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The inevitable collapse of apartheid Israel

China prefers Israel than all countries around. Didn't you see that China doing cooperation and business with Israel?

India? it is a regional super power. it is not because we are in a Pakistan forum that you need to downgrade them to believe to please Pakistanais.
Best for Pakistan is a good relation with India .
Do you know how great our relation China? Or is that some kind of a prejudice. I don't give a rat about the Israelis man ,they just have to make sure they won't come around :p

Oh Yeah India is too strong :taz:
Israel has huge problems.. Illegal immigration, water scarcity, hostile neighbours and a growing non jewish population.
Israel is getting stronger. Now it has resources. It does not depend on anyone for gas.

It will export gas. Already the Russians are starting to move closer to Israel.

Turkey is back on board.

The Palestinains will have a state - but Israel will remain.

The collapse has been talked about by the mouthy neighbours since 1948 and all we've done is get stronger.

Anyway. Israel is a beacon for freedom in the region. The surrounding people should be hoping it survives as a thorn in the side of dictators.
Never heard a joke of this size in a few years. Made my day.
Israel has huge problems.. Illegal immigration, water scarcity, hostile neighbours and a growing non jewish population.

I don't know what you mean by a hostile environment. To the best of my knowledge Iran is the only country vowing to flush them away.
Israel is getting stronger. Now it has resources. It does not depend on anyone for gas.

It will export gas. Already the Russians are starting to move closer to Israel.

Turkey is back on board.

The Palestinains will have a state - but Israel will remain.

The collapse has been talked about by the mouthy neighbours since 1948 and all we've done is get stronger.

Anyway. Israel is a beacon for freedom in the region. The surrounding people should be hoping it survives as a thorn in the side of dictators.

Off Topic Question - I heard that Jews are prohibited to establish entity untill coming of Masiha (as per their scriptures) - Is it true?
move it to stupid and PHUNNY thread...

I can see wet dreams of some extra-religious men..
Israelis :D :lol:

Hehe. I see how wishes are coming true now particularly when the so-called superpower India is willing to talk to China to avoid a confrontation.

Lets face it; people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones kiddo. :D

I agree to one part of your post " so called super power" .

India is willing to talk only on her own terms and China is the power whom even US thinks many times before messing with. Chinese are regarded as second most powerful country above RUSSIA.So it's not easy to take on China.
I don't know what you mean by a hostile environment. To the best of my knowledge Iran is the only country vowing to flush them away.

Hostile environment meant that people living in your countries do not like Israel. Some extremists make use of them. They do not like your govts' tacit approval of israel.

furthermore, many israelis consider arabs as the enemy no matter what anyone thinks.
I dont think the collapse is near or imminent yet, but there can be no doubt this will be the end result.

Yeah the hardliners in Israel will lose power and the Palestinians will be given freedom but Israel as a state will remain.
Off Topic Question - I heard that Jews are prohibited to establish entity untill coming of Masiha (as per their scriptures) - Is it true?

The orthodox are split on this. The non-religious don't care.

Either way, now or when the messiah comes, they believe it is thier god given land.
Hostile environment meant that people living in your countries do not like Israel. Some extremists make use of them. They do not like your govts' tacit approval of israel.

furthermore, many israelis consider arabs as the enemy no matter what anyone thinks.

The Israelis are very paranoid to the extent that some of them will need to check their bunkers 6 times a day :D. They can't forget the gas chambers.
I dont think israel is going to collapse israel is too strong and i think israels presence is good for that region because when they are there the arabs only the them as a threath so it helps other countries to expand there.
The spreading muslim population in gaza, israel and the west bank is a noose around israels neck

Soon enough the muslim population of israel will be 25 percent of the country

I expect within the next few decades the muslim population of Israel to be atlesst 1/3 of the country and thats if they dont occupy all of the west bank

We waited over 100 years to take back the holy lands during the crusades why would we give up now??
Thats happening no doubt, matter of time.
Fully agree.

The hydrogen in sun is running out and it will turn into a red giant swallowing earth.
The Andromeda galaxy is going to collide with our milky way galaxy.
The universe is expanding and accelerating.
The entropy is growing.

None of it we can prevent. So Israel's collapse is inevitable.

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