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So who still thinks Israel is the root of Middle East problems?

That is what I am saying. You have picked up arms. There is no moral struggle anymore. Nobody is a victim anymore. It is now either you or them.
So your saying that the problem is the Palestinians didnt accept occupation peacefully, they should have just sat back, let the Jews occupy their lands and homes, & the jews and their backers would have left Palestine automatically.... Your talking like a hindu again, if you did not fight back against tamerlane would he be any less brutal towards you...

Thew jews always intended to occupy Palestine and steal the land, its a natural right for a people to fight back to defend their homes and occupation of their land
I AM A HINDU. So what does it have to do with the topic? :pissed:
If Israel is the problem, what would be the realistic solution to that problem. Lets not indulge in snapping fingers and the jew race is gone. I do understand that muslims have nothing but fantasies left but for the sake of argument lets focus on something other than day dreaming and crying over what others do to us.
Uneducation and lack of foresight has the Muslim population in a retarded state. That would be the root cause of all the problems the world over.
Lol....exactly, Muslims have no monopoly on stuipity. (I was going to edit my bad misspelling....but it seemed to fit well)
the ones who kill muslims are not muslims....
they are zionist

take your head out of the sand, ostrich.

If Israel is the problem, what would be the realistic solution to that problem. Lets not indulge in snapping fingers and the jew race is gone. I do understand that muslims have nothing but fantasies left but for the sake of argument lets focus on something other than day dreaming and crying over what others do to us.

simple; muslims should stop killing muslims of different sects, co-operate peacefully with eachother, and practice non-violent resistance against Israeli arrogance EXCLUSIVELY, to prevent the Israelis from having reason or excuse to attack muslims.
They are the root or not, what can others do. The Muslims only want to fight among themselves, look at Syria and Egypt, Islam is the root of all the problem, this old religion needs to get secularisation.
That is what I am saying. You have picked up arms. There is no moral struggle anymore. Nobody is a victim anymore. It is now either you or them. I AM A HINDU. So what does it have to do with the topic? :pissed:

Of course they picked up arms, they were being occupied. Self defence is a natural right. They did not attack the jews, they didnt ask millions of white non-middle eastern jews to come to Palestine.

They are the victims, the entire situation has started because white jews wanted to move out the local population to create their state
Like I said before - Good luck with your genocide.
Of course they picked up arms, they were being occupied. Self defence is a natural right. They did not attack the jews, they didnt ask millions of white non-middle eastern jews to come to Palestine.

They are the victims, the entire situation has started because white jews wanted to move out the local population to create their state
They are the root or not, what can others do. The Muslims only want to fight among themselves, look at Syria and Egypt, Islam is the root of all the problem, this old religion needs to get secularisation.

There is no such thing,,, Islam is a way of life, a code of existence, you cant change the will of God.. This is why islam will always be true, and why other ideologies are fake because men keep changing them

Strength comes and goes to socieites.

No society remains powerfull forever you go through low and high points

The Muslim world is going through massive change and that brings chaos with old orders trying to keep power against the change, eg assad and Egyptian military
Since when you own Iran?
Everyone is free to express his/her opinion.
He is right, Israel may not be innocent, but Muslims themselves have the major role here.
the people who own iran , are muslims , christian , or jews who love iran;
and the ones who do , dont disrespect the initial belief of people which is "zionist regime is a cancerous tumor"
do u need me to post the pics of quds day rallies??
after all as i said the ones who kill other muslims are not muslims , they are zionist takfiri ,wahabi ,.....
i disagree with u 2mil%:what:
Jerusalem is a not a seat of power,

Saladin did not take the city, he retook it from crusader occupation

Millions of muslims have died defending Jerusalem against all attackers, for over a thousand years muslims have ruled the city, protected it.

There is no reason to give up Jerusalem after 64 years when we retook it from the crusaders after 100
Crusader occupation? Do a quick search of the dates of Christian churches in the land....then with the founding of Islam. The land was Christian before the founding of Islam (a conglomeration of Jewish and Christian thought....I still think of Islam as a radical Christian sect...as much as Christianity was originaly a radical Jewish sect). The so-called crusades were nothing more than an attempt to reclaim lands stolen by in-bred bandits. (and as far as those who claim that Islam wasn't a Christian sect....who fights the end war? An anti-someone shows up....these ideas are straight from early Christian thought....which Mohamed was well familiar with through family) And yes, Islam and Christianity are now separate...as Christianity and Judiasm are. But who would argue that Christianity did not have its birth in Jewish religion and tradition?
For some history starts later - quite convenient actually. :rofl:
Crusader occupation? Do a quick search of the dates of Christian churches in the land....then with the founding of Islam. The land was Christian before the founding of Islam (a conglomeration of Jewish and Christian thought....I still think of Islam as a radical Christian sect...as much as Christianity was originaly a radical Jewish sect). The so-called crusades were nothing more than an attempt to reclaim lands stolen by in-bred bandits.
They are the root or not, what can others do. The Muslims only want to fight among themselves, look at Syria and Egypt, Islam is the root of all the problem, this old religion needs to get secularisation.
Its not the religion,its the interpretation of the religion.

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