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Hamid Mir Attacked | TTP Claims Responsibility

As you like Hamid Mir, I don't want to criticize your point of view, but one thing I want to make it very clear he was very money orientated person not any ideological geek.

His gut was all about money.
Money oriented my foot.

Are u not?or army generals are not money oriented?

Money and ideology can go hand in hand.
RAW Taliban shoots at and misses RAW media personality and ISI gets blamed ....
Listen you silly man. This is a serious discussion going on out here, and you start your usual rants about the RAW being involved?

Grow up!
Money oriented my foot.

Are u not?or army generals are not money oriented?

Money and ideology can go hand in hand.
you had to bring our Army generals in every discussion related to Pakistan...?
you had to bring our Army generals in every discussion related to Pakistan...?

Now don't knit-pick,it was a generic statement saying that money is the chief motivator for everyone nowadays and there is no link between ideology and money.

Both can co-exist

And am not here to derail the thread,if u meant that
Now don't knit-pick,it was a generic statement saying that money is the chief motivator for everyone nowadays and there is no link between ideology and money.

Both can co-exist

And am not here to derail the thread,if u meant that
no i saw your anti-Army posts on other thread that day so:tongue:
Your just jealous that you don't have a life and can never be as intelligent as me ...

I don't go on throwing shit at everything that isn't green. How intelligent of you to call yourself an intellect. Your posts do not reflect that. They are just as good as Rahul gandhi's speeches. None makes sense. Again, get a life.

This is a well planned & scripted attack against Pak Army & ISI. Gen. Pasha in his report exposed the corrupt faces of journalists & media, so only bad can be expected from these journalists & media. They are paid whores of foreign powers. Well done Mubashir Lucman & Haroon Rasheed.

Well said by Haroon Rasheed that JEW or JAI group wants to make foreign policies, they want to make laws, they are showing they are powerful & so on.

If ISI wanted him dead they will make sure he is dead they will not leave him alive. There were reports that there was a car & 2 people on a bike after him.

Without a doubt Hamir Mir & his brother are traitors & they have always tried to harm Pakistan, Pakistan Army & ISI.

In PML-N's time first it was Hamid Karzai who attacked ISI with his crap, Gen. Zaheer defended ISI in front of bastard ganja who didn't even say a word then 2 khawaja sira's attacked Pakistan Army & the institutes of Army, bastard ganja didn't do anything & now these wh*re journalist have attacked Pakistan Army & ISI through a well planned & scripted attack.

Who ever attacked on hamid mir my mesg to those people is ANNI DAYA KI FAIDA HOYA INA RISK LAIN DA GOLI MARNI C TAY SIR WICH MARDA.
no but i know how it works...everyone knows it...what's so complicated about it?
there are many private channels running today and you cant have influence on each and everyone to have only a certain policy...that's logically impossible no?

Pffft i can influence more than a few channels. It's just big media houses are a tough cookie to crack, the smaller one are easy peasy. Just need to know which line to take and what info you need to dangle.

hamid mir (Peace and blessings be upon him),).. he is the greatest journalist of pak


Decent troll.

Pak army has ISI which causes terror in india. they bombed innocent Indians allover india.

Nobody apart from geo is even giving it a decent coverage.

Jesus this is Hamid Mir's respect.
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