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Racism aganist Iranians in more Hollywood movies

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Racism aganist Iranians in more Hollywood movies

Well, YEAH!! WHAT did you expect ? That stupid 'Death to America' crap went a long way in making you guys look like kooks.
I did. I don't chant stupid stuff and I'm not a mullah or their 'equivalent'.
Equivalent = Counterpart

Your comments are like the counterpart of a ''Death to America'' screaming Mullah.

That doesnt mean you are a Mullah, it would mean the counterpart, in this case a ''Redneck''.
Equivalent = Counterpart...

The words 'equivalent' and 'counterpart' DO NOT have the same meaning. Get your dictionary out, chief. I'd take being a 'redneck' over being a mullah ANY DAY.:bunny:
It says 'opposite' and 'obverse' are synonymous to 'counterpart'. THAT IT PATENTLY WRONG !!! No wonder 'you people' think the way you do !!! Holy cow !!!!:rofl:
Is this better?

Definition of equivalent in English

1a person or thing that is equal to or corresponds with another in value, amount, function, meaning, etc.:the French equivalent of the Bank of England

Definition of counterpart in English

1a person or thing that corresponds to or has the same function as another person or thing in a different place or situation:the minister held talks with his French counterpart

I somehow have the feeling, your trolling or you are really a redneck.

English is not my first Language and i never learned it at School, thats why i suck in English, but it looks like you are even worse than me, althought your an American with English as first language...
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Nobody got it worse than Pakistan.

They tried to nuke Pakistan on one of their tv serials.

All Iranians have to deal with a gay looking, gold wearing Xerxes.

You Iranis have to admit, you guys do love gold.
@iranigirl2 Yelling about "racist movies"....and then saying "it's all an evil joooo plot" kind of loses its impact.

hmmm....ok. so it is common knowledge that most of Hollywood is controlled by Jewish-Americans. Currently, for obvious reasons they don't like Iran or Iranians so they try to influence publics opinion about Iran through pop culture i.e films. Exactly hows that racist?
Perhaps because they portray certain group to be highly negative all the time and ignore the good people doing good in their society
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It bothers me to hear stuff like this. I know there are millions of people that love to get into conspiracy theories and go on and on about "them" but when i see stuff like this is makes me really sad. This is not a film created to turn people against Iran. The average American has no idea that Persia and Iran have any relation to eachother. It would be like saying a movie with scary ancient Africans that eat people is propaganda to make people think blacks are cannibals. To be perfectly honest, the last time I even remember a movie with a "persia" was Kingdom of Heaven, which actually did a fantastic job of making a FICTIONAL movie with some historical elements sprinkled in that showed understanding and humanity. Its a really cheesy action fantasy, not a serious political film. How many movies have been made about what an idiot George Bush was? TONS. And they were celebrated across the US, with the majority of the country agreeing he was the most ignorant president in modern American history. Its not a Nazi nation where movies are censored or personally edited and told what to say (hmm....Putin???) to brainwash people.

I dont usually post things like this, but this is a very important topic. I'm not posting this to challenge anyones views, opinions or to criticize in any way. My only aim here is to try and squash a little fear. Before saying someone hates you, or is out to get you...just ask. It is so dangerous to walk down a path of assumption. What happens is that we stop asking questions, stop researching facts, stop trusting people to give an honest answer and speak from the heart. When that happens, there is no arguing with us. No matter what our thought, it becomes the sole and singular reality we believe - because we don't trust any other source than our own mind, and we only listen to those that agree with us and glorify our ego. This is dangerous - it puts our fears in control of how we see the world. Anyway that's my contribution.
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