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WikiLeaks: Narendra Modi, the lone honest Indian politician


Sep 29, 2011
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Cables from American envoy show he wanted to woo Modi unofficially after
US denied him a visa
Narendra Modi and the BJP today made the most of the latest diplomatic
cables released by WikiLeaks, saying these showed that the Gujarat Chief
Minister was “incorruptible” — in fact, “the lone honest Indian politician”.

Dated November 2, 2006, the cable sent by Michael S Owen, the Consul
General in Mumbai, refers to Modi’s growing potential as a national leader
of his party and the need to engage with him to “directly” deliver a
message on human rights.
In an appraisal of the CM, Owen adds: “Modi has successfully branded
himself as a non-corrupt, effective administrator, as a facilitator of
business in a state with a deep commercial culture, and as a no-nonsense,
law-and-order politician who looks after the interests of the Hindu
After a lecture at Pandit Deen Dayal Univerisity at Gandhinagar on
Tuesday, Modi said the cable acknowledges him as “incorruptible” and
refers to Gujarat as “a progressive state”. “There are many non-corrupt
people, but they have termed me incorruptible, which is good for the
people of Gujarat. WikiLeaks shows two faces — that of the government of
India and another of progressive Gujarat.”
In a press release, the BJP said the US documents only assert and prove
that Modi is the lone politician in India to be honest, fearless and clean.
Said BJP national vice-president Purushottam Rupala and state party
spokesperson I K Jadeja: “The government which has denied Modi as Modi
now finds him as one with strong political willpower, an able administrator
as well as the only non-corrupt, no-nonsense politician of India.”
The BJP rubbed in the fact that the same US government had denied Modi a
visa after the 2002 riots, and said America seemed to be “in a mood to
In the cable, Owen comments on the denial of the visa, saying: “We believe
that Modi’s rise in the BJP seems likely. In coordination with Embassy New
Delhi, we intend to continue our policy of interaction with the Chief
Minister, whose B1/B2 visa we revoked in 2005. Such interaction allows us
to deliver a clear message on human rights and religious freedom directly
to the source. It will also shield us from accusations of opportunism from
the BJP that would invariably arise if we ignored Modi now but sought a
dialogue with him in the likely event that he makes it to the national
While delighting in Owen’s praise, Modi reacted to this part of the cable
too, saying he needed “no lesson” on human rights from the US.
The CM claimed that at a meeting with Owen in 2006, he had “looked into
Owen’s eyes and said America should not give us advice on human rights. I
am a son of India and I know what human rights violations you have

Modi quite right about US lecturing on Human Rights. :lol:

You've got to hand it to the USA, they see no hypocrisy at all in launching three separate invasions of the Middle East, in one single decade from 2001-2011...

... Creating some of the most awful horrific conditions in Earth's history in war-torn Iraq and Afghanistan... and then immediately turning around and criticizing other countries for human rights violations. :P

As if no one saw the pictures of systemic torture coming out of Guantanamo Bay and Abu Ghraib. :disagree:
You've got to hand it to them, they see no hypocrisy at all in launching three separate invasions of the Middle East, in one single decade from 2001-2011...... Creating some of the most awful horrific conditions in Earth's history in war-torn Iraq and Afghanistan... and then immediately turning around and criticizing other countries for human rights violations. :P
Worst was Rwanda. I saw the documentary and buddy, you can see soldiers leaving the people there, and just as they left, there was gunfire sound.

They could have protected those people. But a Rwanda citizen said, Don't expect help. US has no friends, only interests.
Rwanda is not.
You've got to hand it to the USA, they see no hypocrisy at all in launching three separate invasions of the Middle East, in one single decade from 2001-2011...

... Creating some of the most awful horrific conditions in Earth's history in war-torn Iraq and Afghanistan... and then immediately turning around and criticizing other countries for human rights violations. :P

As if no one saw the pictures of systemic torture coming out of Guantanamo Bay and Abu Ghraib. :disagree:

US is the best example of Hypocrasy........ When the kill innocent civilians it is ok because it is in their national interest.... when some one else does they comes preaching and advising, criticizing and threatening as if they are the custodian of human rights in the entire world......

Same goes with their support on democracy........ They have only one thing in mindi.... their National interest.......
There is a reason why India's foes don't like this man. I hope Indians will open their eyes and vote this man to power.
Actually I hate the Indian Media over this too. I mean just look at WikiLeaks case of Rajeev Gandhi. Look at riots in UP, Assam, WB.

Even BJP leaders don't want him. But they have to take the ground level party workers' wishes into account. RSS didn't want him either. Bowed to workers' demands.

And look at Women Empowerment in Gujarat. I mean that's called some Action, not mere words.

some even compared him with OBL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!........ I wonder if Namo become indian PM one day what would happen in PDF???????
PDF will be banned in India at all ISP providers. :D
Modi a slayer of western capitalists and Islam :lol:

lol :rofl: What a sarcasm.. But the truth is

Modi don't give a sh!t to Islam or Hinduism (He is responsible for death of 300+ Hindus and 700 Muslims, He is responsible for distruction of 100s of Temples and few Majars during development). Modi believe secularism means nationalism. When he put solar power plant, he don't do it for Muslims or Hindu he does it for crores of Gujrati..

Pakistani use Modi name to retain the hate what they have cultivated since there birth. Indian use Modi name to get Islamic Votes.
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