They were notorious for fabricating 'facts' after the fact.
It was documented no doubt...but they wrote your names while sending you to camps and then when you are "helped out" no one goes and cancels your names off the list!

Plus many others were also executed along with the Jews (mostly criminals or just other people) and this was counted in 6 Million...even some Poles who were not Jewish but suspected of hiding some were shot or murdered in similar ways...no one mentions or remembers them! That's just the Poles not the Austrian and others following the long list who are totally ignored and merged as Jews!
A little more on this subject:
Your moronic "questions" show very well that u know nothing on this subject like all Holocaust deniers.

[*]Why will the Zionists not release the authentic Red Cross records of the time and locations, which show who did escape, who did survived and who perished? Is it because these records show some 100,000 perished in the 6 years from 1939 to 1945, not the six million as propaganda would have it? I am not trying to excuse away the horribleness of what happened, I am trying to expose the subsequent horribleness compounded by lies and evil-inspired untruth.
Red Cross has no any info on number of perished and "Zionists" are not responsible for Red Cross records.

The number of Jews died in Holocaust is based on CENSUSES data, which is solid and well known.

[*]If 6 million Jews died at the hands of the Nazis, where did the 5.9 million who settled in Palestine, America, Canada, the UK, Australia, South America, etc., come from?
During the WW2 only some 20 K Jews entered US and slighlty more entered Palestine.

Before the Holocaust there were about 17 million Jews (9 million Jews in Europe and USSR, 6 million Jews in Americas and 2 million in Asia and Africa).

After the Holocaust 11 million Jews remained (3 million Jews in Europe and USSR, 6 million Jews in Americas and 2 million in Asia and Africa).

Since then most of the 5 mln Europe and Asia and Africa Jews migrated to Israel (3.5 mln to be precise) + natural growth of 2-3 million. America Jewish population remained about the same.

[*]If the 6 million figure is so sacrosanct and precise, why did the Auschwitz Memorial reduce the figure, on its own accord, from SIX million, to ONE million?
The first Auschwitz memorial was set by Soviets. It did not even mention Jews at all and talked about 4 million people died in Aushcwitz.

New memorial was set after USSR fall it does mention Jews and puts the correct number of 1 million people who died in Auschwitz camp.


Now simple question which all Holocaust denier avoid: what happened to 3.3 million Jews who lived in Poland in 1939. Where they disappear if there was not a Holocaust.
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If you strip nazis of holocaust, they weren't much worse than any other invading army through history. If you accept that they weren't much worse, the path to supporting them becomes much easier. Which is very much against the wishes of any lawmaker and government in Europe.
So, law is in place to stop spreading denial of such a thing. So, that two bit preachers aren't able to stand on the corner and give a sermon how Hitler was just, and Germany oh so great under him.
i understand what your saying and it would make sense but this could be proven wrong easily.
europe has more neo nazis then america, even after making it against the law.
america on the other hand has less and our neo nazis are free to preach what they want and we don't see any hitlers coming to power in america.
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Because denying fact comes with predisposed agenda ?

Prophet cartoon is taken in same sense as jesus cartoon . Just because such thing rustle the jimmies of people living in 3rd world does not count under hate speech . What speech or disposition did the cartoonist gave . Yeah you are right none .

Anyways its nearly 5 in the morning in India . Please tag me in posts you guys want me to respond in . I will by sunday late evening .
Even when there are accounts of the existence of both Jesus and Muhammad? but Holocaust gets a special place?
The reason is simple: if you deny the biggest Nazi crime, you are whitewashing the Nazism. And no one wants repeating Nazism.
so that is why we should take away people freedom of speech?
nazism is already being repeated in your country so thats a big fail.
denying people right to say it will more fuel to the new nazi movement don't you think?

Denazification was a policy imposed by victor countries over defeated countries infected with nazism.
ooook okaaaay ….. we know that.
Victor countries themselves (USA, UK, USSR) dont have a ban on Holocaust denial.
ok well godless them for not taking away peoples freedom of speech.
If u had some brain u would ask urself, why US, a country with biggest Jewish influence after Israel does not have such ban. But u dont have.
is there a a reason why they didn't make it into law other then the fact that it goes against the first amendment?
in america there is a thing called freedom of speech and we are allowed to say what ever we want.
and america was never mentioned in my list of nations that have the laws.
we are talking about the countries that do, if you had a brian you would've known that.
my question to you was is if you think these laws are against human rights ect.
i understand what your saying and it would make sense but this could be proven wrong easily.
europe has more new nazis then america, even after making it against the law.
america on the other hand has less and our new nazis are free to preach what they want and we don't see any hitlers coming to power in america.

lol, sorry but this answer of yours..... amazing combination of lack of insight into history and very simple way of thinking.
Isn't it 'strange' that an abnormal percentage of Muslims question the Holocaust ? Maybe not. THERE, I SAID IT.
lol, sorry but this answer of yours..... amazing combination of lack of insight into history and very simple way of thinking.

Isn't it 'strange' that an abnormal percentage of Muslims question the Holocaust ? Maybe not. THERE, I SAID IT.
well what do you think of these laws they got in europe?
Isn't it 'strange' that an abnormal percentage of Muslims question the Holocaust ? Maybe not. THERE, I SAID IT.
Well, could it be that since we are always at the receiving end of the lessons about freedom from the West we just thought why not highlight the hypocrisy??
so that is why we should take away people freedom of speech?
Europe lost too much in WW2 so whitewashing the Nazis is excepted from freedom of speech.

nazism is already being repeated in your country so thats a big fail.
That shows your agenda. Arabs in Israel have all rights and live better then in their own countries.

denying people right to say it will more fuel to the new nazi movement don't you think?
Nazism is very weak in Europe, so it works.

ok well godless them for not taking away peoples freedom of speech.

is there a a reason why they didn't make it into law other then the fact that it goes against the first amendment?
in america there is a thing called freedom of speech and we are allowed to say what ever we want.
and america was never mentioned in my list of nations that have the laws.
we are talking about the countries that do, if you had a brian you would've known that.
my question to you was is if you think these laws are against human rights ect.
Freedom is speech has exceptions everywhere including the USA. U again show ur extreme ignorance.
reports on all deaths in the industrial complex. The following figures should be of interest: The camp closed in January of 1945. Th

During the WW2 only some 20 K Jews entered US and slighlty more entered Palestine.
Before the Holocaust there were about 17 million Jews (9 million Jews in Europe and USSR, 6 million Jews in Americas and 2 million in Asia and Africa).
After the Holocaust 11 million Jews remained (3 million Jews in Europe and USSR, 6 million Jews in Americas and 2 million in Asia and Africa).
Since then most of the 5 mln Europe and Asia and Africa Jews migrated to Israel + natural growth of 2-3 million. America Jewish population remained about the same.
What about those who entered countries illegally under fake names and stuff? some even in containers or unregistered ferries? What about those who escaped and those who helped them escape moved? What about those who the Ottoman empire helped cross borders? Why no one read their records?

Did you count these:

Feng-Shan Ho was a Chinese diplomat who saved approximately 2,000 Jews during the early years of World War II. Ho was consul-general of the Chinese embassy in Vienna during the Austrian annexation. After the “Kristallnacht” in 1938, the situation for the almost 200,000 Austrian Jews got rapidly more difficult, but in order to leave the country they had to provide proof of emigration, usually a visa from a foreign nation or a valid boat ticket. This, however, was difficult and the Evian Conference, in 1938, where 32 countries had failed to take a stand against Nazi Germany, made this even more complicated. Acting against orders of his superior, Ho, for humanitarian reasons, started to issue visas to Shanghai. He continued to issue these visas until he was ordered to return to China in May 1940. After the war, Ho settled in San Francisco where he died in 1997. He was made ‘Righteous Among the Nations’ in 2001 for his efforts to save thousands of Austrian Jews.

Irena Sendler was a Polish Catholic social worker. During World War II, she was a member of the Polish Underground and the ?egota Polish anti-Holocaust resistance in Warsaw. She helped save 2,500 Jewish children from the Warsaw Ghetto by providing them with false documents and sheltering them in individual and group children’s homes outside the ghetto.....
In 1965 she was made ‘Righteous Among the Nations’, and died in 2008.

Hugh O’Flaherty was an Irish Catholic priest who saved about 4,000 Allied soldiers and Jews in Rome during World War II.

Giorgio Perlasca was an Italian who helped save thousands of Hungarian Jews from the Holocaust by issuing them fake passports to travel to neutral countries. Despite fighting alongside Franco in the Spanish Civil War, Perlasca became disillusioned with Fascism and escaped from Italy to the Spanish embassy in Budapest in 1944, where he became a Spanish citizen on account of his war experience. While there he worked with Spanish diplomat Angel Sanz Briz in creating fake passports to smuggle Jews out of the country. It is estimated he saved over 5,000 Jews from the Holocaust.After the war, he returned to Italy where he lived in obscurity until he was contacted in 1987 by a group of Hungarian Jews he had rescued, and his remarkable story became public. He died in 1992.

Chiune Sugihara was a Japanese diplomat, serving as Vice Consul for the Japanese Empire in Lithuania. Soon after the occupation of Lithuania by the Soviet Union, he helped an estimated 6,000 Jews leave the country by issuing transit visas to Jewish refugees so that they could travel to Japan. Most of the Jews who escaped were refugees from Poland or residents of Lithuania....Sugihara returned to Japan where he lived in obscurity until he was made ‘Righteous Among the Nations’ by Israel in 1985. He died the following year.

Georg Ferdinand Duckwitz was a German member of the Nazi party who worked as a special envoy to Nazi occupied Denmark..... Hedtoft warned senior rabbis in the country, and in the following two months, over 6,000 Jews were ferried secretly to Sweden in boats.....He died in 1973. Due to his actions, it is estimated that around 99% of Denmark’s Jews survived the Holocaust.

Frank Foley was a British secret service agent estimated to have saved 10,000 Jews from the Holocaust. ....Sometimes he went further, going into internment camps to get Jews out, hiding them in his home, and helping them get forged passports. He died in 1958.

Aristides de Sousa Mendes was a Portuguese Diplomat who ignored and defied the orders of his own government for the safety of war refugees fleeing from invading German military forces in the early years of World War II. Between the June 16 and June 23 1940, he frantically issued Portuguese visas free of charge, to over 30,000 refugees seeking to escape the Nazi terror, 12,000 of whom were Jews.

Dimitar Peshev was the Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly of Bulgaria and Minister of Justice during World War II. He rebelled against the pro-Nazi cabinet and prevented the deportation of Bulgaria’s 48,000 Jews......It was not until 1973 when he was awarded the title of Righteous Among the Nations. He died the same year.

Raoul Wallenberg was a Swedish humanitarian who worked in Budapest, Hungary during World War II to rescue Jews from the Holocaust. Between July and December of 1944 he issued fake passports and housed several thousand Jews, saving an estimated 100,000 people from the Nazis....

On April 28, 1935, four years before the War even started, Pacelli (soon to become Pope Pius XII) gave a speech ......Thousands of Jews — the figures run from 4,000 to 7,000 — were hidden, fed, clothed, and bedded in the 180 known places of refuge in Vatican City, churches and basilicas, Church administrative buildings, and parish houses. Unknown numbers of Jews were sheltered in Castel Gandolfo, the site of the Pope’s summer residence, private homes, hospitals, and nursing institutions; and the Pope took personal responsibility for the care of the children of Jews deported from Italy.”

10 People Who Saved Jews During World War Two - Listverse

So these are 10 people honoured and they together saved some 1 M Jews! These are on record not mentioning the others who were normal families!
Which figure?
And please, do not get personal, it kinda childish, you can address the ones who wrote the article.
Your moronic "questions" show very well that u know nothing on this subject like all Holocaust deniers.

Red Cross has no any info on number of perished and "Zionists" are not responsible for Red Cross records.

The number of Jews died in Holocaust is based on CENSUSES data, which is solid and well known.

During the WW2 only some 20 K Jews entered US and slighlty more entered Palestine.

Before the Holocaust there were about 17 million Jews (9 million Jews in Europe and USSR, 6 million Jews in Americas and 2 million in Asia and Africa).

After the Holocaust 11 million Jews remained (3 million Jews in Europe and USSR, 6 million Jews in Americas and 2 million in Asia and Africa).

Since then most of the 5 mln Europe and Asia and Africa Jews migrated to Israel (3.5 mln to be precise) + natural growth of 2-3 million. America Jewish population remained about the same.

The first Auschwitz memorial was set by Soviets. It did not even mention Jews at all and talked about 4 million people died in Aushcwitz.

New memorial was set after USSR fall it does mention Jews and puts the correct number of 1 million people who died in Auschwitz camp.


Now simple question which all Holocaust denier avoid: what happened to 3.3 million Jews who lived in Poland in 1939. Where they disappear if there was not a Holocaust.

You have always been moronic in every thread and on every topic, you can address the ones who wrote the articles, if what they wrote does not please you.
I am neutral on this, I have just presented facts on the matter written by people who made much research on the subject, there are thousands of articles like this one, books, magazines and much more.
I know you are a moron, and I do not appreciate conversations with you, so, just forget it when you see my posts, I do not lie and I do not like liars like you and your kind.

For a start you can begin reading on how Hitler came to power and why. Mostly why. Then you can use the conclusion from this to form an opinion why a similar thing couldn't happen in America.
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