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Afghan Air Force receives two C-130H : More on the way!

Stop your BS, many Pakistani engineers and others work and live in Afghanistan, without being violated.

I don't usually have the time or the energy to respond to these sort of malicious posts as I consider them as spam but this is just beyond me, stop spreading hatred between neighbors! Your are sitting somewhere in the US quoting some news articles out of context and malign the whole Afghan nation as they have nothing else to do but pick on Pakistanis who live or work in Afghanistan.

To all those Pakistani civilians out here who plan to visit or work in Afghanistan we offer nothing but love, please visit Afghanistan and we offer our best wishes to you.

Furthermore I am sure you are aware of the treatment the Afghans receive at the hands of (Some) Pakistani police in the cities such Peshawar etc but that doesn't give me the right to malign the whole Pakistani nations!

We have huge issues with your establishment and their polices of considering Afghanistan as subservient or client state but people-people relationships are stronger than ever!

I wish peace returns to Afghanistan soon, InshAllah. I've been wanting to visit Afghanistan for years. All the best Afghan Air Force!

Ahhhh … Ahhhh … Amazing.

There is an old Roman Expression, that I unfortunately cannot remember exactly but it goes something like this: To bury the truth you need to cover it with lots of dirt (??)

Now what our two Afghan members (@A-Team and @Afghan-India) have said underneath their indignation is simply nothing!

There are no references, no explanations, nothing - just simple proclamations, which ultimately are untrue.

To the time and energy comment, you can see that they have ample time to post on numerous topics -- they have time -- they just don't have anything to say on items that matter.

Here on this forum, on the web, there are numerous references to what treatment is meted out to Pakistanis in Afghanistan, What Afghans think of Pakistanis, etc. - I have not been able to get a single Afghan to address any of them in any serious manner. More on what Pakistanis face:
1. They (Pakistanis) pretend to be Indians to escape harassment
2. Their passports are ripped by their employers
3. They are beaten by the police -- en masse -- (not as individuals but collectively)
4. The are imprisoned (a significant % of Pakistani prisoners in Afghanistan are on visa violations [the irony the irony] -- this is according to a study by a Professor of Peshawar University - you can find references to it on Frontier Post I think.)
5. You can read the experiences of Pakistanis -- some I'll try to quote -- but our two Afghan members will simply say it is all BS.
6. Our flags are burnt
7. Our business people don't get visa easily (given that there's 3 million Afghans still in Pakistan -- sick isn't it)
8. Go to any Afghan forums, social media and spend sometime looking at how Afghans regard us Pakistanis -- here are some typical qualifications they use: daal-khor, dark skinned, smelly, bastard children of their invaders -- I wonder how many times the now social media savvy staff at mandegar has decided to condemn it or perhaps the newly formed civil society groups - I challenge the two Afghan members to post a significant number of references where this has been condemned. And this is to Pakistanis, a nation of poor people who took them in during a dark time in their history.

Again, Ask the Afghan members if they can post any references from their many newspapers: Hasht-e-sobh, mandegar, etc., which condemn the treatment of Paksitanis or the hate that courses through Afghan society towards Pakistanis -- they cannot!

I'll try to post references on this topic as I have time -- thought you can find them in my posts on this Forum

More later!

Oh btw, on a lighter note, this is a story by the wall street journal on the burning of a Pakistani Flag (do you see any illiterate people there - they are all educated) :

Anatomy of a Flag Burning in Afghanistan

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C-130 will be a huge boost for Afghanistan's transport fleet.but I think they not only need these costly transport aircrafts,but also they need something which will fill the role of An-32.C-295 will be a great choice for this..also,I'm happy to see that AAF has got good number of helos as it'll help them to improve their airlift capabilities as well as evac soldiers from battlefield.but Why only Mi-17??shouldn't they induct more utility/multirole helos in the class of Dhruv,cause these helos will be far more easier to operate in battlefield than Mi-17??they should take care about this filed too.I was sad to read that ANA soldiers were dying cause there was few helos to serve as air Ambulance.something Dhruv can fill this role smoothly.what do you say guys???Even Turkey and Peru is buying this helo to fill their air ambulance role..


No further orders from peru.. as for Turkiye.. a private hospital bought it..
No further orders from peru.. as for Turkiye.. a private hospital bought it..

Maldives operate few..India operates quite some.as for Turkey who operates 3 helos,its not some private hospitals,but their health department,who operate those.and it was a "Wet Lease" contract,that means,they'll use those for 5 years.then later they'll buy it with option to go more..5 years is not over yet..

HAL beats competition to supply Dhruv to Turkey

Dhruv is being operated by over 9 countries(some countries operate them,but not openly accept it,like Mayanmar).as helo competitions are tough,where they've to fight against competitors like Bell-212,it is understandable.plus,yeh to sirf surwat hai.. ;)
Maldives operate few..India operates quite some.as for Turkey who operates 3 helos,its not some private hospitals,but their health department,who operate those.and it was a "Wet Lease" contract,that means,they'll use those for 5 years.then later they'll buy it with option to go more..5 years is not over yet..

HAL beats competition to supply Dhruv to Turkey

Dhruv is being operated by over 9 countries(some countries operate them,but not openly accept it,like Mayanmar).as helo competitions are tough,where they've to fight against competitors like Bell-212,it is understandable.plus,yeh to sirf surwat hai.. ;)

Nepasl.burma etc were donated these helis... again turkish hospitals bought only 2 instead of 17 tht they wanted and so on and tht too on lease... as for beating bell n kazan.. sure their products arent just awesome but cost probably more. than twice than ur dhruv...

Dhruv is being operated by over 9 countries(some countries operate them,but not openly accept it,like Mayanmar).

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/afghan...ives-two-c-130h-more-way-8.html#ixzz2hz2Pqqkf

lol... why is it a nuclear powered 12th gen heli? :lol:
Nepasl.burma etc were donated these helis... again turkish hospitals bought only 2 instead of 17 tht they wanted and so on and tht too on lease... as for beating bell n kazan.. sure their products arent just awesome but cost probably more. than twice than ur dhruv...

actually,few bought it and few were donated.as for cost,Dhruv($6.8-7.25 mil) cost more than Bell-412($6.7 mil).

Welcome to Aircraft Compare

Bell 412 for sale Price, Specs, Operating Costs, Pictures

but its cheaper against some other costly helos.

lol... why is it a nuclear powered 12th gen heli? :lol:

nope..arms export to Mayanmar is against UN Sanction.
lol... why is it a nuclear powered 12th gen heli? :lol:

Comn lad, the Dhruv is the first successful helicopter build by a South Asian country, in terms of international acceptance and export.
We should be proud of it, not jealous. :raise:
The Dhruv is not a direct threat to Pakistan in any way, so take your fists down.
actually,few bought it and few were donated.as for cost,Dhruv($6.8-7.25 mil) cost more than Bell-412($6.7 mil).

Welcome to Aircraft Compare

Bell 412 for sale Price, Specs, Operating Costs, Pictures

but its cheaper against some other costly helos.

Pakistan bought 30 bells for 397 million $ in 2010... thts 13.3 million$ each..


nope..arms export to Mayanmar is against UN Sanction.

Thts helluva secret even indian internet users know abt the "Secret" sale.. lol
we helped AFGANS ,they are our BRO but their are some idiotes in AFGHAN that they follow instruction of AMERICA and INDIA

What have you exactly helped with.
i know Pakistan are engaged in rebuilding projects, but Pakistan can never satisfy the need of rebuilding, therefore we want the US and India to rebuild. they have an economic capacity to help Afghanistan, that Pakistan never will have.
we helped AFGANS ,they are our BRO but their are some idiotes in AFGHAN that they follow instruction of AMERICA and INDIA

(I hope you understand punjabized-urdu lol)

Main'kaya tabyeet saaf ho gai
-- kaindai naain kay aqalmand de wastay ishara kaafi
-- hoor jao rishtay-dari jitaan


What have you exactly helped with.

Thank you again, thank you for your help in educating another Pakistani (and possibly more) - I think your good work is a valuable contribution to help eradicating the sense of family Pakistanis have towards the Afghans. Please continue to poke us in the eyes and spit at our faces -- Pakistanis really need it.

The shame is that Pakistani people have wasted 1/2 billion dollars trying to build hospitals and schools for Afghans -- Why ??? - How many schools, hospitals could have been built in Pakistan. So again, thanks your, hopefully your comments will stop further such stupid wastage of precious capital.

The needs of the hour are:
1. Pakistan should expel all 3 million Afghans refugees from Pakistan – there is no need to host a people who are ungrateful and hostile to Pakistanis
2. The resources Afghans consume in Pakistan: schools, hospitals, universities should go to Pakistanis – no point in giving these to a people, Afghans, who hate us Pakistanis
3. Pakistan should not provide transit trade to Afghans – it will reduce drugs and guns in Pakistan.

Afghans out of Pakistan! Good bye and good luck! Please prosper on the other side of the Durand Line!
The needs of the hour are:
1. Pakistan should expel all 3 million Afghans refugees from Pakistan – there is no need to host a people who are ungrateful and hostile to Pakistanis
2. The resources Afghans consume in Pakistan: schools, hospitals, universities should go to Pakistanis – no point in giving these to a people, Afghans, who hate us Pakistanis
3. Pakistan should not provide transit trade to Afghans – it will reduce drugs and guns in Pakistan.

Afghans out of Pakistan! Good bye and good luck! Please prosper on the other side of the Durand Line!

1.The whole world knows that Pakistan was/are playing a double game toward Afghanistan, and with that the question of "Has Pakistan done more damage than good" arrives.
2. expel 3 mio. afghans from Pakistan? the number are lower but still, do you really want to make a bigger clown of your self in the international community or what?
3. Why should they be expelled from land which is historically theirs, many Afghan refugees are Pathans.
4. Afghanistan is already looking for other transit routes, such as Iran etc. it is cheaper due to lesser corruption than in Pakistan.
5. you will be missing a lot of transit money, and destroy Pakistan image.
6. And as for your Durand line, Afghanistan doesn't recognise it, so we will prosper on our side of the Indus river.

Afghans are grateful for the rebuilding support Pakistan have given, but we also know to your double game.
And as i said, Pakistan is not strong enough to be a key allied for Afghanistan.
1.The whole world knows that Pakistan was/are playing a double game toward Afghanistan, and with that the question of "Has Pakistan done more damage than good" arrives.
2. expel 3 mio. afghans from Pakistan? the number are lower but still, do you really want to make a bigger clown of your self in the international community or what?
3. Why should they be expelled from land which is historically theirs, many Afghan refugees are Pathans.
4. Afghanistan is already looking for other transit routes, such as Iran etc. it is cheaper due to lesser corruption than in Pakistan.
5. you will be missing a lot of transit money, and destroy Pakistan image.
6. And as for your Durand line, Afghanistan doesn't recognise it, so we will prosper on our side of the Indus river.

Afghans are grateful for the rebuilding support Pakistan have given, but we also know to your double game.
And as i said, Pakistan is not strong enough to be a key allied for Afghanistan.

1. Thank you again for showing your true colors -- I think we need to figure out a mechanism by which the common Pakistani can dial into what the Afghans have in store for him -- surely it can only be good for him. Double game, mmm let's see:
a. The only country that does not recognize Pakistanis is .... drum roll: Afghanistan.
b. Daud Khan supports separatists in Pakistan.
c. Masod, Daud, Taraki, Hafizullah are all Pakistanis
d. and the list goes on.

2. Well the world that will criticize Pakistan is sure welcome to those Afghan refugees -- we can already see how Belgium, Australia have been welcoming Afghans - Perhaps KSA, India, ... any takers? I guess no -- not surprising if you ask me.

3. The people who the land historically belongs to are already on this side of the Durand line - Pakistani Pashtuns, Pakistani Baluch, Pakistani Panjabi, Pakistani Sindhi, etc.

I forget the exact number but I think the number of Afghan refugees in Punjab and Sindh are 300,000 each roughly -- I guess Punjab and Sindh now belong to the Afghans.

4. Well good for you, Afghan-Iruni Bhai-Bhai, best of luck - at least it will decrease drugs and guns from Pakistan -- maybe the Iranians will welcome you.

5. The money not so much - but fewer Pakistani youth will be destroyed by Afghan drugs

6. Good! Louder please -- I want all of Pakistan to listen.

Question were you or you members of your family refugees in Pakistan?

Oh one final irony - it seems Afghans have to come to a Pakistani forum to discuss ideas pertaining to their country - is there not a serious Afghan forum out there - if there is do share, I wonder if they welcome Pakistani members. LOL.
1.The whole world knows that Pakistan was/are playing a double game toward Afghanistan, and with that the question of "Has Pakistan done more damage than good" arrives.
2. expel 3 mio. afghans from Pakistan? the number are lower but still, do you really want to make a bigger clown of your self in the international community or what?

Yes a double game tht gave us cheap AKs, drugs etc... and millions of refugees... ever wonder how afghan refugees are treated in Afghanistan? there are a few videos on ******** where the iranian police/military ... ! As for international community.. seriously after the last decade do you think anybody cares? Also please tell us abt BLA etc getting shelter etc in Afghanistan (karzai admitted it).. or what abt mullah radio in kunar? or TTP no2 who was arrested while having chit chat with NDS elements?

3. Why should they be expelled from land which is historically theirs, many Afghan refugees are Pathans.

If you have crossed the border (Which 60,000 people do every day)... you would know what Pakistani pashtuns think abt you and your habbits.. and believe me they dont really think of you as their own.. hell we have more pashtuns than the entire population of ur country.
4. Afghanistan is already looking for other transit routes, such as Iran etc. it is cheaper due to lesser corruption than in Pakistan.
5. you will be missing a lot of transit money, and destroy Pakistan image.

Sure and whats Americas stance? also even than it will cost you more to use the Iranian routes...

6. And as for your Durand line, Afghanistan doesn't recognise it, so we will prosper on our side of the Indus river.

Since the last almost 7 decades and the next billion years nobody really cares what Afghanis think of Durand line.. although NA or non pashtuns of Afghanistan who are rulling ur country are very clear on that issue..

Afghans are grateful for the rebuilding support Pakistan have given, but we also know to your double game.

Which was? occupy ur country? enslave you? capture ur resources?

And as i said, Pakistan is not strong enough to be a key allied for Afghanistan.

Ues Afghanistan has almost 50 allied states to help her... which are sitting in ur country as we speak.
Yes a double game tht gave us cheap AKs, drugs etc... and millions of refugees... ever wonder how afghan refugees are treated in Afghanistan? there are a few videos on ******** where the iranian police/military ... ! As for international community.. seriously after the last decade do you think anybody cares? Also please tell us abt BLA etc getting shelter etc in Afghanistan (karzai admitted it).. or what abt mullah radio in kunar? or TTP no2 who was arrested while having chit chat with NDS elements?

And Osama? i can't remember where he was killed.
Yeah NDS have recently strengthen their support for Anti-Pakistan movements, what did you thought? that you could bite, without response?
And actually America is pretty cool with Afghan-Iran relation, they understand our needs.
If you have crossed the border (Which 60,000 people do every day)... you would know what Pakistani pashtuns think abt you and your habbits.. and believe me they dont really think of you as their own.. hell we have more pashtuns than the entire population of ur country.

In fact More than twice the Afghan Pashtuns ! :)

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