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Saudi Arabia, Qatar may be playing dangerous game over Syria rebels

If jihadists win and rule the majority of the country, there is no other side to replace them, they will have brainwashed and taught the population the jihadist ideology already which they are doing succesfully.

So you can bomb them 24/7 but there won’t be a large group inside Syria on your side, Alawites would be massacred, good luck finding "secular Sunnis".

Want examples ?
Take a look at how much effort it took the US to clear Fallujah from jihadist rule, and that’s just 1 city.. now imagine most of Syria.

( your post wasn’t for me though answered anyway ).

Alawites deserve every bit of what is coming down the pipeline for them.

As for Fallujah, you guys are lucky in Iraq because some stupid neocons decided to get their hand dirty in Iraq, but the US is not going to make the same mistake in Syria for any side, the US will not get involved. But if Syrian Jihadists become a threat for Israel, then of course they can expect bombs raining down on them, so I doubt if any future Jihadist ruler of Syria will risk their own annihilation. If they do and they get burned as a result, I will not lament for them, after all that will be a good thing for the region and the Muslim world. So things must happen step by step.
Assad didnt kill people before the protests, it was the response of his govt that was brutal which led to the formation of FSA. FSA had a noble cause until they were sidelined. Syria was a heaven before the protests, yes there were preferences for Alawites for ccertain govt positions but it wasnt as bad as portrayed. Now it's a civil war and both sides are committing evil. 120000 killed is a split 50-50 from both sides. The west saw what happened in Libya and knew bombing Syria would be even disastrous, nor the West has any responsibility. Look upto KSA and other regional powers to help the revolution. All they did was pump money and arms into the hands of people. This is not the way, and we are seeing after 2 years the war is stuck. Neither side making gains, just some villages here and there.

The Al Nusra and ISIL have started suicide bombing and it is only a matter of time before they wreck havoc with civillian casualties. The Jihadist will enter our countries with dangerous views and knowledge and then the game begins. Remember they might be doing the "right" thing now, but later the wrongs that will happen will make you realise that all their rights are of no use. Assad deserves whatever is in store for him by Allah, but man we Muslims are own worst enemies.
You forget that their interest of national security will not go anywhere if Assad stays put and the war drags on for years. It is better to let one side win and end the blood letting. I think they have no choice but to accept the grim reality, may be KSA and Qatar can give them economic incentives so they are more motivated to take this risk and tolerate the Jihadists till Assad is down. There are not too many good options left for them.

Billions of dollars won’t convince Turkey to have bombs going off, they have enough money.
Jordan might go along with that, but if pressured by others they won’t. Also remember even though the US is the allie of Jordan and Turkey unlike Iraq which is why they don’t bother a lot with us. The US isn’t ready to do what Turkey/Jordan want, they won’t play by their game.
Alawites deserve every bit of what is coming down the pipeline for them.

As for Fallujah, you guys lucky in Iraq because some stupid neocons decided to get their hand dirty in Iraq, but they are not doing the same mistake in Syria for any side, the US will not get involved. But if Syrian Jihadists become a threat for Israel, then of course they can expect bombs raining down on them, so I doubt if the Jihadist ruler of Syria will risk their own annihilation.

They don’t, you can drop the Alawites deserve it mentality because I can bring up 500 things against Sunnis in other scenario’s to justify what you want to justify against Alawites.

We weren’t lucky this was part of the US invasion to "liberate" all cities, they won’t do it in Syria as seen from the government.
Whatever you guys may think, the Jihadists are here to stay, they just found a new haven, just like they found one in Afghanistan. Lets see what they are capable of, if they can bring down the Iranian empire, just like they brought down Soviet empire. Lets watch the show for now and worry about what will happen in the future later. Thanks for the debate.
Whatever you guys may think, the Jihadists are here to stay, they just found a new haven, just like they found one in Afghanistan. Lets see what they are capable of, if they can bring down the Iranian empire, just like they brought down Soviet empire. Lets watch the show for now and worry about what will happen in the future later. Thanks for the debate.

Afghanistan is different terrain, lowland Syria will not remain a safe heaven for long. Iranian empire ? As I said khaleeji brains.
They did not bring down the Soviet empire, rough terrain combined with guerilla warfare is a problem for everyone.
I stick with my opinions ^^.
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Syrians are known for being very progressive and forward-thinking people, and not sectarian.
But unfortunately when you have this kind of vicious civil war, and with some extreme fanatical elements getting more power, there is a certain automaticity that people revert to sectarian lines and thinking. People who before were not extreme and sectarian, gradually takes a shift towards that direction.

Syria will never be the same again. The damage that has been done to its social fabric could be irreparable :(
If Iran and its allies can use religious solidarity for their geopolitical and national interest, then they should not cry foul when others do the same, taking a page out of Iran's book. Sectarianism is not good for anyone, but when a fire is started by someone, there remains no option but to fight fire with fire.

And calling me insulting names is not going to stop me from stating my opinion as I see fit.
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If Iran and its allies can use religious solidarity for their geopolitical and national interest, then they should not cry foul when others do the same, taking a page out of Iran's book. Sectarianism is not good for anyone, but when a fire is started by someone, there remains no option but to fight fire with fire.

And calling me insulting names is not going to stop me from stating my opinion as I see fit.

Khaleeji brains is not an insult unless you view Gulf arabs as an insult, this is the way all Gulf Arabs think therefor..
There is nothing called "Khaleeji Arabs" but whatever. Only a dialect that is spoken in the Southernmost parts of Iraq around Basra, parts of Kuwait, among 200.000 people in KSA in the coastal areas of the Eastern Province, parts of UAE, Qatar and Northeastern Oman. Bahrain has a distinct dialect. But all of those Khaleeji dialects differ from each other and are not a homogenous group of people.

The Child-Murderer will get removed one way or another. The only support he has is among the Nusayri minority and hardcore Ba'athists. After all Syria has been ruled by a Nusayri dictator family for over 40 years and the brainwashing has been significant.

None of the Syrian opposition has targeted any neighboring countries since they all only fight within Syria. They only target Child-Murderer strongholds just the way the Child-Murderer has been carpet bombing whole villages, towns and cities for 2.5 years now.

The Syrian Sunni Arabs will rule Syria once again as they did for nearly 1400 years before the Nusayri Child-Murdering family came to power.
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The Child-Murderer will get removed one way or another. The only support he has is among the Nusayri minority and hardcore Ba'athists. After all Syria has been ruled by a Nusayri dictator family for over 40 years and the brainwashing has been significant.

None of the Syrian opposition has targeted any neighboring countries since they all only fight within Syria. They only target Child-Murderer strongholds just the way the Child-Murderer has been carpet bombing whole villages, towns and cities for 2.5 years now.

The Syrian Sunni Arabs will rule Syria once again as they did for nearly 1400 years before the Nusayri Child-Murdering family came to power.

That was the idea of many Syrians until the revolution got stolen by the suicide bombers/jihadists whatever these people want to be called you know who I mean.
The moderate FSA barely exists anymore on the ground, so it’s either SAA wins and maybe Bashar leaves or the Jihadists win and all neighbors will be next having terrorism.

FSA moderates won’t target Turkey, Jordan as they recognize borders, jihadists know no such thing as borders.
That was the idea of many Syrians until the revolution got stolen by the suicide bombers/jihadists whatever these people want to be called you know who I mean.
The moderate FSA barely exists anymore on the ground, so it’s either SAA wins and maybe Bashar leaves or the Jihadists win and all neighbors will be next having terrorism.

FSA moderates won’t target Turkey, Jordan as they recognize borders, jihadists know no such thing as borders.

What is the difference between a suicide bombing and a fighter plane bombing? Aside from the latter being more deadly in most cases? If someone wants to give his life to fight persons/groupings he consider his enemies then he is free to do that. Just like any soldier can kill his enemies and afterwards commit suicide. Just look at the thousands of war veterans around the world who commit suicide due to guilt or murderers.

As Kalu_Miah said then 120.000 Syrians have died - a large part civilian Syrians that have been killed by the Child-Murderer and his army and not many people were outraged by that among the Child-Murderer supporters here.

But 10 suicide bombings or so during a year is a big deal. Mainly against Child-Murderer soldiers. Most of the so-called bombings in Damascus are the work of the Syrian intelligence service. They were also doing the same in Iraq.

Just LOL at the hypocrisy. And yes, suicide bombing has nothing to do with Islam nor is suicide permissible since it is one of the great sins. It is obviously only a means of resistance that is used in a religious way which is false. No better than Kamikaze during WW2, Tamil tigers etc.

Al-Assad is having online affairs with naked Syrian girls and other scandals, is killing children each day (his orders) all while he pretends to be a righteous Muslim attending each Friday prayer. Not even ONCE has this hypocrisy been mentioned by his supporters here.

It is thanks to the silence of the international community, the continuos support to the Child-Murderer of your countries ally Mullahistan and the fake wannabe Arabs ruling there, HizbAlShaitan and Shia militias that Al-Qaeda like militias have gained a foothold inside Syria. But believe it or not those are the most courageous fighters in Syria and they are actually helping the local population. Unfortunately FSA proved to be corrupt in many ways. Although there has been regroupings now.

FSA is still the by far biggest Syrian opposition group.

It has over 100.000 members currently and many other fractions allied to it.


No, ISIS and other small groups numbering just a few thousand people (most local Syrians, Iraqis next-door, Tunisians a few hundred Saudi Arabians at most and Muslims from across the world) will not cause any fear to any neighbor. Iraq has had militias killing each other for 10 years now. Way before any Syrian conflict. It only adds to the fire now but even if there was no civil war in Syria there would still be violence in Iraq. That is a fact.

There is no violence inside Jordan, Turkey (aside from Kurdish groups). Lebanon neither aside from a few accidents here and there but Lebanon was always a hotbed in the region. After all they had a certain civil war a few decades ago and its aftereffects are still felt to this day.

Assad must go there is no way out of that. Let the international society clean up the mess they created due to their outrageous and pathetic silence.

Just because the righteous, brave and correct revolution against the tyrant has been hijacked by a few thousand of people does not eliminate the righteous plight of the majority of the Syrians. That would make no sense. Assad must go. It is that simple really. He has no legitimacy.
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What is the difference between a suicide bombing and a fighter plane bombing? Aside from the latter being more deadly in most cases? If someone wants to give his life to fight persons/groupings he consider his enemies then he is free to do that. Just like any soldier can kill his enemies and afterwards commit suicide. Just look at the thousands of war veterans around the world who commit suicide due to guilt or murderers.

As Kalu_Miah said then 120.000 Syrians have died - a large part civilian Syrians that have been killed by the Child-Murderer and his army and not many people were outraged by that among the Child-Murderer supporters here.

But 10 suicide bombings or so during a year is a big deal. Mainly against Child-Murderer soldiers. Most of the so-called bombings in Damascus are the work of the Syrian intelligence service. They were also doing the same in Iraq.

Just LOL at the hypocrisy. And yes, suicide bombing has nothing to do with Islam nor is suicide permissible since it is one of the great sins. It is obviously only a means of resistance that is used in a religious way which is false. No better than Kamikaze during WW2, Tamil tigers etc.

Al-Assad is having online affairs with naked Syrian girls and other scandals, is killing children each day (his orders) all while he pretends to be a righteous Muslim attending each Friday prayer. Not even ONCE has this hypocrisy been mentioned by his supporters here.

It is thanks to the silence of the international community, the continuos support to the Child-Murderer of your countries ally Mullahistan and the fake wannabe Arabs ruling there, HizbAlShaitan and Shia militias that Al-Qaeda like militias have gained a foothold inside Syria. But believe it or not those are the most courageous fighters in Syria and they are actually helping the local population. Unfortunately FSA proved to be corrupt in many ways. Although there has been regroupings now.

FSA is still the by far biggest Syrian opposition group.

It has over 100.000 members currently and many other fractions allied to it.


No, ISIS and other small groups numbering just a few thousand people (most local Syrians, Iraqis next-door, Tunisians a few hundred Saudi Arabians at most and Muslims from across the world) will not cause any fear to any neighbor. Iraq has had militias killing each other for 10 years now. Way before any Syrian conflict. It only adds to the fire now but even if there was no civil war in Syria there would still be violence in Iraq. That is a fact.

There is no violence inside Jordan, Turkey (aside from Kurdish groups). Lebanon neither aside from a few accidents here and there but Lebanon was always a hotbed in the region. After all they had a certain civil war a few decades ago and its aftereffects are still felt to this day.

Assad must go there is no way out of that. Let the international society clean up the mess they created due to their outrageous and pathetic silence.

They are everyones enemy, the car bomb in Turkey a few months ago, they will do it again everywhere to cause instability.
The Syrian meddling in Iraq after 2003 was expected, they 2 ( Syria & Iran alliance ) wanted to make sure the country wouldn’t be safe for the US and they want it to be their allie which it still isn’t. Though I doubt they are the ones behind random suicide bombings, that’s the work of the jihadists.

I don’t even see new videos of FSA anymore, FSA flags are barely there, 1 meter beards everywhere, allahu akbar 24/7, Islamic flags.
Defected SAA commanders to the FSA live in Turkey and do the "commanding" work for the SNC, same as politicians they are after all.
The organization just has no real ideology, it’s corrupt and the fighters are not on the same line with the jihadists who have a real ideology to fight for. Kalu Miah agrees that it is a joke for an organization that doesn’t exist.

Violence will come to Jordan once they advance near their borders. They can’t stop it either, though how many have been captured so far ? little even tried it yet, when they do some will come through.

The Assad must go thing isn’t the only thing to think about anymore, revolution got stolen, now it’s 2 problems for the neighbors of Syria.
They are everyones enemy, the car bomb in Turkey a few months ago, they will do it again everywhere to cause instability.
The Syrian meddling in Iraq after 2003 was expected, they 2 ( Syria & Iran alliance ) wanted to make sure the country wouldn’t be safe for the US and they want it to be their allie which it still isn’t. Though I doubt they are the ones behind random suicide bombings, that’s the work of the jihadists.

I don’t even see new videos of FSA anymore, FSA flags are barely there, 1 meter beards everywhere, allahu akbar 24/7, Islamic flags.
Defected SAA commanders to the FSA live in Turkey and do the "commanding" work for the SNC, same as politicians they are after all.
The organization just has no real ideology, it’s corrupt and the fighters are not on the same line with the jihadists who have a real ideology to fight for. Kalu Miah agrees that it is a joke for an organization that doesn’t exist.

Violence will come to Jordan once they advance near their borders. They can’t stop it either, though how many have been captured so far ? little even tried it yet, when they do some will come through.

The Assad must go thing isn’t the only thing to think about anymore, revolution got stolen, now it’s 2 problems for the neighbors of Syria.

The bombing in Turkey had nothing to do with the Syrian opposition. There is no proof. On the other hand there is clear proof of the Child-Murderer and his army attacking Turkish soil and killing Turkish civilians. Not once but even a few times.

I was saying that they cry about tactics they themselves were behind not long ago. So they should not cry when it hits them. Besides they have been behind bombings themselves during this war and blamed them on the "Syrian opposition". Way before any ISIS, Nusra or other smaller groups even came to Syria.

Then you are not watching closely enough. The numbers are all visible. FSA is still BY FAR the largest Syrian opposition group.

This is their forum. One of the biggest and most active about Syria of any Arab forum.


Eh, nearly all Child-Murderer soldiers have beards too. Besides this does not matter. They could all fight while being bald. What does this matter? They still have a righteous cause. Also because fighting under a Islamic flag is always going to get you more support in any Arab and Muslim country. Islam is just one part of it. The other is freedom, justice, a new Syria, revenge etc. They clearly care for Syria.

That is ideology and concept enough if you ask me.
Why would they attack Jordan? For what reasons exactly? Same with Turkey. Same with KSA, same with Qatar. Only the hardcore jihadists (less than a few thousand) are against every regime because they deem them traitors of Islam, Arabs and because they do not accept their systems (monarchies or republics). Do you really think that Syrians of all people will adopt this ideology when it has no place in EVEN 1 single Arab country? You are joking right?

All that nonsense is just the same propaganda the Child-Murderer uses. "Oh, look at my enemies. They are all Al-Qaeda. Therefore you must let me rule again and kill more people."

The revolution was not stolen. The goal is the same. To remove the Child-Murderer. Only a few thousand hardcore people want their own agenda.

But their agenda is no different from the Shia militias who are supported by Mullahistan or the Iraqi government who turns a blind eye to them. They also want Shia Islamic rule, have beards, Islamic flags etc.

At the end of the day Assad must go. If the international society had stopped his killings like they stopped Gadaffi we would not be talking about this. Instead they looked silently.
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Whatever you guys may think, the Jihadists are here to stay, they just found a new haven, just like they found one in Afghanistan. Lets see what they are capable of, if they can bring down the Iranian empire, just like they brought down Soviet empire. Lets watch the show for now and worry about what will happen in the future later. Thanks for the debate.
Iranian empire? There is no such thing. And with mentalities like this, the ME will continue to suffer.
Iran's help to SAA to cleanse ISIS and Al-Nusra is not only for the sake of Syria, it's a matter of national security too, because they will come for us if they have the opportunity and will not hesitate to terrorize the regions they reach as they are doing in many parts of ME. So while they are all gathered in Syria already, why not help SAA to send them back to where they belong? The more they are killed, the safer ME will get.I know there are too many of them, but the only way to fight their backward and primitive mentality in short term is to kill them and the long term solution is development of ME countries in all aspects, not just economical and they will be automatically wiped out since no one would be interested in their sick ideology anymore.
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