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Its religious duty to kill atheists: Bangladeshi war criminal Ahmed Shafi

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Only through coercion, you mean. If you are sure Islam will prevail, why make laws against leaving it? Because you are insecure.

Just like you believe that it is the only right path, other religions believe theirs is the right path. Which is why nobody should impose their religion on others. Try to convince through reason, not force.

Who are we kidding though, we both know islam spread through force. And today it is the only religion that forces adherents not to leave.

U are wasting ur time here,its better to debate maoism with me:cool:
I think he is telling the truth.
U are wasting ur time here,its better to debate maoism with me:cool:
In the appropriate thread.:-)

(Just to clarify, I want the maoists eliminated too. We only differ on the method to be employed.)
Nice :tup: now killing people is prime religious duty :NO:
There is no reason to leave Islam for other religion. Atheism is understandable as somebody could lost faith on almighty. But to leave for other religion, only happens when somebody is either crack head or might be bribed by others to make a point. People just dont leave Islam thats the fact. You can cry all day long but you cant make a real conversion from Islam.

Beside there are 100s of millions muslim living as minority and they dont convert even in extreme hostile condition.

Actually there are large number of Muslims who converted to Christianity. Forced conversion is more prevalent in Christian world than Muslim world. Christian missionaries in Bangladesh are converting Muslims on rapid scale to Christianity in Chittagong.
In the appropriate thread.:-)

(Just to clarify, I want the maoists eliminated too. We only differ on the method to be employed.)

Ya ya,i know that.
I just fear ur marathon explanations running into many a pages:mad:
Actually there are large number of Muslims who converted to Christianity. Forced conversion is more prevalent in Christian world than Muslim world. Christian missionaries in Bangladesh are converting Muslims on rapid scale to Christianity in Chittagong.

Dude don't be delusional,almost whole of subcontinent was converted due to

Sword+jazia combo.

U will be utter naive to think that islam spread by peace,no it didn't.
chinese ppl are not marked as atheist but rational ppl who do not bother others

do not worry brother, you are safe as long as you do not insult religious believe and figure. you can live peacefully with your believe :kiss3:
friend let me tell you one thing.. in this world no one bothers the other, except for Sunnis in the name of religion.

These present day Pakistanis would not have hesitated to kill Bulleh Shah.

1. those atheist called our Prophets as dog etc, insulting religious believe.
2. i think you have mistaken, agreeing with 1 statement does not mean we are agreeing with another statement
so what.. they are just saying mere words. imagine how the pagans would have felt when the prophet mohammad smashed their idols.
friend let me tell you one thing.. in this world no one bothers the other, except for Sunnis in the name of religion.
The shahbag indirectly supported the insult directed towards our Rasool SAW. Rajib got the death he deserved. Shame. No Nastik gets away with insulting our Rasool.

@IamBengali I was told by @farhan_9909 that you are a Tamilian claiming to be a Muslim Bangladeshi.

I think Rajib got beheaded or his head-top got busted open, whichever method, he deserved it.

And remember Ahmad Shafi is part of the Qaumi Madrasa board in Bangladesh. It's not easy to lock this guy up, infact ulama will get involved straight away if anything happens to this guy. He is the head of Hathazari Madrassa, one of the biggest Tabligh madrassas in South Asia.
friend let me tell you one thing.. in this world no one bothers the other, except for Sunnis in the name of religion.

These present day Pakistanis would not have hesitated to kill Bulleh Shah.

so what.. they are just saying mere words. imagine how the pagans would have felt when the prophet mohammad smashed their idols.

Very nicely put;)
If I saw Rajib I would have stabbed him a few times myself. By the qadr of allah he was lucky that someone else did it.
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