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Thanks to safavids and Shah Ismail the great our country is safer than if it was sunni today. No wahabi suicide attacks like in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Syria etc because 90% is shia. Hate it or like it, this is a fact.
Lol who feels proud in the forceful conversion of his ancestors?. Your ancestors were forceibly converted to shia religion, those who refused, were killed and hanged publicly. To prove that they have really converted, they were asked to call names to first three caliph and hazrat ayesha
I would have no problem if persians had converted by their own free will.
I think the root cause is hidden in the ideology of hatred upon which the country was created.

Right, Jinnah was Shia. There goes that theory.....

Read one of My post where I have mentioned

"If Pakistani will keep doing it, soon India will Take advantage, Don't forget Modi is coming to power soon"

Good, we await your pope Modi.

Pakistani Shias would urinate on your offers of help.
Indians stupidity never cease to amaze me.

1- Saudi Arabia is not funding an x or y group in Pakistan. KSA financial support go always to the government of Pakistan.

2- It is not in our interest to support any political or ideological group considering that Saudi Arabia and the government of Pakistan including the military establishment enjoy very strong relation.

3- There is noting called Wahhabi unless your current limited knowledge can help arguing otherwise.

4- Al-qaeda holds nothing towards Shia otherwise they would have bombed Iran directly. In fact Iran have sheltered many Al-qaeda members for years.

Will the security issue improve? lets all hope so without passing groundless judgment.

Yes it also makes me laugh when the kids here say that Saudi arabia funds sunni extremists, I know this is absolutely crap. I have grown up in an ordinary town of pakistan and I know very well that extremist pakistani Sunni organizations are all indigenous and are driven only by their ideological hatred towards Shias for their continuous disrespect of Sahaba like Abu bakar, Umar, Uthman. The only group that may have received some Saudi financial assistance is salafi Jamat u dawa which has never ever indulged in shia killing.
Iran should help Shia...

Indian Parties (BJP+NDA) is planning to bring a law. Persecuted Hindus all over world will be sheltered in India..

After Iran and West, India is best place for Shia and Ahmedi...

I think Iran should have similar commitment, Iran should help Shia all over world...

If I would have been PM of India, I would have stand with Iran/Syria and Russia than scum to pressure of USA.....

Iran should help Shias of Pakistan... Or in 30 years All shia will convert to Sunni or die...

Better go tell that to Ehsan Jafri's surviving family members on how you guys look after Shia folk.

What's Namoooooo saying about it?

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Right, Jinnah was Shia. There goes that theory.....

That was not the point. Even Ahmadis were considered as Muslim back then. The point is that it was an ideology of intolerance.
Lol who feels proud in the forceful conversion of his ancestors?. Your ancestors were forceibly converted to shia religion, those who refused, were killed and hanged publicly. I would have no problem if persians had converted by their own free will.
I feel proud of Shah Ismael who made our country safe and stable, there is no any trace of violent salafism ideology in Iran except in some sunni areas. Shah ismael was not the start of shia in Iran, before that we had the buyids, alids, daylamites, and even the saffarids were probably shia.
That was not the point. Even Ahmadis were considered as Muslim back then. The point is that it was an ideology of intolerance.

So you are telling me that minority leaders set up an ideology of hate to kill their fellow kinsmen further down the line.
And Shia consider enemies of Fatima Zahra and grandsons of prophet enemies of all muslims. So it's stupid to kill people because you not agree with their religion.

But no sunni has ever abused Fatima or grandsons of prophet, they are all respected by Sunnis. As I told you it is one way traffic from Shias so no one can blame Sunnis for retaliating. Shiaism is the only religion in the world which takes "Abusing" of particular personalities as divine act, no other religion in the world consider abusing "anyone" as some kind of divine act, this is speciality of only Shiaism.
So you are telling me that minority leaders set up an ideology of hate to kill their fellow kinsmen further down the line.

No. Hate propagates. You started off with hatred for Hindus, slowly it has widened its grip to Ahmadis, Christians, Shias etc.
So who provide them Arms?? India???

If anyone has money , he can buy arms himself , no one needs any foreign country to specially give arms to them. If someone wants to kill somebody , a simple knife will also serve the purpose.
But no sunni has ever abused Fatima or grandsons of prophet, they are all respected by Sunnis. As I told you it is one way traffic from Shias so no one can blame Sunnis for retaliating. Shiaism is the only religion in the world who takes "Abusing" of particular personality as divine act, no other religion in the world consider abusing "anyone" as some kind of divine act, this is speciality of only Shiaism.
Cursing is not abnormal in Islam (both in sunni and shia sect), however violence is not the answer except in selfdefence when your life is danger. What we know from these terrorists is they are blowing shias up from Indonesia to Iraq and Egypt. That some shia curse x or y is not a reason for this terrorist acts. Many civilians lost their lives. TTP and such groups who are anti-shia also attack and kill Pakistani soldiers.
But no sunni has ever abused Fatima or grandsons of prophet, they are all respected by Sunnis. As I told you it is one way traffic from Shias so no one can blame Sunnis for retaliating. Shiaism is the only religion in the world who takes "Abusing" of particular personality as divine act, no other religion in the world consider abusing "anyone" as some kind of divine act, this is speciality of only Shiaism.
Shias also blame us for praising yazid and insulting imam hussian , the fact is i have never seen any mullah in my region praising yazid. Imam hussain is loved and praised by sunnis while yazid is condemned.
No. Hate propagates. You started off with hatred for Hindus, slowly it has widened its grip to Ahmadis, Christians, Shias etc.

So Pakistan was set up to hate Hindus? Your claims sound more ludicrous by the minute.
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