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Analysis of 900 biographies of LeT operatives killed between 1989-1990

Why do I get a feeling Pak Mil will eventually make peace with TTP in a year or two and channel them to our Kashmir border, ek teer se do shikaar :what:
Looks like LET is doing what RAW couldn't..making Pakistan bleeding slowly to death..as its Educated mind is going to be brainwashed by terrorists,who can take charge and alter fate of Democratic Pakistan?? :what:
But sir all the outfits like LeT are proclaiming that they will renew their "jihad" from 2014 onward. Every Pakistani poster claims that he or she has it on good authority, from sources within the military and the government, that Pakistan's situation will improve drastically after 2014. Afghanistan will be brought back into the fold and then there will be an opportunity to renew their struggle. What is your take on all of these factors? Do you see Afghanistan falling to Pakistani proxies and its blow back in Kashmir? If not then pardon me for requesting some substantiation.
This is all hogwash, a feel good fairy tale spun to keep up the morale of the jehadis. Things are going to get worse for Pakistan after the withdrawal and probably better in kashmir. Because:

> America is not going to abandon Afghanistan completely. At least two divisions worth of US troops will be permanently stationed there.

> A kind of civil war will break out with scores of warlords jockeying for power fighting each other. Then there's the Northern Alliance, Afghan Taliban, Central Asian Republics, Iran, China, Pakistan, India, Russia - all vying for strategic advantage for exploiting the vast natural resources of Afghanistan.

> Pakistan would be a bit player in this game, but will continue to support the Afghan Taliban (Haqqani) in their quest to rule Afghanistan however long that takes. After all, Pakistan has been doing just this for the past several years in the hope of installing a pliable Taliban government at the helm for achieving that mirage of 'Strategic depth' against India.

> In this cauldron, the LeT and its affiliated terrorist groups will be diverted by Pakistan to help the Afghan Taliban in their quest for power. And that could take the better part of a decade. After all, the Americans and other contenders won't just be poodle faking in Afghanistan. There's too much at stake out there for all concerned.

> Therefore, with the LeT and its affiliated groups being diverted to Afghanistan by Pakistan to help the Taliban to achieve its goal, Kashmir will be off their radar. Afghanistan is more important to Pakistan than Kashmir.

In a nutshell, there would be no escalation of terrorist activities in the Kashmir Valley after the 'withdrawal' of US troops. In fact the violence would probably come down several notches as the LeT and Co will be busy trying to help Pakistan achieve more important goals in Afghanistan.
Sir, while you may be correct in your observation but I have one too in this regard.

Saying simply that you fear that Modi will try to showcase himself a strong politician given certain circumstances does not seem to be very plausible. For instance, he had been the ridicule of many kind of attacks, personally and politically. We never saw him loose control and make tit for tat statements. It might be due to his aspirations of the highest office in the recent times. However, nothing stopped him to do that before and after the riots.

So, I can't think he will not go into such base tactics but then again you never know. Rahul might do something like you suggest to show he is strong which he is desperately trying to achieve and seems clearly far away from it.

I'm only suggesting a possibility , certainly not making a statement that it is how it will pan out. I believe that whoever forms the next government will be sorely constrained on making important breakthroughs on the domestic front and that might play badly with Mr.Modi's supporters when you consider how the image has been sold. That explains where I went with the last post. I'm quite willing to concede that governance might be quite different from politics & Mr. Modi might prove very astute. That fear that I expressed is not an overriding one but a nagging one. I would be very happy to be proven wrong on this one.
I'm only suggesting a possibility , certainly not making a statement that it is how it will pan out. I believe that whoever forms the next government will be sorely constrained on making important breakthroughs on the domestic front and that might play badly with Mr.Modi's supporters when you consider how the image has been sold. That explains where I went with the last post. I'm quite willing to concede that governance might be quite different from politics & Mr. Modi might prove very astute. That fear that I expressed is not an overriding one but a nagging one. I would be very happy to be proven wrong on this one.

Now this is a fine example of clarity and being succinct. :enjoy:
This is all hogwash, a feel good fairy tale spun to keep up the morale of the jehadis. Things are going to get worse for Pakistan after the withdrawal and probably better in kashmir. Because:

> America is not going to abandon Afghanistan completely. At least two divisions worth of US troops will be permanently stationed there.

> A kind of civil war will break out with scores of warlords jockeying for power fighting each other. Then there's the Northern Alliance, Afghan Taliban, Central Asian Republics, Iran, China, Pakistan, India, Russia - all vying for strategic advantage for exploiting the vast natural resources of Afghanistan.

> Pakistan would be a bit player in this game, but will continue to support the Afghan Taliban (Haqqani) in their quest to rule Afghanistan however long that takes. After all, Pakistan has been doing just this for the past several years in the hope of installing a pliable Taliban government at the helm for achieving that mirage of 'Strategic depth' against India.

> In this cauldron, the LeT and its affiliated terrorist groups will be diverted by Pakistan to help the Afghan Taliban in their quest for power. And that could take the better part of a decade. After all, the Americans and other contenders won't just be poodle faking in Afghanistan. There's too much at stake out there for all concerned.

> Therefore, with the LeT and its affiliated groups being diverted to Afghanistan by Pakistan to help the Taliban to achieve its goal, Kashmir will be off their radar. Afghanistan is more important to Pakistan than Kashmir.

In a nutshell, there would be no escalation of terrorist activities in the Kashmir Valley after the 'withdrawal' of US troops. In fact the violence would probably come down several notches as the LeT and Co will be busy trying to help Pakistan achieve more important goals in Afghanistan.

That is one "helluva scenario" that you described there, and its not incredible at that; especially you cleared the faulty belief that some people hold that the Americans will just vanish from Afghanistan!

Afghanistan seems fated to become one "helluva pressure-cooker" unless.........
When that happens; then we might see people here even ruing the fact that they 'drew-down' and saying: "Bl00dy Yankees, again they left us in the lurch".
So, I can't think he will not go into such base tactics but then again you never know. Rahul might do something like you suggest to show he is strong which he is desperately trying to achieve and seems clearly far away from it.

I beg to differ.

The last time I was reading political news of India, Congress and specifically advisers of Rahul and Sonia felt like very cunning.
On the other hand, the top brass of BJP seems to be making one mistake after another. Be the leader which I forgot, some Marathi businessman, or others. They even had a PM in waiting which has his legs in grave.

Who do you think seems closer to committing a political blunder?
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