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Indian deputy consul general arrested in US on visa fraud charges

There is only ONE charge against her. That is "lying for Visa Fraud".

Sorry to burst your bubble. LOL.

What constitutes Felony in the US is IRRELEVANT to the case.

Only thing that matters is what GRAVE CRIME constitutes. And lying is not a Grave Crime.

Now do not waste any more of my time with your retarded opinions. I do not have to suffer fools gladly.

Sir, You started quoting me. What constitutes in U.s is exactly what is relevant in this case.She is being charged with human exploitation....which includes underpay, declaring false wages to the immigration department.You are welcome to not quote me further.I do not suffer hypocrites gladly.
Amreeka ka ne ek bar cavity search kiya hai par tuh ne to had kardi cavity search ki enclycopedia kholdi hai bas kar mere bhai .
I don't understand why indian are angry when she broke the law she has to suffer and she did bc of her benefit let her suffer .india should remove her diplomatic immunity .
this also shows the world that india and amreeka relationship is malik or ghulam ka hai.

Sorry about that :D

It must have been very humiliating and degrading for her to go through the cavity search. America has tossed India's honor into the gutters. How will India retrieve it?

Indian PM and Sonia Gandhi are too weak. They let China and America bully India without uttering a word or raising a hand. Even India's great friend Russia rips India off by overcharging India on military equipments.

When will India take a stand?
There is only ONE charge against her. That is "lying for Visa Fraud".

Sorry to burst your bubble. LOL.

What constitutes Felony in the US is IRRELEVANT to the case.

Only thing that matters is what GRAVE CRIME constitutes. And lying is not a Grave Crime.

Now do not waste any more of my time with your retarded opinions. I do not have to suffer fools gladly.

Now I know you are Certifiable.

The Crime was committed on the US soil and the US law applies.

Under our law on our land Consulars can be tried for Felony offense.

Your Opinion in this case is worthless.

This is why she was Arrested. She broke the US law by committing a FELONY, which is the worst kind of crime committed in the US. Lying under oath is a felony offense in the US.

How retarded are you that you cannot fathom this simple reality.
Sir, You started quoting me. What constitutes in U.s is exactly what is relevant in this case.She is being charged with human exploitation....which includes underpay, declaring false wages to the immigration department.You are welcome to not quote me further.I do not suffer hypocrites gladly.


She is being charged with visa fraud.

She CANNOT be charged with Human exploitation since NONE took place and Vienna convention covers that. I will continue to quote you as long as you post lies about India. You are free to suffer.

Now I know you are Certifiable.
The Crime was committed on the US soil and the US law applies.
Under our law on our land Consulars can be tried for Felony offense.
Your Opinion in this case is worthless.
This is why she was Arrested. She broke the US law by committing a FELONY, which is the worst kind of crime committed in the US. Lying under oath is a felony offense in the US.
How retarded are you that you cannot fathom this simple reality.

The ALLEGED crime took place on US soil and the protection of the diplomat on US soil is covered by the Vienna convention.

Lying under Oath is PERJURY and even then NOT ALL Felony are Grave Crimes.
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She is being charged with visa fraud.

She CANNOT be charged with Human exploitation since NONE took place and Vienna convention covers that. I will continue to quote you as long as you post lies about India. You are fee to suffer.

The ALLEGED crime took place on US soil and the protection of the diplomat on US soil is covered by the Vienna convention.

Lying under Oath is PERJURY and even then NOT ALL Felony are Grave Crimes.

None took place expect for the little matter of wrong disclosure of data which included the maid's wage, underpaying her not in accordace with U.S law... when we connect these two, we are pretty close to exploitation of her rights.What lies , that indians treat their domestic workers like shit,that indians at high positions like princess here use officialdom to bypass restrictions and save some money....and again if you have the list of charges against her, please post them in this forum with sources.
So the Americans love for Indians is coming out. Now Shutup Indians and let the Justice be done.

All hail for India-Americana Relations.

At the end Phock u AAmmeriiiicaaaaaaa
None took place expect for the little matter of wrong disclosure of data which included the maid's wage, underpaying her not in accordace with U.S law... when we connect these two, we are pretty close to exploitation of her rights.What lies , that indians treat their domestic workers like shit,that indians at high positions like princess here use officialdom to bypass restrictions and save some money....and again if you have the list of charges against her, please post them in this forum with sources.

The Alleged Visa fraud was done in accordance with the standard practice that was established by the Govt. of India.

The ONLY crime here is the RAPE of the Indian diplomat in the US and this RAPE was admitted to by the US Marshall. It is time India demand strong action against these RAPISTS.

Your personal prejudice about Indians and princess have no bearing on the case.
The Alleged Visa fraud was done in accordance with the standard practice that was established by the Govt. of India.

The ONLY crime here is the RAPE of the Indian diplomat in the US and this RAPE was admitted to by the US Marshall. It is time India demand strong action against these RAPISTS.

Your personal prejudice about Indians and princess have no bearing on the case.

Wtf....Rape????? Where there has been a rape, Strip Search by duely assigned females may be a bit extreme by U.S but it is definitely not a rape.Why are you hell bent on not accepting the fact that she broke the Law.And there is no such agreement, just that we are caught this time thats all.India is hardly containing our own actual real Rapists, we really dont have time to save a criminal.

some facts :

Devyani Khobragade owns a flat in the infamous Adarsh. Her father Uttam Khobragade was one of the bureaucrats who allegedly misused their positions to help Adarsh. It was during his tenure as general manager of BEST, the civic-owned bus and electricity utility in Mumbai, that the Adarsh Society got additional building rights from an adjacent BEST bus depot. This allowed the society promoters to increase the original plan of six floors to a massive 31 floors. While the Khobragades may want us to believe this is mere coincidence, only other bureaucrats and politicians caught with their hands in the Adarsh till may take such a claim at face value. That's not all when it comes to Devyani's real estate holdings in Mumbai. When she got the Adarsh flat, she already owned a flat in another government housing society in Oshiwara, which too was allotted under the state government's 10 per cent quota where recipients get flats at extremely cheap rates as compared to Mumbai's stratospheric market prices, and which is another fount of corruption in Mumbai, with most flats cornered by politicians and their relatives, and of course bureaucrats and their relatives, and those connected to their powers that be, making a mockery of the 10 percent quota supposedly for helping citizens who need it most. As the Economic Times reports, a massive 42 percent of such flats allocated in the past 10 years were resold by allottees at much higher prices, making a killing in the bargain at the expense of the taxpayer and the common Indian. Things have become so bad with the 10 percent quota that the Bombay High Court recently warned the Maharashtra government of contempt if it continued to stonewall requests to name double and multiple allottees of such flats. In Devyani's case, what makes the issue even murkier is the guideline which states that no one can get flats in two housing societies which get land on concessional rates and they have to give an affidavit to this effect. However, when Uttam Khobragade was asked about this violation and material non-disclosure of facts on the part of Devyani by the Adarsh Commission, he said that it was not his duty to inform the Adarsh Co-operative society that Devyani had also been allotted a flat in Oshiwara under the 10 percent quota. However, does this mean that Devyani has submitted a fraudulent affidavit at Adarsh to get the Adarsh flat? This is a question that needs to be answered and paper trail can easily prove this.

Read more at: http://www.firstpost.com/india/how-...ntroversy-1296429.html?utm_source=ref_article
@adwityagrata stop talking to idiots , he clearly has failed to counter any of your points

@queerbait My dear American apologist , America is far worse when it comes to Rapes than India , at-least India don't rape diplomats fully sanctioned by the govt. Just because raping someone is legal under some silly excuse does not make it allright ...

You still failed very clearly to counter his points
Cant wait to see the reports of US embassy paying around 1 lakh rupees per month to gardeners and other workers in their Indian embassy.. May be Preet Bharara can sue the embassy staffs also for that since technically it is in US soil..
American media, public say Devyani Khobragade is wrong

American media, public say Devyani Khobragade is wrong
New Delhi: Devyani Khobragade is not a top news story for the American media. However influential US dailies like Washington Post, New York Times, Chicago Tribune and LA Times have been covering the developments related to the Khobragade incident. The American media is shocked by India's rage. These newspapers have been analyzing the whole incident from both US and Indian perspectives. According to the US media, what Devyani Khobragade has allegedly done is a clear violation of the US laws and she should be punished for it. They feel that Indians are siding with the wrong woman (Devyani Khobragade) and not with the wronged woman (Sangeeta Richards).

A glance at the US media shows that there is no sympathy for Devyani Khobragade among the US media and public. Clearly the US media and public are sympathizing with the maid Sangeeta Richards.

ALSO SEE Devyani Khobragde's arrest in the US: Animated spoof that went viral
In a lead article 'Washington Post' describes India's reaction as disappointing. It mentions the victory of anti-corruption AAP's victory in Delhi and wonders how Indian media and government can back a diplomat, accused of a crime.


According to the US media, what Devyani has allegedly done is a clear violation of the US laws and she should be punished for it.
Washington Post says "India's reaction is disappointing. The anti-corruption party in India is gaining incredible momentum - the party even unseated the ruling Congress party in the country's capital, which was a huge victory. So why are Indians rallying for a privileged treatment of a diplomat? Why shouldn't she be treated as a common criminal? In India, someone with power would rarely be apprehended for paying a servant a low wage. Actually, it's laughable to think such a charge would even take place. But there was hope that a movement against corruption would change things."

ALSO SEE Devyani Khobragade case third instance of maids accusing Indian diplomats
It also laments that the India media and government are not giving any attention to the house maid Sangeeta Richard and her family, who are also fellow Indians.

It says, "Little attention has been given to the housekeeper, Sangeeta Richard. India is siding with a woman who was in the wrong - who lied, paid her help poorly and now is brazen enough to claim that she should not be treated like a criminal. What's "deplorable", to use the prime minister's words, is not Khobragade's treatment, which was standard, but the fact that many in India aren't speaking out against the treatment of the nanny."

Washington Post also makes a scathing attack on India's response in following sentences.

"After the global outrage and mass protests in India due to the Delhi gang rape that happened a little over a year ago, there was hope that unfair treatment toward women and opposition to immunity would skyrocket. Instead, many Indians are siding with the wrong woman in this battle. Like we saw with India's anti-gay ruling last week, the country is in the wrong once again."

Los Angeles Times (LA Times) also feels that the Indian response is unjustified. In an article it says "By contrast, a US law enforcement official called on US authorities not to back off in the face of Indian criticism. Jon Adler, president of the Federal Law Enforcement Officers Association, said those arrested by the agency "are treated fairly and equally, and the Marshals Service doesn't exempt anyone due to their gender, national origin or good looks. Perhaps Indian officials should direct their outrage towards Ms. Khobragade for her alleged visa fraud and the alleged servant wages she paid her housekeeper," Adler said.

Another influential newspaper Chicago Tribune, in an article on Devyani getting retroactive immunity says "But let's assume that the State Department, which has clearly been rattled by India's rage at Khobragade's treatment, agrees to credential her as a full diplomat. Does her immunity reach back to shield her against actions predating her new appointment? It can, according to Peter Rutledge, associate dean of the University Of Georgia School Of Law and an expert on international dispute resolution. Retroactive diplomatic immunity, Rutledge said, is quite rare - but it's not unprecedented.

The best-known example dates back to 1982, when Miami-Dade police officers attempted to search the home of Prince Turki Bin Abdulaziz of Saudi Arabia, who was suspected of holding an Egyptian woman against her will. At the time of the raid, in March 1982, Abdulaziz had no diplomatic credentials. He did have a burly security staff, which scuffled with police and fended off execution of the search warrant on the prince's home. Abdulaziz and his family sued Dade County for violating their civil rights. County officials countersued, claiming they were injured in the scuffle with the prince's staff.

On the other hand, retroactive immunity would quell Indian outrage and permit the State Department to save face."

US media and public are unanimous in their opinion that Indian government and media have overreacted to the issue. They feel that it has dented India's image as a country governed by the laws.
Wtf....Rape????? Where there has been a rape, Strip Search by duely assigned females may be a bit extreme by U.S but it is definitely not a rape.Why are you hell bent on not accepting the fact that she broke the Law.And there is no such agreement, just that we are caught this time thats all.India is hardly containing our own actual real Rapists, we really dont have time to save a criminal.

Under INDIA LAW, strip search and cavity search constitutes RAPE.

The LAW is very clear on this. The Indian Diplomat was RAPED in the US by US officials.

Her personal assets in India is not relevant to the case.
BBC News - Who, What, Why: Does Devyani Khobragade have diplomatic immunity?

Who, What, Why: Does Devyani Khobragade have diplomatic immunity?
19 December 2013 Last updated at 17:31 ETBy Tara McKelvey BBC News

Deputy consul general Devyani Khobragade was arrested in New York on suspicion of visa fraud. Can she claim diplomatic immunity?

If you are a diplomat abroad, you can get away with murder.

The provision is spelt out in treaties. The 1961 Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations says diplomats are immune from prosecution in a host country if they break the law.

It does not matter if you are working or off-duty (though back home you can be prosecuted). If you are a consul, however, you are only shielded if you break the law while you are working.

For that reason, say experts, Ms Khobragade, as deputy consul general, could be prosecuted for the crimes she has been accused of. If you are a consular general, you have "consular immunity", rather than "diplomatic immunity".

Under the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations (1963), individuals are protected from a host country's laws only when the offences are related to their consular duties.

There are different rules for ambassadors because of their responsibilities. A consul general helps people from their home country with visas, trade and other issues. Meanwhile a diplomat works directly with people in the host country.

"If a state could arrest a diplomat, it would interfere with their ability to do their job," said Duncan Hollis, editor of the Oxford Guide to Treaties.

Hiring a maid
According to federal-court documents, Ms Khobragade claimed on a visa application that she would pay a maid, Sangeeta Richard, $4,500 (£2,746) a month. That is the minimum required by labour laws.

In fact, said US investigators, two contracts were drawn up. One paid Ms Richard $573 per month.

Protesters at the US consulate in Hyderabad say Ms Khobragade was treated unfairly
Hiring a maid is not part of a deputy consul's job, as Mr Hollis said. Therefore a consular general could be prosecuted for offences relating to the hiring of domestic staff.

"Diplomats get immunity for everything - your maids, your murders," he said. "But if you're consular general and you're off the clock..."

Indian officials said they have moved Ms Khobragade to the United Nations. UN officials have to accept her credentials. In addition US state department officials have to sign off.

"By changing her status, Indian officials are signalling that they understand she would not be protected by consular immunity," said Mr Hollis.

Ms Khobragade is part of India's foreign service, said Shuja Nawaz, director of the South Asia Center at the Atlantic Council in Washington. She belongs to the mid-level part of the bureaucracy, not the top.

Yet the arrest of Ms Khobragade has become a sore point between the US and India. "It's a symbolic issue of the way she was treated," he said.

'Take a deep breath'
In some ways, said Mr Hollis, the reaction in India evoked the time when International Monetary Fund chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn was indicted on charges that included attempted rape. The case was dismissed in August 2011.

"In France they were outraged at the way he was treated - the perp walk," said Mr Hollis. "You see some of that in India. It's, 'hey, this is a deputy counsel general. What are you doing treating her this way?'"

Mr Nawaz said the controversy over Ms Khobragade has become "a very big distraction" - and is hurting US-India relations. "Both sides need to take a deep breath and step back."

So far that has not happened.
@adwityagrata stop talking to idiots , he clearly has failed to counter any of your points

@queerbait My dear American apologist , America is far worse when it comes to Rapes than India , at-least India don't rape diplomats fully sanctioned by the govt. Just because raping someone is legal under some silly excuse does not make it allright ...

You still failed very clearly to counter his points

That is true. I must stop replying to every retard and idiot that comes here. Just the fact that his retard claims to be an Indian provokes me to reply.

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