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Indira Gandhi planned a mass invasion of Pakistan | CIA Records

Lol. I think you guys like to forget the 1000 years of humiliation. Very understandable. It must be so infuriating to be reminded though.

Yes I am burning with infuriation while typing this on my laptop with 24 hr electricity with 1 mpbs wifi. While dear pakistanis are still to get rid of loadshedding and and 3g auctions in their country. The only export of your country is terrorism and I am the one who should feel infuriated. Right.
a. Yes, sure - Operation Searchlight in erstwhile East Pakistan is a figment of the world's imagination. Or the Blood Telegram sent by American diplomats. Or mass graves.

it was an operation to combat against what were perceived as anti-state terrorists, bandits and saboteurs....

b. So did the Lankans tour Pakistan again?

no b/c the ICC with its stereotypical anti-Pakistan agenda has not given the country a clean chit yet even though ironically Bangla Desh saw mass insurrections and violence and unrest when that iron-fisted indian puppet of a woman (hasina) won her fraudulent (s)election and even then the ICC didn't blink an eye (me personally i'm glad that Bdesh didnt get affected)

to answer your question, no they haven't but

'Sri Lanka can tour Pakistan if security guaranteed' - DAWN.COM

c. Nepal - LOL. Look at this Gallup poll in Nepal. Nepalese See Pakistan as South Asia's Greatest Security Threat
28% of Nepal considers you a threat to South Asia.

and a higher percent of Nepalese view india as a DIRECT threat to Nepal alone and that is why they are cozying up to the Chinese (as are Sri Lankans as well)

No one in South Asia considers Pakistan as their "savior". They do consider India to be a bully but they deal with it on their own.

only difference is - some of them allow themselves to be bullied by india; whereas we do not. and india knows they can't bully or push Pakistan to bend to its wishes, nor will they ever be able to

so in that sense we are too proud to care a damn about what other S. Asian countries think
Lol. I think you guys like to forget the 1000 years of humiliation. Very understandable. It must be so infuriating to be reminded though.
Don't be ridiculous.
Yes its true that Pakistan and Afghanistan were ruled for more than thousand years by foreign invaders like Greeks, Huns
Arabs, Persians, Turks and Mongols. But dont confuse **** history with Indian history.
Was it before or after she decided to massacre sikhs?
shastri tried and went to hell , indra went to hell even before she gave it a try ... hahaha epic india fail as usual
Don't be ridiculous.
Yes its true that Pakistan and Afghanistan were ruled for more than thousand years by foreign invaders like Greeks, Huns
Arabs, Persians, Turks and Mongols. But dont confuse **** history with Indian history.

LOL. Wow! I believe you forgot to mention the glorious muslim rule over India.

Islamic conquest of India bloodiest in the history

Will Durant, the famous historian summed it up like this:
"The Islamic conquest of India is probably the bloodiest story in history. It is a discouraging tale, for its evident moral is that civilization is a precious good, whose delicate complex of order and freedom, culture and peace, can at any moment be overthrown by barbarians invading from without or multiplying within."

Koenraad Elst , the german historian writes in "Negation in India"
The Muslim conquests, down to the 16th century, were for the Hindus a pure struggle of life and death. Entire cities were burnt down and the populations massacred, with hundreds of thousands killed in every campaign, and similar numbers deported as slaves. Every new invader made (often literally) his hills of Hindus skulls. Thus, the conquest of Afghanistan in the year 1000 was followed by the annihilation of the Hindu population; the region is still called the Hindu Kush, i.e. Hindu slaughter. The Bahmani sultans (1347-1480) in central India made it a rule to kill 100,000 captives in a single day, and many more on other occasions. The conquest of the Vijayanagar empire in 1564 left the capital plus large areas of Karnataka depopulated. And so on.

Source:© 1968-2014 Daniel Pipes

LOL. Wow! I believe you forgot to mention the glorious muslim rule over India.

He he
Yes the Arab and Turkic conquest of Afghanistan and Pakistan was indeed bloody.
Its hilarious that Pakis and Afghans still use the writing system of their former masters the Arabs.
Yes I am burning with infuriation while typing this on my laptop with 24 hr electricity with 1 mpbs wifi. While dear pakistanis are still to get rid of loadshedding and and 3g auctions in their country. The only export of your country is terrorism and I am the one who should feel infuriated. Right.

HAIIIH! And I thought Pakistan's chief exports consist of rice, mangoes, oranges, cotton fibers, cement, tiles, marble, furniture, sporting goods, cutlery, surgical and medical appliances, carpets and rugs, wheat, seafood, chicken, and occasionally defense equipments.
Main export partners are: United States (15 percent of total exports), United Arab Emirates (10 percent), Afghanistan (9.5 percent), China (9 percent), United Kingdom (3 percent) and Germany (2 percent).

Duty-free textile exports to 27 EU countries allowed till 2017

ISLAMABAD: The European Union has granted the much-awaited duty free market access under the Generalized System of Preference (GSP)+ to Pakistan which will enable Islamabad to export textile goods to 27 European countries till 2017.
“Yes, the EU has granted the GSP Plus to Pakistan which will increase our exports by $2 billion per annum,” Minister for Finance Ishaq Dar said while talking to reporters here on Thursday.
Pakistan's Import and Export Indicators and Statistics at a Glance (2010)
Total value of exports: US$20.29 billion

Primary exports - commodities: textiles (garments, bed linen, cotton cloth, yarn), circe, leather goods, sports goods, chemicals, manufactures, carpets and rugs

Primary export partners: US (15.87 percent of total valor of exports), UAE (12.35 percent), Afghanistan (8.48 percent), UK (4.7 percent), China (4.44 percent).

And yes we do export terrorism but only to India as do you export terrorism to Pakistan. So tit for tat.

He he
Yes the Arab and Turkic conquest of Afghanistan and Pakistan was indeed bloody.
Its hilarious that Pakis and Afghans still use the writing system of their former masters the Arabs.

LOL. And u forgot that we the muslims were your masters in India. Tck! Tck! such a short memory. But when the memory is so painful it is understandable to try to forget it.

Indira Gandhi planned a mass invasion of Pakistan but pakistan surrendered :rofl:

but a Sikh bodyguard invaded her body with multiple bullets lol


@waz @BATMAN @batmannow please forgive me I cant find a better picture
Nixon did say she was going to pay, who would have thought it was through the hands that once swore to defend her. How the mighty fell.
we told her, we warraned her?

but a Sikh bodyguard invaded her body with multiple bullets lol


@waz @BATMAN @batmannow please forgive me I cant find a better picture
guss thats enough, its working at least?lolzz
but a Sikh bodyguard invaded her body with multiple bullets lol


@waz @BATMAN @batmannow please forgive me I cant find a better picture

She was very ambitious lady, no doubt she may have like to put Pakistan army to test, while she is still living.
I wonder if US had any role in this murder! as at this point in time, US had very different plans, and estimates, than her. and as we already know, that US knew all about her intentions, muchmore deeply than Pakistan.
She was very ambitious lady, no doubt she may have like to put Pakistan army to test, while she is still living.
I wonder if US had any role in this murder! as at this point in time, US had very different plans, and estimates, than her. and as we already know, that US knew all about her intentions, muchmore deeply than Pakistan.

I don't think the US had anything to do with it. She was a victim of her own folly and to be honest inflated ego.

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