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Pakistan Media - Is India involved in Tourist’s killing in Diamar?

There is evidence and it has come forward that these terrorists are supported from across the border.

After all, who could kill Chinese in Pakistan? Chinese have helped tremendously and no Pakistani has any complaint against them. I m not saying that Ukrainians or Americans should have been killed. Not at all. But killing a foreigner means killing Pakistan's image and on one else could do it other than Pakistan's enemies in the region.

Well, it's not like India doesn't blame every little thing on Pakistan too. It's a tit for tat thing, don't read too much into it.

Indians are pathological when blaming Pakistan. They blame everything on us. Leave these Internet Hindus behind. Its their govt. which blames us for everything. And their leaders lift their dhoties to the Western leaders to tell them Pakistan is doing this or that to them. We dont do such cheap things.
....this is the work of J&K Police ladies commando unit, wearing beards, under burkha..who did the job, under the direct supervision of Sonia Gandhi....This was because they dared to climb 'Nanga Parbat' while wearing full mountaining gear/suit...
Happy Now..:azn:
Now many pakistanis can sleep with ease...:sleep:
There is no doubt that Indian money and weapons have flushed the TTP. Indian consulates in Afghanistan have been used as a route to flush the Anti State Elements inside Pakistan with weapons and money. India has the most to gain by spreading terror and chaos in GB which was always considered safe and peaceful. Can't really blame the Indians for exploiting this situation because after all we did the same in Kashmir during the 90's.
There is no doubt that Indian money and weapons have flushed the TTP. Indian consulates in Afghanistan have been used as a route to flush the Anti State Elements inside Pakistan with weapons and money. India has the most to gain by spreading terror and chaos in GB which was always considered safe and peaceful. Can't really blame the Indians for exploiting this situation because after all we did the same in Kashmir during the 90's.

Don't forget Punjab in the 80's too!

Good to see that Pakistani media is equally cynical as Indian media!
Pakistanis don't even accept that an attack like Mumbai could not have been planned and executed without Pakistani state support but would clutch at straws and indulge in conjecture regarding Indias role in terrorist acts perpetrated by india hating religious nutjobs well trained in madrassas Pakistani state itself built during afghan jihad with foreign funds and local labor.

There is documented proof of money trail going to Taliban that comes from - not new delhi, not Kabul BUT the middle east, but blaming the hindu fits well into the well nourished world view eh?

Such conspiracy theories will never allow Pakistan to get to the root of these problems.

What if the root is the problem? Then what can one do other than go into cryogenic denial???
Can't really blame the Indians for exploiting this situation because after all we did the same in Kashmir during the 90's.

Kashmir is a disputed territory. Its occupied by Indian forces. You cant compare that to terrorism directed against Pakistan from Western border. There is no comparison at all.

If Pakistan was doing it in Indian cities, then it was comparable, not here.
There is evidence and it has come forward that these terrorists are supported from across the border.

After all, who could kill Chinese in Pakistan? Chinese have helped tremendously and no Pakistani has any complaint against them. I m not saying that Ukrainians or Americans should have been killed. Not at all. But killing a foreigner means killing Pakistan's image and on one else could do it other than Pakistan's enemies in the region.

Really???? they are killing Pakistani's in Pakistan forget about chinese:disagree:
Pakistan is trying to find excuse....and blaming India :lol:

The attack on Indian soldiers in Kashmir was thrown on Pakistan & the way Indian News Channels had build up the story was extremely funny & bakwas Bollywood style.

Harming Pakistan is in Indian interest & I am convinced that India was 100% behind these cowardly terrorist act.

Pakistan is trying to show China.....it was not us ....India did it....so please ....

China knows who is harming Pakistan & in the past they had openly said it "We know who are behind all this & we fully support Pakistan". Crap was thrown on Indian face.

China knows US, India & Afghanistan are harming Pakistan, they are supporting rented terrorists & even after the killing of Chinese people in Pakistan by these rented terrorists whom you all hindis support China continues to support Pakistan & INSHAALLAH they always will support Pakistan.

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