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China Steals New Australia Spy Agency Blueprints: Report

Devil Soul

Jun 28, 2010
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China Steals New Australia Spy Agency Blueprints: Report
SYDNEY, May 28, 2013 (AFP) -Chinese hackers have stolen top-secret blueprints to Australia's new intelligence agency headquarters, a report said Tuesday, but Foreign Minister Bob Carr insisted ties with Beijing would not be hurt.
The Australian Broadcasting Corporation said the documents taken in the cyber hit included cabling layouts for the huge building's security and communications systems, its floor plan, and its server locations.
Carr said the government was "very alive" to the threat of cyber attacks on national security, adding that "nothing that is being speculated about takes us by surprise".
But he refused to confirm or deny China was behind the attack.
"I won't comment on whether the Chinese have done what is being alleged or not," he said.
"I won't comment on matters of intelligence and security for the obvious reason: we don't want to share with the world and potential aggressors what we know about what they might be doing, and how they might be doing it."
While Australia has a long-standing military alliance with the United States, China is its largest trading partner and the two countries have been forging closer ties.
Carr insisted that the relationship would not be damaged by the allegations, which follow several other hacking attacks on government facilities in the past two years.
"It's got absolutely no implications for a strategic partnership," he said. "We have enormous areas of cooperation with China."
The revelations saw Canberra came under pressure to launch an independent inquiry into the "sorry saga" by opposition politicians, but Prime Minister Julia Gillard declined to comment on "these unsubstantiated reports".
The state broadcaster's investigative Four Corners programme said the attack on a contractor involved with building the new Canberra headquarters of the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation was traced to a server in China.
It cited security experts as saying the theft exposed the agency to being spied on and may be the reason for a cost blowout and delays to the opening of the building, which was supposed to be operational last month.
Des Ball, from the Australian National University's Strategic and Defence Studies Centre, said the blueprints would show which rooms were likely to be used for sensitive conversations, and how to put devices into the walls.
"Once you get those building plans you can start constructing your own wiring diagrams, where the linkages are through telephone connections, through wi-fi connections," he was quoted as saying.
The report, which did not say when the alleged theft took place, comes amid deepening concern about aggressive state-sponsored hacking by China.
In 2011, the computers of Australia's prime minister, foreign minister and defence minister were all suspected of being hacked, with the attacks reportedly originating in China.
At the time, Canberra said cyber attacks had become so frequent that government and private networks were under "continuous threat".
Beijing dismissed the allegations as "groundless and made out of ulterior purposes".
Earlier this year, computer networks at the Reserve Bank of Australia were hacked, with some said to be infected by Chinese-developed malware searching for sensitive information.
This followed Chinese telecoms giant Huawei being barred in 2012 from bidding for contracts on Australia's ambitious Aus$36 billion (US$35 billion) broadband rollout due to fears of cyber attacks.
China please.
Of all the things you copy and steal, can you please copy a godam fork!!!!!
I guess this is payback from the Chinese.

It's no secret the Chinese embassy in Canberra was completely bugged by ASIO during it's construction. The walls are filled with bugs. It's why they are building a new embassy. :cheesy:
China please.
Of all the things you copy and steal, can you please copy a godam fork!!!!!

they will copy a whole combat aircraft for you overnight..not bad,this policy of China.they're using fraction of spendings in hacking what USA or other countries are spending on R&D and getting most,if not all the infos..there are reports that they hacked many info on F-35,PAC-3,THAD,Aegis etc etc..and withing 2-3 years,voilla..you'll get an Chinese Pac-3 in fraction of cost what you're spending on USA's,just like Chinese Tomahawk and Chinese Amraam..but thats too a huge achievement..
I think all this talk of China hacking people is mostly propaganda by the US and her allies. Why? Because by announcing to everyone how often you are hacked, you are basically telling everyone on this planet (governments, corporations, individuals etc.) that your system is vulnerable and then guess what? It's open season and EVERYONE will hack you! How often do governments announce they've been hacked in the past? And how many allegations that claim China has hacked them in the past 1-2 years? This is clearly a very well co-ordinated smear campaign against China. China spies on other countries sure. All countries do that, it's nothing new.
Another funny, any evidence??? When? who? why?which IP??
New York Times had said that Lanxiang school is the center of China's hackers bases, since the Founder had been a soldier, and google and other companies said that they are attacked by Lanxiang school too
Hacking Probe Elevates Lanxiang School - China Real Time Report - WSJ
these make chinese feel funny, Lanxiang School is a cooking, Barber, excavators, Office training school, only 3 months learning time for every students,do hacker so low level?????

last year, South Korea said that NK start hacker war from IP of China, but finally find that is a Internal virtual IP from South Korea self.

There are 14million IP of China controled by foreign hackers

The hackers base as New York times and google said:


I just want to know one thing......

Do people still have eyes here and still use their brain??

OP article already saids

Carr said the government was "very alive" to the threat of cyber attacks on national security, adding that "nothing that is being speculated about takes us by surprise".
But he refused to confirm or deny China was behind the attack.
"I won't comment on whether the Chinese have done what is being alleged or not," he said.
"I won't comment on matters of intelligence and security for the obvious reason: we don't want to share with the world and potential aggressors what we know about what they might be doing, and how they might be doing it

If people insist China hacked our ASIO headquarter, that would be you saying it, as our top brass has already gone on National TV and say he refuse to confirm it.

A news is a "News" if only you let it be the news, as far as I concern, this is hot air blowing from whenever blowing hot air out, you want to believe then you will believe this piece of news, if you don't, you don't. It's simple as that
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