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So who still thinks Israel is the root of Middle East problems?

take your head out of the sand, ostrich.
god u r so polite!!:smitten:
im not blind , i dont consider murderers as muslims....
i dont consider aq,taliban, and takfiris muslims....
is that so hard to absorb??
take your head out of the sand, ostrich.

simple; muslims should stop killing muslims of different sects, co-operate peacefully with eachother, and practice non-violent resistance against Israeli arrogance EXCLUSIVELY, to prevent the Israelis from having reason or excuse to attack muslims.

You are asking a breed of muslims who have nothing in this world and continue to have nothing because of their belief that they will have a better life in another one, among various other reasons which are created for them by their "enemies" to continue this path. You quote your holy book and say it is written that they are "enemies", you treat them like "enemies" and then complain that they are messing your worldly goals of controlling them religiously. Unfortunately that is what "enemies" do, they do not roll over and let you rape them physically and religiously. They actually do fight for what they believe in and the smart ones slowly but surely affect how the world works for you. That is why they are called "enemies".

If you continue a path to give them the advantage you are strategically just digging a hole that the offspring of those muslims will not be able to climb. If a particular strategy is not working you switch tactics to something other civilizations have successfully prospered. i.e (Germany and Japan). So in retrospect if you want to practice the teachings of quran and sunnah go through the teachings which clearly state that god only helps those who help themselves.
the people who own iran , are muslims , christian , or jews who love iran;
and the ones who do , dont disrespect the initial belief of people which is "zionist regime is a cancerous tumor"
do u need me to post the pics of quds day rallies??
after all as i said the ones who kill other muslims are not muslims , they are zionist takfiri ,wahabi ,.....
i disagree with u 2mil%:what:

I think the point some people are making is that Israel (and others) are exploiting and stoking divisions amongst Muslims.

For an analogy, if you are busy fighting in the house and leave your front door unlocked, don't be surprised if a thief comes in and steals all your belongings.

In a way, it is true that the Muslims are at fault for fighting in the first place, but such 'divide and conquer' approach can be applied to any group. I can assure you that, given enough time and resources, ANY part of the world -- from the US to Europe to anywhere else -- can be divided and conquered. Human nature is the same everywhere.
Crusader occupation? Do a quick search of the dates of Christian churches in the land....then with the founding of Islam. The land was Christian before the founding of Islam (a conglomeration of Jewish and Christian thought....I still think of Islam as a radical Christian sect...as much as Christianity was originaly a radical Jewish sect). The so-called crusades were nothing more than an attempt to reclaim lands stolen by in-bred bandits. (and as far as those who claim that Islam wasn't a Christian sect....who fights the end war? An anti-someone shows up....these ideas are straight from early Christian thought....which Mohamed was well familiar with through family) And yes, Islam and Christianity are now separate...as Christianity and Judiasm are. But who would argue that Christianity did not have its birth in Jewish religion and tradition?

White europeans going to the middle east to slaughter hundreads of thouands was occupation/invasion... Who the hell are white europeans to reclaim anything in the middle east.

Its the same thinking that has supported white israeli ooccupation in the middle east.

The middle easterners under Saladin were the ones to defeat the crusaders and reclaim their lands and homes

The middle easterns p
Its not the religion,its the interpretation of the religion.

its not like i can call my self jewish and then when i kill a zillion jewish people say:
oh my god jews are killing themself!!!
u must be muslim by your acts not your mouth
White europeans going to the middle east to slaughter hundreads of thouands was occupation/invasion... Who the hell are white europeans to reclaim anything in the middle east.

Its the same thinking that has supported white israeli ooccupation in the middle east.

The middle easterners under Saladin were the ones to defeat the crusaders and reclaim their lands and homes

The middle easterns p
Saladin managed to temporarily reclaim stolen property in the name of thieves. Who rules it now? His plunder did not last very long. It has reverted to the people it was stolen from
its not like i can call my self jewish and then when i kill a zillion jewish people say:
oh my god jews are killing themself!!!
u must be muslim by your acts not your mouth
Just answer me this,
Did the ''zionist''tell us to kill each other or do they make us kill each other?
We muslims just dont care about each others life.
Why arent muslims a unity?
The so-called crusades were nothing more than an attempt to reclaim lands stolen by in-bred bandits.

The crusades were instigated by the Pope to send trouble-making, quarrelsome European knights to far away places, so they wouldn't spend all their time looting, harassing and making mischief back at home.

But who would argue that Christianity did not have its birth in Jewish religion and tradition?

And Judaism copied ideas from the Babylonians, Zoroastrians and other groups who, in turn, copies from earlier myths.

Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose
The crusades were instigated by the Pope to send trouble-making, quarrelsome European knights to far away places, so they wouldn't spend all their time looting, harassing and making mischief back at home.

And Judaism copied ideas from the Babylonians, Zoroastrians and other groups who, in turn, copies from earlier myths.

Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose
Lol....nothing you said is false....just trying to lend perspective. (even the whole flood thing came from Iraq....as well as Adam and Eve) And ps....I am not a revanchist....I acknowledge that the land known as Palestine WAS Jewish in the day. But yes, few now known as Jews are from there. As a matter of fact I believe many of "Palestinians" would have been jews back in the day (but converted, it is close enough to Judiasm not to be to problematic....one god etc.. But things change over time. English aren't from England etc. But now that the state of Israel exist....hopeing they throw up their hands and march into the sea is a little foolish. Come to an understanding.
The Muslim world is going through massive change and that brings chaos with old orders trying to keep power against the change, eg assad and Egyptian military

lol what change? More war?
Just answer me this,
Did the ''zionist''tell us to kill each other or do they make us kill each other?
We muslims just dont care about each others life.
Why arent muslims a unity?

why people think that only jews can be zionist??!!!
every one can be zionist from muslims to jews!!
why arent muslims united?? its because some false-flager zionists are among muslims acting like they are
the holiest people on earth, when they kill innocents in syria they chant allaho akbar
when they behead children and women the chant allaho akbar
so thats why...... as i said before real muslims dont kill each other
why people think that only jews can be zionist??!!!
every one can be zionist from muslims to jews!!
why arent muslims united?? its because some false-flager zionists are among muslims acting like they are
the holiest people on earth, when they kill innocents in syria they chant allaho akbar
when they behead children and women the chant allaho akbar
so thats why...... as i said before real muslims dont kill each other
I agree to disagree,
Your perception:zionists kill muslims.
Mine:Muslims kill muslims.
lol what change? More war?

YES,,, change is chaos

The dark ages for the Europeans lasted the best part of a thousand years after the romans fell.

The Muslim world was under pressure from the colonial period around the 17th century onwards (you can talk about the years leading up to this also)

You had the colonial period
The Post colonial period where the muslim world is ruled by dictators and kings

And now, its the modern world that is making change in the muslim world so quick, internet, world news, access to info etc

However much chaos there is it is all needed, in order for change to occur

The massive muslim world, with so much resources, so much land, 1.7 billion people and growing is a sleeping giant. It is enivtable at some stage this giant will awake
Terrorist JEW USA use killed 1,5 millions iraqis, 120 000 libyans, 100 000 syrians (war by proxy)...

-Fabius the JEW french foreign affair said that Assad doesn't deserve to be on Earth

Hollande the JEW french president said that Assad must go

Bernard Henri Lévy, responsible for Libya war, calls to attack Syria


-Shimon Perez calls the arab league to attack Syria

********.com - Historic Speech, Israel Is with the Terrorists in Syria - Shimon Perez

-Gert Rosenthal, the JEWS chief of UN security Council, is sieging Syria in Turkey

Syrie: présence dissuasive turque à la frontière - YouTube
Saladin managed to temporarily reclaim stolen property in the name of thieves. Who rules it now? His plunder did not last very long. It has reverted to the people it was stolen from

Temporarily reclaim??????? Saladin's victory and defeat of the crusaders meant another 700 years or so of muslim rule..

Over the last millenium and half the muslims have ruled the holy land for over a thousand years

The same question, if it took over 100 years to take back Jerusalem against the crusaders, why should we give up against israel after 64

When we form almost a quater of its population
Surround it on all fronts
Increasing world muslim population
The eventual rise of the muslim world in the future

Why give up against a colonial occupation
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