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Mumbai engineer Hamid Ansari missing in Pakistan

In Muslim countries we consider women as capable as men but the difference is we know how to respect a women..

2.You talk about women 's role in war so i can also give you examples of muslim women but spying and war are two different fields.

In spying the tactics are different as compare to war and please don't. say that spying is also part of war because it has worst consequences than war .Hope you know what i meant to say that.

Hey friend, two query came to my mind after reading your & others post. Don't take it as offensive, just like a query.
On one hand every one including Muslim community says that men & women are equal. There is one line in red where you are drawing a difference line between a Muslim man & woman. You are saying that there bad consequences for the work either done by spy himself/herself or inflicted by enemy which I agree fully I know what may be the consequences. Then it comes to mind that why do you say that we know how to respect a woman. Then it naturally means that you don't respect a man. Because he will be doing the work or suffering same which is not considered respected for a woman. So then it's betrayal with men. Then frankly speaking there is no equality at all. Your take friend.

2nd query. Many are Pakistani posters especially seniors are saying that ISI employs only non Muslims to do the same dirty job which it prohibited for a Muslim woman. Is this not derogatory/discrimination against whole women to say the least?
You thoughts & points will be much appreciated.
'Kahani mein dum nahi hai bachay'

Any threat to Pakistan should be neutralized and dealt with accordingly. I guess we all know here where the story seems to be going.
Hey friends after going through whole thread I came to realize that there is trust deficit not only among us but also the concerned family as well. I would like to give some probable scenarios which may be possible.

The guy's friend story is correct but he will be tried for crossing boundary without proper authorization. Just pray that guy is safe & sound & returns after the standard punishment. May be can get some relaxation for human behavior.
Guy went to find a job or went there with a job considering the problem our air service industry is facing(This is reality, you will not get a better job for now.) He becomes friend with a anonymous girl on internet who claims she going to be married against her will. This can be honey trap being used by SPY agency as well as Terror cells because they are using social networking sites on much larger scale than you & me can imagine.
He should be caught & information should be retrieved & take the ground situation in consideration while giving punishment in India.
Guy was recruited by enemy forces(spy agency or terror cells) way before going to Afghanistan. This is also possible. Just a hogwash in our eyes drawn by him & related agencies. If caught should be punished severely.
Guy was recruited by RAW but sent on a secret mission(Intelligence gathering etc) with passport & visa which is not accessible to other common people. This can be the reason his friends or family don't know the current status. Will be punished by Pak Agencies severely.
May be other foreign agencies have recruited him to do the dirty job from which they want to maintain safe distance. May GOD save him from the upcoming problems.

These are the most common scenarios which may have happened.
Hey friend, two query came to my mind after reading your & others post. Don't take it as offensive, just like a query.
On one hand every one including Muslim community says that men & women are equal. There is one line in red where you are drawing a difference line between a Muslim man & woman. You are saying that there bad consequences for the work either done by spy himself/herself or inflicted by enemy which I agree fully I know what may be the consequences..

In my opinion (Just sharing my view no offense with others)Allah has set distinguish tasks for both the genders (In Islam if other religion has different concept so i am not questioning their religion) which give equal rights to both men and women but it doesn't mean that women can not take part in other fields but she should care what is inappropriate for herself

Then it naturally means that you don't respect a man.

Here i will not mention Muslim countries but in Asia we give especial treatment to women as an Asian you better know about it ..

2nd query. Many are Pakistani posters especially seniors are saying that ISI employs only non Muslims to do the same dirty job which it prohibited for a Muslim woman. Is this not derogatory/discrimination against whole women to say the least?
You thoughts & points will be much appreciated.

It is only possible when a woman shows her intention to do the work .. If a Muslim woman wants to do something like that who can stop her .. None can force his/her decisions on anyone so ISI also cant force women to do dirty jobs if they don't want to do so ..

'Kahani mein dum nahi hai bachay'

:lol: Look whoz talking :lol:
In my opinion (Just sharing my view no offense with others)Allah has set distinguish tasks for both the genders (In Islam if other religion has different concept so i am not questioning their religion) which give equal rights to both men and women but it doesn't mean that women can not take part in other fields but she should care what is inappropriate for herself

Here i will not mention Muslim countries but in Asia we give especial treatment to women as an Asian you better know about it ..

It is only possible when a woman shows her intention to do the work .. If a Muslim woman wants to do something like that who can stop her .. None can force his/her decisions on anyone so ISI also cant force women to do dirty jobs if they don't want to do so ..

:lol: Look whoz talking :lol:

Thanks for the reply, need some more clarification.
For first point as for as my knowledge says whatever is the state religion, each & every citizen's eligibility starts from the same line. For example in India if anything of such level is not allowed for a Hindu girl then it's also not allowed for Muslim girl, Jain girl, Buddhist girl, Sikh girl & christian girl and others. If you take example of west, China, Japan, South east Asian countries(as for as my knowledge goes), whatever rule is applied to a girl of any specific religion, the same rule is applicable for another religion girl. So I just don't get the point that why a rule is applied to a Muslim girl, why can't the same rule be applicable for other religion girls also. And then you said that a Muslim woman can do such jobs if she wants to. This means she breaking the state law(I think Islam is state religion then it's rules are binding. Am I wrong or right here? This means probably you folks are not well informed on this subject in ISI as well(a Pakistani poster has claimed in this thread only that his father is in security apparatus & he knows this thing happens). How can be there discrepancy in such situation?

For 2nd part yes I agree with you 101 % that as Asian we do give special privilege & respect our ladies. At the least we are on same page.:)
This is the most weirdest story I have heard in a while...went to Afghanistan, but was trying to help a girl in distress in Pakistan?

Illegal entry looks the most probable cause...and there is no proof that he is in Pakistan...

A Pakistani Citizen, Atta ur Rehman Awan resident of Kohat , admitting openly that Hamid stayed with him for 2 days in Kohat, his statement could be consider as evidence/proof
Another important thing , Hamid was a Rotaract President and wants to visit Kohat regarding Rotaract Club/Education Purpose.

To rescue a girl etc .... its a wrong story
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