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What a Stupid & useless thread ... There is no Genocide .. everyone who is killed by terrorists is Pakistani First .. then anything later .. Stop making such thread & showing your own iner complex to others .
And remember we have not forget massacare of our beloved Imam in Karbala.. The way your army butchered our Imam is unforgettable...

It's all depend upon what u consider as abuse. For you picture of Noah is abuse while USA can make movie on him. For you Idols are abuse, For us its faith. For you Eating Pig is abuse, For us its not... For you Muhammad is hero, For us he is not. His followers killed and raped us.

Your religion ends where my Nose starts. Keep your religion to your house, don't try to impose on us.

So you're somehow both a Hindu and a Shia?o_O
Taliban have killed mostly their own hanafi pashtuns.
Shia-sunni violence is a separate issue. Both are killing each other. Both lashkar e jangvi and sipah e mohamad 's terrorists are getting arrested. Sipah e mohammad and tehreek nifaz jafria is linked to your iran...dont act so innocent, you people are as guilty as saudi. Saudis atleast dont spread anti sahaba , blasphemous literature like your iran.

Since you are sectarian up to neck, I won't go on with this debate. But considering the number of operations by both sides, it's quite obvious who the 'real' terrorists are.

List of operations by Sipah e Muhammad:

-In 1990s, the founder and the main leader of the banned Sipah-e-Sahaba or Lashkar-e-Jhangvi was assassinated.
-In January, 1997, the main leader of the banned Sipah-e-Sahaba or Lashkar-e-Jhangvi, Zia-ur-Rehman Farooqi was killed as a result of bombings near Lahore Session Court.
-In May, 2002, the leader of the banned Sipah-e-Sahaba or Lashkar-e-Jhangvi was assassinated near a Shiite populated village.
-In October 2003, the main leader of the banned Sipah-e-Sahaba or Lashkar-e-Jhangvi, Azam Tariq was gunned down.
-In August, 2009, the leader of the banned Sipah-e-Sahaba or Lashkar-e-Jhangvi of Khairpur, Pakistan chapter, Ali Sher Haideri was gunned down.
-In February, 2010, the leader of the banned Sipah-e-Sahaba or Lashkar-e-Jhangvi, Abdul Rauf Asghar was assassinated.
-In August, 2013, the spokesman of the banned Sipah-e-Sahaba or Lashkar-e-Jhangvi of Karachi chapter, was gunned down near Karachi Safari Park on University Road.

The leaders of the Sipah-e-Sahaba (also known as Lashkar-e-Jhangvi) that were assassinated by Sipah-e-Muhammad were also affiliated with the Taliban and its sub-groups in Pakistan.

These 'terrorists' have have killed more terrorists rather than civilians. The number of civilians, Shia or Sunni, who have been killed by Taliban goons and other similar groups is not even comparable to the groups you used as examples. Too much difference.

And it's never proved that Iran is supporting them, only allegations and talk, nothing more.
There is no shia genocide, it is lashkar-e-jangvi vs shia militants.
I dont believe in violence. They should be convinced to accept islam through tabligh or their iran should be requested to accept them as their citizens.
Iran is fasad ki jarr, it was hanafi muslim country. But evil safavids forcibly converted them into shia religion.
Thanks to safavids and Shah Ismail the great our country is safer than if it was sunni today. No wahabi suicide attacks like in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Syria etc because 90% is shia. Hate it or like it, this is a fact.
what are the basic reason behind shia genocide in Pakistan is the govt is totally fail to protect civilians and what should they do for their own defence should they pick the weapons for their own defence ....?

There is only ONE reason behind shia killing in pakistan. The reason is that they openly abuse Friends (Sahaba) of prophet Muhammad. The Friends of prophet are regarded as pillars of Islamic civilisation by pakistani sunnis. Some hardcore extremist sunnis simply have taken up the arms to get rid of Shias based on their DISRESPECT of Sahaba of prophet Muhammad because it is a one way traffic, NO sunni has any interest in what Shias do as long as they do NOT indulge in Disrespecting Sahaba of prophet. For Sunnis the Sahabas (Abu Bakar, Umar and Usman) are pillars of Islamic civilisation and anyone who is enemy of them is the enemy of all the Sunnis.
I think the root cause is hidden in the ideology of hatred upon which the country was created.
no sir i don't agree
reason is c-i-a and r-a-w funding
if the root cause is wrong than why there is genocide of Muslims and minorities in India
Shia are not micro-minority like Hindu/Cristians/Sikhs.

If Sunni will keep doing cruelty on Shia, I fear that Shia will form a terrorists organization and may ask for Seperate nation. If such things comes, I am sure India and Iran will help such group..

Shias in pakistan do have terrorist outfits like Sipah Mohammad etc. but they are not highlighted in pakistan because the karachi based pakistani media is controlled by Shia journalists.
There is only ONE reason behind shia killing in pakistan. The reason is that they openly abuse Friends (Sahaba) of prophet Muhammad. The Friends of prophet are regarded as pillars of Islamic civilisation by pakistani sunnis. Some hardcore extremist sunnis simply have taken up the arms to get rid of Shias based on their DISRESPECT of Sahaba of prophet Muhammad because it is a one way traffic, NO sunni has any interest in what Shias do as long as they do NOT indulge in Disrespecting Sahaba of prophet. For Sunnis the Sahabas (Abu Bakar, Umar and Usman) are pillars of Islamic civilisation and anyone who is enemy of them is the enemy of all the Sunnis.

And Shia consider enemies of Fatima Zahra and grandsons of prophet enemies of all muslims. So it's stupid to kill people because you not agree with their religion.
Shias in pakistan do have terrorist outfits like Sipah Mohammad etc. but they are not highlighted in pakistan because the karachi based pakistani media is controlled by Shia journalists.
So who provide them Arms?? India???
Shia are not micro-minority like Hindu/Cristians/Sikhs.

If Sunni will keep doing cruelty on Shia, I fear that Shia will form a terrorists organization and may ask for Seperate nation. If such things comes, I am sure India and Iran will help such group..
There are already terrorist groups from both sides
Shias in pakistan do have terrorist outfits like Sipah Mohammad etc. but they are not highlighted in pakistan because the karachi based pakistani media is controlled by Shia journalists.
we know these theories already, ISIS works for assad, Pakistani media is anti-sunni, those suicide attacks in Iraq were done by British etc.
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