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Saudi Arabia expresses interest in JF-17 co-production with Pakistan.

If there is going to be a procurement of the J-17, then the National Guard is going to be the one which gets it. They have none warplanes in their inventory.
I honestly doubt that KSA will opt for JF-17 citing operational aircraft in the current inventory. You guys have extremely opulent airforce budget with the best of best available planes in service. I somehow doubt it being acquired.

BTW is the SNG like Iranian IRGC, i believe IRGC is to counter military coups right?

Nah, the counter-coup units is a con-joined body of the Royal Guards and the intelligence. The MoI might get in if needed.
As a matter of fact, we asked for an advance model of the B-60 F-16s. They offered B-40, we said no, and place an order on more Tornado, gave a green light to the Typhoon.

I know, RSAF wanted similar deal to Block 60 DF US refused it was a strategic blunder on behest of israel but US learned its blunder a costly one realized with Typhoon deal going to UK and now they offered F-15SA but I feel RSAF should have ordered F-35s and upgraded current F-15s to SA standards.

@Aeronaut, clearly it is offered by indians not asked by RSAF but what is so special about it, entire stuff is made in france and israel and USA, with weapons from all 3 states compared to Thunder which can offers weapons from reliable partners like China/Pak. You mentioned Block III i think there is enough time around 4 years more money poured in a program a small stealth aircraft is possible smaller than J-31 development from scratch or based on JFT is possible but again it is about reliability of partner like KSA with no US pressure and real commitment not leaving in the middle, the AK-1 was a very insulting one i think of it personally.
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We will later also be producing a stealth variant.....Saudi can join it too....and take it as an opportunity not to miss :)

heres an awesome livery on the JF-17 (My favorite)

seriously why dont we get this livery :cray:

Did pakistan get the nod from ruskies?
Why wouldn't they want to earn the bucks :-) Sales of JF-17 can boost there engine sales and I don't think so they would want to loose it. Its not like Pakistan is going to sell their stealth tech so :cheers:
i think we can not predict what KSA is up to they can but them too , or may be not ... KSA armed force are involved in many operations , so they could use Jf-17 in many operations , and its cheap to maintain and flight, with multi tasks abilities .. this is not going to hurt KSA pockets
They should buy few squadrons of JFT :p: It will definitely help Pakistan with sales and marketing of thunder to other nations ;)

Indians weren't asked, they offered it unilaterally.

@Yzd Khalifa

If KSA joins at this stage, they can partner in the Block-3, with full access.

It would be a jet designed to meet requirements, from ground up.

KSA involvement would be a Game Changer for the JFT program.

For the Saudis it will be acquiring and building a 4.5 Generation aircraft at a fraction of the cost.

For all the jokers who think Saudis have money to burn so why would they be interested in JFT, I have news.

Saudis are sophisticated and astute Businessmen and know the concept of VALUE.

They understand that by using the the JFT Platform and sprucing it up with the state of the art avionics and sensors as well as highly advanced weapons systems , they can buy/make an aircraft that rivals the best west has to offer, at a third of the price.

I think with Saudi help, JFT can be turned into a highly effective fighter plane that will give its opponents a run for its money.

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