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Pakistan acquires capability to develop N-sub

What Pakistan Navy needs to do is go for heavier frigates and destroyers. Its current fleet of frigates is obselete and they are too light (with displacements that would have them described as Corvettes by the USN). F-22P frigates won't help much at all. Pakistan should be looking at Lafayettes.
What Pakistan Navy needs to do is go for heavier frigates and destroyers. Its current fleet of frigates is obselete and they are too light (with displacements that would have them described as Corvettes by the USN). F-22P frigates won't help much at all. Pakistan should be looking at Lafayettes.
La fayettes are very expensive; the MEKO A-200 or MEKO D would be better options as they are financially cheaper and similar in performance to La Fayette.
Yes in the future Pakistan aims to go for Chinese Type 054 and german MEKO's, but until we get more news on the then I doubt Itll happen in the next 2 years
From what I've heard was at least two Type 93 SSN have already been launch and doing sea trials and excercises. If it manages to impress the Chinese Navy then more shall be ordered and built. But it looks like the Chinese are already giving up on the project and are moving onto a whole new design, the Type 94 SSBN and they're sticking with the new and cheaper Yuan Class SSK instead.
4 new built heavy frigates above the 3000 ton displacement (MEKO D?)
u might as well just go for PLAN type 054/054A has 4000+ ton of displacement.....

Not sure if China would be able to spare 4 ships for the PN before 2019; wouldn't it be busy arming the bulk of PLAN's force with Type 054s?
In that case we should try to purchse them with full ToT. Buy once from China, rest in Karachi like we're already doing with the F-22P.
In that case we should try to purchse them with full ToT. Buy once from China, rest in Karachi like we're already doing with the F-22P.
Pakistan would be busy spending on Karachi for F-22P's production; unless of course it decides to open another shipyard somewhere else. According to the Pakistan Naval Chief - corvettes are being considered, with local production; perhaps Pakistan wants to expand its ship-building industry several fold? New SSKs, Agosta-90Bs available for export, F-22P FFGs, corvettes, etc.
pakistan is considering germans for subs with MESMA but can also buy for france the upgraded version of scorpene buut lets wait and see...........but navy is thinking on nuclear subs
Nuclear powered submarine will not be a good option for pakistan rite now as we have not yet designed our own single reacotor its not possible technically without assistance of china that we can build this mighty ship ...Nuclear submarines cost millions of dollars and some time billions and after their life their saftey disposal cost more than that we dont have enough techonolgy for that right now forsure and more than that maintaining that ship is not easy too ...I think we will be arming our subs with nukes thats wht musharraf is gona talk abt ...else than that there is no way possible we can build nuclear powered submarine right now ...but I hope in future we should be able with some of our frineds assistance INSHA ALLAH ...
it's great news that pakistan is thinking of niclear subs!
i wanted to know that does pakistan have the capabilty of SLBM or SLCM(submarine launched criuse missiles) if not than any intention of getting them??????
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