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Hoisting of national flag upsets militant group

I have been tolerating your childish none sense for 3 days so I urge you to show some respect, don't be a wise *** with me, you must be feeling grand after clearing you matriculation exams but don't forget that I have been studying from before you were born.
Now for the rest of your post, although sights and gyros are common, a long range rifle, an elongated barrel and a high calibre bullet are not. If you shoot at a target, the velocity of the round will exert an equal force of the firing platform, which in you case is a floating drone, thereby throwing it out of balance. Get it? Or would you like a diagram?
Wait what!? after you call me i'm emitting something from my behind and you want me to play fair?

You can't tear our Defence Industry a new ******* for not being innovators and then fail to give an adequate answer, a battery is pretty straight forward but what kind of battery, what output and then will the drone sustain the battery's weight? It's an infinite loop:
Large Battery=More Weight=More Powerplant=More Weight=Right back to the battery
Americans can do it, British can do it but yeah you're right with people like you i don't think we can do nothing!

Well that depends on the motor, the altitude and terrain, maybe you need to put down your toy and think about the dynamics of battlefields.
As i said but a dji phantom and do your experiment, i've got nothing but "ideas" and i accept it and if i continue to be what i am

Why don't you?

I know i'm just hot air but nobody is born with a suitcase full of dollars.

All these are gyro-stabilized platforms, notice the one thing in common, they are all grounded to dissipate recoil. Do you suggest a Gyro is otherwise capable of dissipating recoil into thin air? I'm sure Newton had a heart attack in his own grave and then you want to act like a wise *** with those comments. Knowing a fancy name does not mean that you know the dynamics behind it, a gyro is a gyro, not magic.
look at :58

Why don't you?
well you're trying to be the hot shot here i'm not!

Well for starters I don't pretend to be a wise *** about matters I know nothing about.
I am willing to take the risk to be ridiculed for ideas that i harbour, i didn't beg you money or anything, if you don't endorse it you better not have replied.

There is a difference between ammo dumps and arms cache! God, do you know ANYTHING? You must read more and play less COD!
Games are games life is life and i'm a realist above all
shocking video

Once again, make the frigging drone and then be up in my face. As long as it doesn't exist, you're just a kid with a crazy fetish.
Well if i was in your place i'd be indoctrinating people with my idea, heck using my own money so that a few comrades of mine be saved, Kalashinkov is a good example!

I spent 4 years with the Salarzai Lashkar, I know their capability and their weaknesses, they are not going to be involved in tactical ops and thus need no Int. They just have to secure their areas which they do fine. So please don't teach me matters that you learn off google images.
I'm not only talking about them but all the laskars i saw severed heads and bullet riddled bodies, maybe they could've been saved by intelligence!

If its not encrypted, it cant be decrypted and if it isn't encrypted anyone on the broadcast frequency has access to it. Damn you're stupid.
Our engineers are not that incapable as i was saying..... there are a lot of damned companies working on encryption and decryption!

Ideas= No value.
Your ideas amount to bull**** until you put them in action.
Yeah thanks but it's just sad that you don't appreciate them rather are trying to make me a laughing stock, eh? and not to mention the personal insults!

Screw this illusion of grandeur! You are not 'innovative friendly' you are a guy with an opinion who thinks he knows stuff but you don't know jack ***.
Key words!

@MastanKhan all the way. Full dose. No holds barred. I have been intellectually drained in the last three days.
Why blame the west? Its like blaming beds for sex.
No they have funded many incidents have happened for example few years back a firing took place on an Imam Bargah and at evening in a Mosque they were not very far away and when both parties went to get FIR registered they things they told were same How guns were fired what car was used and other things they told were exactly same
Our friend is interested in mounting a high-calibre rifle with 2km range onto a quad-copter. I dare say that is not a viable solution.
Lie! post my specifications!

Exactly my point, however our friends wants a:
1. Quadcopter
2. With a high-calibre rifle
3. That is silent
4. Is small enough to avoid detection in recon roles.
5. Has endurance for sustained Ops.
6. Has a service ceiling high enough to avoid detection.
7. Yet still be able to eavesdrop on ground Comm.
8. Forward feed to ground troops.
9. Detect IEDs.
As far as I know, all that in one platform is asking for too much.
Post my specifications! @Chak Bamu dude i said to let it go so why is this happening?
Wait what!? after you call me i'm emitting something from my behind and you want me to play fair?

"Taking from behind" have you even been reading my posts? Or maybe you're too young to get the reference.

Americans can do it, British can do it but yeah you're right with people like you i don't think we can do nothing!

That's the point, they haven't done it!

As i said but a dji phantom and do your experiment, i've got nothing but "ideas" and i accept it and if i continue to be what i am

I know i'm just hot air but nobody is born with a suitcase full of dollars.

look at :58

well you're trying to be the hot shot here i'm not!

I am willing to take the risk to be ridiculed for ideas that i harbour, i didn't beg you money or anything, if you don't endorse it you better not have replied.

Games are games life is life and i'm a realist above all
shocking video

Well if i was in your place i'd be indoctrinating people with my idea, heck using my own money so that a few comrades of mine be saved, Kalashinkov is a good example!

I'm not only talking about them but all the laskars i saw severed heads and bullet riddled bodies, maybe they could've been saved by intelligence!

Our engineers are not that incapable as i was saying..... there are a lot of damned companies working on encryption and decryption!

Yeah thanks but it's just sad that you don't appreciate them rather are trying to make me a laughing stock, eh? and not to mention the personal insults!

Key words!


And here you are still stuck on the, I think therefore it is true rhetoric. I've had enough to reply any further.

You make that drone and then I'll comment further, you are otherwise unbearable.
Don't worry they would get justice even they know it sir some dumbos and many of them are funded by west are involved in sectarian fights old habit of west

Ha ha some one called Informant also called you a resident terrorist who will kill me because he thinks i am an indian. just thought i would bring it to your notice on a lighter side.
Ha ha some one called Informant also called you a resident terrorist who will kill me because he thinks i am an indian. just thought i would bring it to your notice on a lighter side.

I have met Zarvan IRL, though im pretty sure he doesnt recall me :-)

Yes he is our resident terrorist, :D
Exactly my point, however our friends wants a:

1. Quadcopter


2. With a high-calibre rifle

Already discussed. Need significant size to hold.

3. That is silent

Quad copters are generally silent but then with increasing load, the decibels go on hike.

4. Is small enough to avoid detection in recon roles.

Thats very easy. We achived it in a quad copter of 1 sq ft. Taking pictures and sending them to ground stations.

5. Has endurance for sustained Ops.

Again size dependent. More fuel, less stealth, high noise.

6. Has a service ceiling high enough to avoid detection.

Possible but then again will require camera of very high efficiency and resolution. Our copter can reach only 2K ft.

7. Yet still be able to eavesdrop on ground Comm.


8. Forward feed to ground troops.


9. Detect IEDs.

Depends on what? Image processing or thermal detection? With high ceiling thermal may be tough but image processing is possible. But then what are the rules for identifying IED by image? Thats a bit insane. :)

As far as I know, all that in one platform is asking for too much.

Yes, but a good set of requirements for a future gen. We might end up designing stealth laws for quad copter. Certainly not a cup of tea with 4 rotor hovering :D
That's the point, they haven't done it!
Hence my comment was correct!
Good luck with the spoon feeding though, nobody's gonna do it for you!

Your own words.
Post them all and let @IndPak decide!

And here you are still stuck on the, I think therefore it is true rhetoric. I've had enough to reply any further.
You make that drone and then I'll comment further, you are otherwise unbearable.
Oh cool! thanks should've done it sooner!
@mafiya, there is a window of detection for IEDs buried in a road. Perpetrators burn a tire on the road to soften the asphalt. they dig up the asphalt, plant the IED and cover it with a bit of asphalt while it is still hot. While the residual heat lasts, a drone can pick it up via IR detection. The first time this happened was in Iraq. While the drone operator and his supervisor had detected the tell tale circular shape of IED site because of the tire burning, they had no way of alerting the fast moving convoy that was the target. Result was a number of casualties that could have been avoided if procedures could have been in place.

In any case my point is that buried IEDs are detectable in certain cases and that it is part of COIN warfare now.

@FunkyGen it is a good idea to keep things short and simple. If you are not able to get your point across, drop it. These are discussions after all and if you can not persuade someone or communicate effectively enough, then it is not the end of the world.

It is better to run a couple of kilometers to get in shape than to bang your head (and others') in a futile effort. Over time I hope you would appreciate that positive attitude ensures that you get heard and that you are taken seriously. Loose a battle, but win the war.

Those were early efforts.As they gain experience, they made IED's with passive infrared sensors

Insurgents used "passive infrared sensors" to trigger IED's in Iraq - Wikileaks

The incident you narrated. I guess such efforts were put to take out a tank or else Majority attacks were road side IED's tucked in sands targeting Humvees
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