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India developing anti-satellite weapons


Nov 10, 2012
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India developing anti-satellite weapons

India intends to develop anti-satellite weapons following its successful Agni-V ICBM test.

Indian Defense Research and Development Organization Director General and scientific adviser to the Defense Minister V. K. Saraswat said the launch of Agni-V last week opens a "new era" for India

"Apart from adding a new dimension to our strategic defense, it has ushered in fantastic opportunities in building ASAT weapons and launching mini/micro satellites on demand," he said.

ASAT weapons require reaching about 500 miles above the Earth. Saraswat said Agni-V delivers the boosting capability and the kill vehicle, "with advanced seekers, will be able to home into the target satellite."

Saraswat noted that Agni-V's range of more than 3,100 miles was sufficient to take care of India's current threat perceptions.

"We have no problem in augmenting the range if in the future, threat perceptions change," he said. "We are not in a missile race with anyone. We are building missiles to mitigate our threats."

Saraswat added that the government had yet to give formal approval to the ASAT program.

"India does not believe in weaponization of space," he said. "We are only talking about having the capability. There are no plans for offensive space capabilities."

Underpinning India's interest in an ASAT program was China's 2007 use of an ASAT weapon to destroy an old satellite.

In late 1962 India and China fought a brief war over contested Himalayan territory, during which India lost 1,383 killed, 1,047 wounded, 1,696 missing and 3,968 captured. Chinese losses during the conflict were 722 killed and 1,697 wounded.

In January 2010, Saraswat said: "India is putting together building blocks of technology that could be used to neutralize enemy satellites. We are working to ensure space security and protect our satellites. At the same time we are also working on how to deny the enemy access to its space assets."

The ABM elements in India's space program were operational tested last year. India performed a test in March 2010, the sixth of the series, of the interceptor missile portion of its ballistic missile defense system. The test was reported to be a success and a validation of the technology to be integrated into India's missile defense capabilities.

A modified Prithvi target missile, modified to mimic the trajectory of a ballistic missile with a 324-mile range, was launched from Chandipur, Orissa Integrated Test Range Launch Complex III.

Indian military radar tracked the launch, determined its trajectory and relayed the data in real time to Mission Control Center, which launched the interceptor. The interceptor's directional warhead was maneuvered into close proximity to the modified Prithvi before detonating, the government said.
India developing anti-satellite weapons
India is still developing...and...developing...:rolleyes:

if u read the article carefully it says
"India does not believe in weaponization of space," he said. "We are only talking about having the capability. There are no plans for offensive space capabilities."
it also says

"ASAT weapons require reaching about 500 miles above the Earth. Saraswat said Agni-V delivers the boosting capability and the kill vehicle, "with advanced seekers, will be able to home into the target satellite."

make anything out of it??

india do not do the things for the sake of doing them..we'll do it if we need to do it.we're not testing it just for the political reasons.if the need arises a modified agni v can be used as an A-SAT missile.thats not an alien technology especially to a country like india
Yeah, build it and shove it up MMS's @$$. What's the use of all these weapons when our leaders don't have the balls to use any of these. Chinese are sitting inside our borders for 2 weeks now and we are still trying to resolve it peacefully. How long will it take for GOI to understand that there is no diplomatic solution to this situation. Chinese will back down only if they are given the taste of their own medicin. I am seriously pi$$ed off right now on GOI.

Sanction some more funds to DRDO....ask them to work on a new project along side other project going on. ASK THEM TO ARTIFICIALLY GROW SOME BALLS FOR OUR ******* LEADERS.
In the past,several times this kind of news has published.DRDO director general Rupesh and Saraswat several times have claimed this.They several times mentioned about "Exo-Atmospheric Kill vehicle"..Also,India has an active Laser program.but India took precaution seeing the global outrage of "Chinese ASAT test"..Even if India would have this tech,we'll not know for sure until govt will let us know,just like K-4..
In the past,several times this kind of news has published.DRDO director general Rupesh and Saraswat several times have claimed this.They several times mentioned about "Exo-Atmospheric Kill vehicle"..Also,India has an active Laser program.but India took precaution seeing the global outrage of "Chinese ASAT test"..Even if India would have this tech,we'll not know for sure until govt will let us know,just like K-4..

well this time he mentioned that a modified agni v would suffice the purpose.its just that we wont test it any time soon
The fcuk u achieved with anti SAT weapons ? Surely taiwan is still free :woot:

And lets not talk about diyaou islands here :P

Lolz Chinese tested ASAT back in january 2007...:cheesy: You should read more about asia military... :P

Our trade with Taiwan, South Korea, Japan, ASEAN is huge, despite political difference. How big is India's trade with neighboring countries excluding China...:rolleyes:
India developing anti-satellite weapons

India intends to develop anti-satellite weapons following its successful Agni-V ICBM test.

"Apart from adding a new dimension to our strategic defense, it has ushered in fantastic opportunities in building ASAT weapons and launching mini/micro satellites on demand," he said.

In just six lines the article turns from developing to intend to develop to develop if demanded! Not to mention topic is age old.
Lolz Chinese tested ASAT back in janaury 2007... :cheesy: You should read more about asia military... :P

Our trade with Taiwan, South Korea, Japan, ASEAN is huge, despite political difference. How big is India's trade with neighboring countries excluding China...:rolleyes:

dude there is nothing to bounce. even we would have tested it since we launched Agni 4 that tim with 1000km apogee( max altitude). but it would not create any difference any more. When we want we will do it.
Yeah, build it and shove it up MMS's @$$. What's the use of all these weapons when our leaders don't have the balls to use any of these. Chinese are sitting inside our borders for 2 weeks now and we are still trying to resolve it peacefully. How long will it take for GOI to understand that there is no diplomatic solution to this situation. Chinese will back down only if they are given the taste of their own medicin. I am seriously pi$$ed off right now on GOI.

Sanction some more funds to DRDO....ask them to work on a new project along side other project going on. ASK THEM TO ARTIFICIALLY GROW SOME BALLS FOR OUR ******* LEADERS.

Ashoka the sad reality is that we are not prepared, only preparing.... Decades of corruption, rot, and govt indifference has killed the Indian dream. Both Congress, BJP and certain forces who push certain vote bansk to work against India's interests. Radical Muslims in India will use democracy to fuk us over. We need to remain ever vigilant. When the SC has found the CBi is not free of political interference, it confirms what Anna Hazara and many others have stated for decades. Corruption is killing us. My grandparents were so proud to be Indian. They would never allow a foreign product to be superior or allow any foreigners to put us down. They would debate the merits of what India has, its past and its capability. They are rolling in their graves I think.
Ashoka the sad reality is that we are not prepared, only preparing.... Decades of corruption, rot, and govt indifference has killed the Indian dream. Both Congress, BJP and certain forces who push certain vote bansk to work against India's interests. Radical Muslims in India will use democracy to fuk us over. We need to remain ever vigilant. When the Sc has found the CBi is not free of political interference, it confirms what Anna Hazara and many others have stated for decades. Corruption is killing us. My grandparents used to be so proud to be Indian. They would never allow a foreign product to be surperior. They would debate the merits of what India has, its past and its capability. They are rolling in their graves I think.

No, the problem is that there is no discipline in we Indians, we think we are the boss and above law. That is one main reason. We are jealous of each other. You give danda behind then you see the change how things work out. And these people who think they are the boss just Fcuk them with this danda of LAW!!! Then they will realize to be down to earth and work for the nation. Their selfishness has just caused nation to fall. I have experienced my self and due to these ***** my carrier was at stake. I have learnt it and even seen govt people very closely they are NOT AT ALL AWARE, no INTEREST in developing this nation. It is the truth.

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