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How catastrophic will an Indo-Pak nuclear armageddon be?

Indeed International agencies can be wrong ...and there may be some rhetoric in the statements they make nevertheless implications are too grave and stakes too high ....
Isn't it good enough that India are Pakistan will be forced back to stone age ?
Well such an eventuality may or may not wipe out humanity ....but it will surely leave whole world crippled ?
all this study is talking about cascade effects on global climate and resultant indirect damage any such nuclear exchange will bring about .

They talk specifically about the two billion affected, presumably in Asia. And a rather less sure assertion that wheat production everywhere will be affected the same as in China which would be next door to the conflict which doesn't go well with logic.
Why would harvest be affected in S .America or Africa? If the winds already spread radioactive particles over China? -which is what they presume.

This is a study by international body of medical professionals ....what possibly can be vested interest in any such study by any such body ???

The nature of such arrangements is that they are not known, you can only gauge at the connections behind with the claims they present.

Anyhow, i won't be replying to this topic anymore, armageddon is not my thing.
This is exxagerated so grossly it's not even funny.
Borders the old Asian delusions that they are center of the world and if they nuke each other civilization will magically cease to exist.
1.because half of the world will starve if india and china cease to produce food as they are two of the largest food producers in the world
2.melting down of himalayas directly submerges most of the drylands and indirectly causes catastrophes like cyclones due to the change in density and salinity of water.scientists are still studying phenomenon like el-nino and la-nina.and things like these may cause even greater problems
3.the nuclear war of that scale infuses huge radiation in the atmosphere and the global temperature surges higher causing green house effect
4.world economy collapses simply because the market for 2 billion people vanished and this cycle continues util it becomes the worst
5.shock waves of 100s of nuclear bombs are enough to initiate tsunamis.

but again as there are ample agencies in the world which are working for banning the nukes this might be one of their propaganda to scare the hell of civilians so that they could pressure their govts/
They talk specifically about the two billion affected, presumably in Asia. And a rather less sure assertion that wheat production everywhere will be affected the same as in China which would be next door to the conflict which doesn't go well with logic.
Why would harvest be affected in S .America or Africa? If the winds already spread radioactive particles over China? -which is what they presume.

The nature of such arrangements is that they are not known, you can only gauge at the connections behind with the claims they present.

Anyhow, i won't be replying to this topic anymore, armageddon is not my thing.

All the more reason why you should read about the study then ....

The study relates to long term effects on global climate any such nuclear war will entail ...

If you happen to watch related youtube video ( the one which I have linked in another post ) you will understand why they are talking about corn production in US and so on ....

This is about the Nuclear winter that any such nuclear war will bring about ....

This phenomenon has been well described before ....especially since time of Cold war pertaining to US - Russian war ....only new thing is that this particular study comes up with new calculations suggesting even limited nuclear exchange with countries with relatively smaller nuclear arsenal can also have long term detrimental effects on global climate putting whole world at risk ...

This is the domino effect ....

when an unlikely 'small' event sets a chain of gradually accruing events with far reaching and far greater consequences than can be visualized or imagined by the initial 'small' inciting event ....
total destruction of this side of earth...eventually destroying the whole planet

No not really. It will not even eliminate all life.
Its estimated that COCKROACHES will survive a Nuclear Holocaust. Which is fine to ensure that Life will continue.
Are you a mathematician ? Physicist ? Nuclear expert ?
Their claims are based on a study ...what is the basis of your claims that these are mere exaggerations ???
They are talking of indirect results of nuclear exchange ....which is not directly dependent upon blast radius , fall out zone etc ....
You don't know who i am or not ; so can we cut with personal attacks
You don't have to be anyone of those to know about the basics of a nuclear explosion.
The statement that
''According to the study, a nuclear war using as few as 100 weapons anywhere in the world would disrupt the global climate and agricultural production so severely that the lives of more than two billion people would be in jeopardy''

simply doesn't satisfy me because of a very basic fact that they did not even define the explosions even. yeild ? etc
There are a lot of things taken under consideration;
The statement doesn't satisfy me
study this :
"NUCLEAR BOMB EFFECTS COMPUTER '' (CEX-62.2) E. Royce Fletcher, Ray W. Albright, Robert F.D. Perret, Mary E. Franklin, I. Gerald Bowen, and Clayton S. White,
come again
1.because half of the world will starve if india and china cease to produce food as they are two of the largest food producers in the world

This is laughable. Again with the center of the world syndrome. I suppose hundreds of billions of Euro's a year for farm subsidies are just money thrown out the window then.

2.melting down of himalayas directly submerges most of the drylands and indirectly causes catastrophes like cyclones due to the change in density and salinity of water.scientists are still studying phenomenon like el-nino and la-nina.and things like these may cause even greater problems

Any proof that Himalaya would actually melt? No, right....

3.the nuclear war of that scale infuses huge radiation in the atmosphere and the global temperature surges higher causing green house effect
4.world economy collapses simply because the market for 2 billion people vanished and this cycle continues util it becomes the worst
5.shock waves of 100s of nuclear bombs are enough to initiate tsunamis.

Is it the end of civilization? No?
1.because half of the world will starve if india and china cease to produce food as they are two of the largest food producers in the world
2.melting down of himalayas directly submerges most of the drylands and indirectly causes catastrophes like cyclones due to the change in density and salinity of water.scientists are still studying phenomenon like el-nino and la-nina.and things like these may cause even greater problems
3.the nuclear war of that scale infuses huge radiation in the atmosphere and the global temperature surges higher causing green house effect
4.world economy collapses simply because the market for 2 billion people vanished and this cycle continues util it becomes the worst
5.shock waves of 100s of nuclear bombs are enough to initiate tsunamis.

but again as there are ample agencies in the world which are working for banning the nukes this might be one of their propaganda to scare the hell of civilians so that they could pressure their govts/

Irrespective of the fact if any such study is meant to scare civilians or if they indeed have good intentions to bring about awareness about ills of Nuclear wars ....

A Nuclear war can indeed set chain of events and alter global climate beyond imagination ....
we have seen how, mere rise in few degrees of temperature during just past few decades - has altered weather cycles around the world causing great natural disasters .....

we may not even possibly able to fathom or forecast all such consequences...as we may not be able to model all such " Supra scale factors " that govern weather systems on earth ...
This is laughable. Again with the center of the world syndrome. I suppose hundreds of billions of Euro's a year for farm subsidies are just money thrown out the window then.

Any proof that Himalaya would actually melt? No, right....

Is it the end of civilization? No?

again why do you deliberately forget to let go the rhetoric and look at the substance ....?

seems you have no idea what global climate change is all about ?

you have no idea how Mars lost its atmosphere ....and ice caps ?

Do you have any idea that already glaciers in Himalaya have already started depleting ?

Your questions such as any proof that Himalaya would actually melt is indicative of your ignorance ...?

If India falls, Earth falls. In a nutshell.....

shows how shallow is your thinking !

is that what IPPNW and PSR are talking about ?

You must be a hard core India hater ....to draw such stupendous conclusion from this article ....
whoever wrote this should first ask their gov. to step down from nukes ... like USA

Whats the point if these countries have nukes and like USA used it in the past says things like these?

first do it at home and then tell the world to do this or face something else ...
again why do you deliberately forget to let go the rhetoric and look at the substance ....?

seems you have no idea what global climate change is all about ?

you have no idea how Mars lost its atmosphere ....and ice caps ?

Do you have any idea that already glaciers in Himalaya have already started depleting ?

Your questions such as any proof that Himalaya would actually melt is indicative of your ignorance ...?

Mars lost it's atmosphere because the processes on the inside stopped happening, core got cold and stopped giving magnetic shield to the atmosphere which was then blown away by Sun's winds.
Tell me how is that related to the subject at hand? You think climate change was the catalyst of the state Mars is in today? lol much?

As for Himalaya, if it's such a mainstream notion that glaciers would melt you will have no difficulties providing any links, no?
And please, they must be links of studies of an impact nuclear war will have on Himalaya, despite the fact most of it would be hundreds or thousands of kilometers away from the war zone.

Dude look, i don't want to keep replying in here.....so unless you link some solid proof your further claims of my ignorance will go unanswered and you can keep thinking i'm an ignorant.
This is laughable. Again with the center of the world syndrome. I suppose hundreds of billions of Euro's a year for farm subsidies are just money thrown out the window then.

Any proof that Himalaya would actually melt? No, right....

Is it the end of civilization? No?

i was talking by the volume of food produced.nomatter howmany billion euros u spend once a fair amount of land becomes unfit for production due to radiation its lost to the mankind and there is additional stress to support the population on the remaining land.india and china stands first and second in production of major food crops in the globe.nobody claimed asia as the centre of earth.but given the size and population of asia u must be naive to think that world will remain unaffected even if asia is destroyed by nukes geographic boundaries are of no importance to the climate.

as i said there is something called green house effect.once the huge energy is released in the atmosphere what would it do to himalayas?perhaps u forgot himalayas are in india.

it wont be the end of the civilization.its just that development in other parts of the world will be delayed by a few decades.

The Hindu : Sci Tech : Missing footprints of A-bomb fallout in Himalayan ice fields
Global Warming - Effect on Himalayas - Activities, Experiences and Things To Do
Is global warming melting the Himalayan glaciers? And other climate questions... | The Guardian Open Weekend | theguardian.com
Melting Himalayas May Magnify Water Scarcity | Global Warming | LiveScience
Climate Change in the Himalayas
Global Warming = Melting Glaciers = 'Himalayan Tsunamis' | Common Dreams
Smoke from religious sites 'melting Himalayan glaciers' - The Times of India
IRIN Global | CLIMATE CHANGE: Himalayan glaciers melting more rapidly | Global | Environment | Natural Disasters | Water & Sanitation
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No not really. It will not even eliminate all life.
Its estimated that COCKROACHES will survive a Nuclear Holocaust. Which is fine to ensure that Life will continue.
no problem....cockroaches are better than us....they deserve to live
india and china stands first and second in production of major food crops in the globe

EU produces more combined then India, and with more then two times less population to feed......

Nearly half the world’s grain is produced in just three countries: China, the United States, and India. China produced an estimated 479 million tons of grain in 2012—its largest harvest ever—compared with 354 million tons in the United States. India harvested 230 million tons. The countries in the European Union together produced 274 million tons.

Eco-Economy Indicators - Grain Harvest| EPI

it wont be the end of the civilization.its just that development in other parts of the world will be delayed by a few decades.


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