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India Tops World's Racism Charts

Do u you know what is racism???

Caste system is not racism as Hindus belong to the same race so can they practice racism. Although i m no fan of casteism or racism n condemn both of them.

Hinduism has Varna system which is categories people on the type of work done by them n not by in which family they were born. There there many examples in our sacred texts where people from different Varnas have changed their Varna through their deeds. For eg. - Rishi Vishwamitra was a furious Kshatriya warior who went on to become the highest level that could have been achieved by a Bharmin i.e. Brahma Rishi.

There was no casteism the casteism u see today among Hindus is a by product of wrong interpretations that developed over thousands of years...:)

Couldnt have said better than this.
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Ha ha Muslim Rajput kahe ka rajput........

Jo dar gaya woh mar gaya........

Nahi darray nahi, sirf akkal agai. Ke kuttay billay or bander me or khudaa mei kya farq hai. By remembering which of our ancestors gave up paganism, doesn,t mean we still follow their ideology. Yes we do have the caste system among muslims, but not in islam, we don,t use it to segregate but to describe where one descended from. Whereas in hindutva it is religon and not culture. If you want the evidence, l will be more than happy to provide.
there are a lot of Gujarati hindus in North America. after the neo-nazis, i have never seen such a racist group of people. even one baniya hindu gujarati caste does not attend the mandir of another gujarati hindu caste just because of their caste/bloodline!

This article is indeed just a glimpse of the racist reality of this group of people. i feel pity for them, and the 250 million dalits in India.

This is the reason why millions of both high caste and low caste hindu families converted to Islam over the past 1000 years, because they realized this reality.

The real reasons for the conversion were much different. Most people converted (or are descended from people who converted) for reasons similar to why Rinkie Kumari did.

We really feel pity for them. They were (and are) helpless. Though they perpetrated the same atrocities on others. That is inexcusable.

When a Muslim army invaded a town, they would not allow anyone to convert to Islam for three days. During these three days they could kill as many men as they liked, pillage their properties, then rape and enslave their women and children. Only after a town had been decimated and all the young women and children that could be sold as slaves were captured would the brutal campaign of Islamization, with its brutal mandate that all must convert or die, began. However the Jews and the Christians were given protection to live provided they pay a penalty tax called Jizyah and enter into dhimmitude. Dhimmi means protected. But the dhimmis had to pay a hefty jizyah for their protection. This Jizyah was the source of livelihood of the Muslims who through it were able to live like parasites off the labor of the dhimmis. The following Hadith, reported by Bukhari, records the source for this practice based on the admonitions of Muhammad toward the dhimmi:

Narrated Juwairiya bin Qudama At-Tamimi:
We said to 'Umar bin Al-Khattab, oh Chief of the believers! Advise us." He said, "I advise you to fulfill Allah's Convention (made with the Dhimmis) as it is the convention of your Prophet and the source of the livelihood of your dependents (i.e. the taxes from the Dhimmis.) " Volume 4, Book 53, Number 388:

Now with internet and technology, one can see that people are able to speak out against this barbarism openly and without fear of being killed by Muslim extremists. Everyone can see for himself what this ideology really entails and what it's founder really stood for.

Let us see what happens in the next century. One can hope the forcibly converted ones will return to the true path once they realize the absurdity.
Nahi darray nahi, sirf akkal agai. Ke kuttay billay or bander me or khudaa mei kya farq hai. By remembering which of our ancestors gave up paganism, doesn,t mean we still follow their ideology. Yes we do have the caste system among muslims, but not in islam, we don,t use it to segregate but to describe where one descended from. Whereas in hindutva it is religon and not culture. If you want the evidence, l will be more than happy to provide.

You know what.

These are the things which cause people to burn some books and make some sketches.

You want your prophet and Islam to be treated with respect and not ridiculed and abused, you will need to respect others' belief. Especially that of your own ancestors.

As you are inherently incapable of that, the best you can hope for is that people don't abuse your own beliefs. Even that requires a lot of change in your attitudes and actions.

Protesting and destroying property and killing people is not going to stop any of what causes offense to Muslims. They are inviting it on themselves by being extremists and offensive to others, when they themselves are so overly sensitive. ;)

See, I just made a beautiful sketch for you. ;)

PS: The one difference between our thinking is that you think that your Jahiliyah was before you were converted. We think it started after.
Nahi darray nahi, sirf akkal agai. Ke kuttay billay or bander me or khudaa mei kya farq hai. By remembering which of our ancestors gave up paganism, doesn,t mean we still follow their ideology. Yes we do have the caste system among muslims, but not in islam, we don,t use it to segregate but to describe where one descended from. Whereas in hindutva it is religon and not culture. If you want the evidence, l will be more than happy to provide.

han talwar gale pe latki ho to akkal aa hi jaygi.

I am a Solanki Rajput. Originally we are from Gujarat but our ancestors instead of converting migrated to U.P.

Proud to be Hindu.

Har Har Mahadev.....
han talwar gale pe latki ho to akkal aa hi jaygi.

I am a Solanki Rajput. Originally we are from Gujarat but our ancestors instead of converting migrated to U.P.

Proud to be Hindu.

Har Har Mahadev.....

Ye kaayar ki tarah jeena bhi koi jeena hai lallu.

One who can sell his soul for fear and convert, uske jeene ka koi matalab hi nahi hai. ;)
No once you convert to islam, you don,t become an arab. But you remain a muslim and stand at equality with all other muslims. In hinduism, you have no choice, once your born (low caste), your pretty much fu....ed for life untill your reborn. This then becomes a root cause of racism. Also just to remind you that muslims in india were not just converts from dalits, but jats, gujjars, brahmins and also my own ancestors the rajputs of rajisthaan.

Go to Arabia and see if they treat you as equals.

If you are darker skin, they will call you a slave (Abid). You are living in a fool's world.

Islam treats the minorities and the hundreds of Islamic sects in the worst possible manner. The only places where all Islamic sects have religious freedom are non Muslim countries. Millions of people of minority sects have been killed by Islamic extremists in the last few decades only. Pakistan is one of the most dangerous places now for the Shia and Ahmedi after the religious minorities were almost completely wiped off by the Muslims extremists.

The worst part is that you people forget your own history, lose your identity and worship the people who raped and murdered and looted your own ancestors. Nothing could be more insulting for any human being.
people in western country seems to worry more about political correctness when answering questions regarding sensitive issues such as racism. People in less developed countries are just more blunt. Everyone has a little bit of prejudice inside of them.

But people will not openly lie about being more racist / prejudiced than they actually are, in that regard this survey is still completely valid.
people in western country seems to worry more about political correctness when answering questions regarding sensitive issues such as racism. People in less developed countries are just more blunt. Everyone has a little bit of prejudice inside of them.

But people will not openly lie about being more racist / prejudiced than they actually are, in that regard this survey is still completely valid.

I agree with ur statement, besides the type on questions n there interpretation changes in different context. For eg. : Many Hindus like to live close to Vegans as its against their religious belief to eat meat but that doesn't mean they r acting racist here.

Secondly, such surveys don't portray the real picture for countries like India n China as there population runs in billions n taking out even 10,000 people out of a billion won't act as proper sample.

However, i agree Indians can act a bit racist at times but we don't go around beating people due to there skin color or place of origin...:)
Nahi darray nahi, sirf akkal agai. Ke kuttay billay or bander me or khudaa mei kya farq hai. By remembering which of our ancestors gave up paganism, doesn,t mean we still follow their ideology. Yes we do have the caste system among muslims, but not in islam, we don,t use it to segregate but to describe where one descended from. Whereas in hindutva it is religon and not culture. If you want the evidence, l will be more than happy to provide.

First learn to give respect to other religions if want others to respect urs.

I too can qoute various absurd things directly from ur holy Quran n about ur Prophet but unfortunately, i can't stoop that low.

No religion teachs to hate other people or discriminate others, its just that people make wrong interpretations. Even though majority of terrorists r muslims that does not mean that Islam or Quran teach terrorism rather its just some nut heads who r busy using people for there own interests in the name of religions.

N for the bold part n ur lack of knowledge about Hinduism. The same is true for Hinduism i.e. Although Hindus have caste but there is no caste system in Hinduism.:)
You know what.

These are the things which cause people to burn some books and make some sketches.

You want your prophet and Islam to be treated with respect and not ridiculed and abused, you will need to respect others' belief. Especially that of your own ancestors.

As you are inherently incapable of that, the best you can hope for is that people don't abuse your own beliefs. Even that requires a lot of change in your attitudes and actions.

Protesting and destroying property and killing people is not going to stop any of what causes offense to Muslims. They are inviting it on themselves by being extremists and offensive to others, when they themselves are so overly sensitive. ;)

See, I just made a beautiful sketch for you. ;)

PS: The one difference between our thinking is that you think that your Jahiliyah was before you were converted. We think it started after.

First of all for people like you, it,s in your nature to burn others books, jees forget books, you people burn your own women.
If you find my reply to an offence made, then thats your problem. I never said anything about burning your ramayan or gita, so please to not speak verbal garbage. Regarding my ancestors, well to hell with those that worshipped their own hand made idols, or in todays case, ,made in china idols. If you have an issue with pakistan and islam, why do you come on this forum.
Extremists ? You my son have never studied your own religon and history or challey doosray ki gaand soongney. Believe you and me, l have worked with hindus, hindus that won,t talk or even sit next to another hindu, simply because he was a dalit.
Protesting and destroying property.
Remember Gujraat. Remember babri mosque. Samjhota express. Christian churches. The list goes on and on.
Meri sketch choro. Aur apnay shakal ka hisaab lo.

We left and came into jahliya , right. Explain that to the thousands that leave your faith into others.
This jahliya is still a million times better than the ignorance of what we left behind.

Regarding our fore fathers, well we believe in the Abrahamic traditions as do the other monotheist religons. Hence we all descended from Adam, so our ancestors whom left idol/animal worship simply returned to the faith of their fathers. Unlike you whom forgot the faith of their original ancestors and started hand making his own god.
Vedh khol kar ke to dekh or samajh without bias and an open heart. Then you will destroy them idols you make yourself and return to the religon of your true ancestors.
If your ancestors were daku, rapists, crooks, would you too follow them on and pass on to your children.
Why should we accept those ancestors that deviated from their fathers.
First learn to give respect to other religions if want others to respect urs.

I too can qoute various absurd things directly from ur holy Quran n about ur Prophet but unfortunately, i can't stoop that low.

No religion teachs to hate other people or discriminate others, its just that people make wrong interpretations. Even though majority of terrorists r muslims that does not mean that Islam or Quran teach terrorism rather its just some nut heads who r busy using people for there own interests in the name of religions.

N for the bold part n ur lack of knowledge about Hinduism. The same is true for Hinduism i.e. Although Hindus have caste but there is no caste system in Hinduism.:)

Yes. Respect is mutual. But if you go back to my post, I was responding to a very ignorant indian whom made false inflammatry remarks first. Regarding the majority of terrorists being muslims. Well my friend that is a matter of opinion, first explain the meaning of a terrorist also fundamentalist and then maybe me and you can see whom these explanations best fit.
Lets not forget according to many even your mahatma Ghandi and even nelson mandela were terrorists.
Regarding your Quotes from the holy quran. Any time my friend. Answers will be given in a diplomatic and scholarly way.
Will you and other hindus afford the same when we question the gita, ramayan and vedas.
Yes. Respect is mutual. But if you go back to my post, I was responding to a very ignorant indian whom made false inflammatry remarks first. Regarding the majority of terrorists being muslims. Well my friend that is a matter of opinion, first explain the meaning of a terrorist also fundamentalist and then maybe me and you can see whom these explanations best fit.
Lets not forget according to many even your mahatma Ghandi and even nelson mandela were terrorists.
Regarding your Quotes from the holy quran. Any time my friend. Answers will be given in a diplomatic and scholarly way.
Will you and other hindus afford the same when we question the gita, ramayan and vedas.

I told u i m not the one who would like to score some cheap brownie points by unnecessary bashing anybodies religion.
BTW u got very poor knowledge in respect of Hinduism so it would be better if u would avoid unnecessary flamebaiting.

But if u got any genuine questions i m all ears but mind u i don't take crap.:)
But if u got any genuine questions i m all ears but mind u i don't take crap.:)

And nor do I mate.
So rephrase or give the evidence, when you state that the majority of terrorists are muslims.
Explain terrorism.
If my knowledge of hinduism is poor, yours is an absolute p..s take on islam. So mere bahai sooch ke bolo. Thats exactly what I was trying to explain to your indian friend before he made it an inflammatory remark.
And nor do I mate.
So rephrase or give the evidence, when you state that the majority of terrorists are muslims.
Explain terrorism.
If my knowledge of hinduism is poor, yours is an absolute p..s take on islam. So mere bahai sooch ke bolo. Thats exactly what I was trying to explain to your indian friend before he made it an inflammatory remark.

First i m no Mr.Perfect but yes definitely i know about Hinduism more than u.

If u'll read my post again i never said Islam or Quran teaches terrorism, infact my statement was its misguided people in the name of religion who do such acts.

As no region in its true sense teaches hatred or discrimination whether its Islam or Hinduism.

If u r one of those Good Taliban Bad Taliban boys than sorry i m in no mood to debate u may believe whatever u want..:)
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