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China plans Maritime Silk Road with ASEAN nations: report

With 400 Billions I can make any farm animal fly. :omghaha:

Yes, this is all about pigs who think SCS is theirs ..... :omghaha:

Chinese do not have any good relationship with their neighbors because of some idiotic claims.
Yes, this is all about pigs who think SCS is theirs ..... :omghaha:

Chinese do not have any good relationship with their neighbors because of some idiotic claims.

400 Billion dollar think about it. Its more money that you will make in life. Assuming if you're a Hindu & believe in Reincarnation that's still more money that you will make in multiple lifetime.

I bet that you can't make cows flying with any price, but you could easily make them pissing or shi.ting...

You can if you put jetpack on it
400 Billion dollar think about it. Its more money that you will make in life. Assuming if you're a Hindu & believe in Reincarnation that's still more money that you will make in multiple lifetime.

You can if you put jetpack on it

Do not think like Chinese cheap trades man who only think about money and do not think about morals world wide :coffee:
I think China (HK, Taiwan and Macau) should replace all the Filipina Maids with Malaysian or Indonesian maids.

^^^Is that a new word ?

well in near future, Indonesian Government had a plan to stop the Indonesian Maids to works overseas, especially in Malaysia and Middle East. Indonesian will focusing to intensifying the use of Maids internally because our emerging economics situation led a booming demand for Maid jobs everywhere in Indonesia.
@Reashot Xigwin - Wheres my share of the 400 billion ? :cray:

You know for Brotherhoods sake ! :whistle:
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Moral? I frankly don't know what that word means. It sounds like an STD. If so, I hope I never have one ;).

According to you and chinese thought money can buy anything, then I am ready to pay for the 200 odd CCP offcials ,who are running the china madly with their SCS idiotic policy. Ask them to surrender to me.
Yes, this is all about pigs who think SCS is theirs ..... :omghaha:

Chinese do not have any good relationship with their neighbors because of some idiotic claims.
Right, its time for VN to cover SCS(east sea) wt sea mine and black mail China for ransom . Indian bro should join wt us to have some fun in SCS(east sea):welcome:

Well Chinese government have a caveman-like and uncivilized emotional and intelligent quotient (EQ & IQ) which are very much lower than that of a civilized child. Japan and other countries are demanding China now to respect and observe the international laws. The world will cook China like a pie and participating nations will slice 'China Pie' so each of them can take their sliced-share happily if China continue his expansionist and assertiveness actions in the region. Of course the powerful will have the bigger slice of the 'China Pie'
Right, its time for VN to cover SCS(east sea) wt sea mine and black mail China for ransom . Indian bro should join wt us to have some fun in SCS(east sea):welcome:

China's 9 dashes is a drawing of a developmental disorder people. It is hard to deal a country with developmental disorder, it is genetics problem or sometimes caused by poison.
According to you and chinese thought money can buy anything, then I am ready to pay for the 200 odd CCP offcials ,who are running the china madly with their SCS idiotic policy. Ask them to surrender to me.

They would, but you are going to have to come up with more money than what the entire south china sea is worth.
so I'm thinking about 7 or 8 times the India GDP would be good.
What is good for China is also good for ASEAN. :tup:

No my friend your wrong one they flood our markets with cheap poorly made goods that will hurt our market it would be better for all ASEAN countries to boost local industries like what you are going and what we are starting again to do but between your country and mine we have to start from square 1 anyway its far more better for ASEAN to boost its local industries to strengthen them then it would be a good idea to do that with any non ASEAN country because we have products to trade with.

Because if we dont we be dependent on cheap chinese products of low quality due to overwhelming quantity of cheap good flooding our markets that kill our local industries (heck its already happening here in the Philippines already with this deal it will just get worse) plus illegal smuggling of resources by chinese will happen all over ASEAN like wild fire killing more local industries so tell me how is poison good for us?
No my friend your wrong one they flood our markets with cheap poorly made goods that will hurt our market it would be better for all ASEAN countries to boost local industries like what you are going and what we are starting again to do but between your country and mine we have to start from square 1 anyway its far more better for ASEAN to boost its local industries to strengthen them then it would be a good idea to do that with any non ASEAN country because we have products to trade with.

Because if we dont we be dependent on cheap chinese products of low quality due to overwhelming quantity of cheap good flooding our markets that kill our local industries (heck its already happening here in the Philippines already with this deal it will just get worse) plus illegal smuggling of resources by chinese will happen all over ASEAN like wild fire killing more local industries so tell me how is poison good for us?

Enough with the Protectionism fear mongering. By Importing goods from China or other country really, you can keep the cost of living down because of competition. In short it will improve the citizens welfare. By committing to Laissez-Faire also makes investment & trades much faster and efficient. It also creates growths & job opportunities in order to prepare for the rising middle-class.

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