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European Roma descended from India

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Punjabis aint that dark in Pakistan as Punjabis in India.

A lot of people that live in Pakistani Punjab are not even Punjabis. Go figure.

But Sikhs are some dark *** pointy nosed dudes in Indian Punjab.

That's what I've seen.

Yeah and Pakistani Punjabis are all Nordic looking, blonde hair, blue eyes the work. Here's a sample of Nordic looking Pakistanis :rofl:



Delusional :cuckoo: yaar kuch nai to sheeshe me khud ki shakal hi dekh lo Mr European !
Yeah and Pakistani Punjabis are all Nordic looking, blonde hair, blue eyes the work. Here's a sample of Nordic looking Pakistanis :rofl:

Delusional :cuckoo: yaar kuch nai to sheeshe me khud ki shakal hi dekh lo Mr European !

most look like average roma but some are too negroid to pass as roma. if you want i can Highlight the negroid guys who would be atypical for Romas.

well here are a few more Romas


52906_learning-tradition_u4otpkuoohegc34cxym6cgqbe3ncurxrbvj6lwuh  t2ya6mzmafma_610x457.jpg






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Digitalne kolekcije - Zbirka Narodne biblioteke Srbije - fotografije - EVROPSKA ROMSKA KOLEKCIJA
Supplement of old Romani Photos from National Library of Serbia
1.Portrait of a Medieval Roma
2.Portrait of a old Roma Woman
3.Little Roma Girl as Street Performer
5.Roma Festival
7.Roma Musicians
8.Roma Dance Circle
9.The Happiness of a beautiful Roma Woman
10.Roma Dance Circle
11.Cookin Meal on Excursion


serbian roma asylym seekers in denmark. they look very roma but also quiete "ungroomed". they are asylym seekers and poor
how do you know who i am or what i do. it is None of your Business. Little faggot.

You're were a 30 yo single gypsie whose father is 1/2 and mother is 1/4th. You strongly feel that you are Indian even though you aren't. You feel this way because you desperately search for an identity that isn't gypsie.
Yeah and Pakistani Punjabis are all Nordic looking, blonde hair, blue eyes the work. Here's a sample of Nordic looking Pakistanis :rofl:



Delusional :cuckoo: yaar kuch nai to sheeshe me khud ki shakal hi dekh lo Mr European !
@RazPaK I can't distinguish between these Pakistanis and the Europeans after looking at their faces. :omghaha::omghaha::rofl:
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@Joe Shearer

hey cupcake. Thought i'd share evil racist Yuropean trash cleaning the neighborhood. Week old pictures. Enjoy.





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Why don't you go to university, get a degree, and then bring to society instead of draining it?

Why is there a spelling mistake in your username, why such a blunder. :rofl::lol:
You're were a 30 yo single gypsie whose father is 1/2 and mother is 1/4th. You strongly feel that you are Indian even though you aren't. You feel this way because you desperately search for an identity that isn't gypsie.

no you got it completely wrong about my parents. on purpose?
you should call me roma not gypsies, gypsy is disrespectful.
I hope not all Indians think like you and most seem not to. You are just a uppity gay NRI from Canada.
@Joe Shearer

hey cupcake. Thought i'd share evil racist Yuropean trash cleaning the neighborhood. Week old pictures. Enjoy.

Ho, hum.

Scum doing what they do best, behaving like scum.
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@<u><a href="http://www.defence.pk/forums/member.php?u=15420" target="_blank">Joe Shearer</a></u>

hey cupcake. Thought i'd share evil racist Yuropean trash cleaning the neighborhood. Week old pictures. Enjoy.


what do you try to prove with these Pictures

i want to share some Pictures of Whites too




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Ho, hum.

Scum doing what they do best, behaving like scum.

Yep, that's why they had to go. :lol:

what do you try to prove with these Pictures

i want to share some Pictures of Whites too

Post what you wish, i don't care. Only your uncles from India care. Everyone west of the homeland cesspit knows how things stand. And everyone east probably too.
@Audio, I thought you are a central Asian from Kazakhstan, not from Europe.
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