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Shouldn’t Tamil Eelam be in Tamil Nadu?

Shouldn’t Tamil Eelam be in Tamil Nadu?

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see you dont understand ?

a tamil nation is already there in india....."nadu" means country/nation......

secondly a tamil nation was formed once in lanka by merging the tamil areas of northern and eastern areas......

also as i said, devolving power to the tamil areas was a part of 13th amendment which rajapaksa promised and which he went back on either on pressure by sinhala chauvinists or he himself got carried away by triumph.......

so it's Tamil nation? Tamils in India are minority ethnic compare to whole population of India. Tamilnadu does not belong to Tamils only, it's belong to all Indians. Don't be a racist saying it's Tamil nation.

There is no Tamil areas in Sri Lanka! There are some districts Tamil percentage higher areas. Also Moor ethnic percentage higher areas. Eastern province council functioning and won by current government. Northern provincial election about to held in this year but there was other local elections main Tamil political party TNA, then another Tamil party and after that all President Mahinda's party UPFA won seats. Visit our slelections website if you need more details.
I didn't.But you did created a situation where you allowed others to question your integrity.If You accepted your multi ethnic demography and allow Tamils to integrate in to your society none of this would have happened.

No one can question anyone's integrity. If one do he do it for purpose. BTW Tamils are integrated into the Sinhala society. The problem is that you Indians do not acknowledge it.
point is even the tamils who have been there since medieval ages did not like the sinhala chauvinism and attempt at discriminating the tamil language....
that is the root cause of this war.....

Give me any evidence to support your claim of Tamils did not like he Sinhalese chauvinism and attempt at discriminating the Tamil language from the times of Cholas. (I bet you can't.... :P)

it was not as if the tamils chose that.....a colonial power chose that....hw can you fault tamils for that?.....why r you blaming the victim for a fault of yours?.....yeah anyway lanat on the british.....it was they who anyway combined the culturally distinct sinhala and tamil nations into one ceylon anyway......

"it was not as if the tamils chose that.....a colonial power chose that...." bla bla bla....

That is not the issue. The issue is why Tamils did not do anything about English being the official language in the so called Tamil homeland? Why then they started crying when Sinhalese become the official language? Did Tamils knew English? or most importantly why didn't this Tamils fought for their homeland? Why did they waited until Sinhalese to do the all dirty work?

So Tamilian, accept the reality that there was no Tamil nation in SL and there will not be. Do not lie and disrespect the Sinhalese heritage and history.
also as i said, devolving power to the tamil areas was a part of 13th amendment which rajapaksa promised and which he went back on either on pressure by sinhala chauvinists or he himself got carried away by triumph.......

Devolution of powers to provinces won't happen because we cannot tolerate the over powered politicians.
mate if India attacks your little country today nobody in the entire world will be able to do a thing about it and i literally mean nobody!we just need a strong central Govt. to unite the Ealam with the state of Tamil Nadu and bringing it within the fold of the Indian Union.so stop making these ridiculous posts,you are going to pay for your crimes against humanity and mark my words that the day is not far away!:smokin:

If India attack SL. It will be the end of Indian Union and Indian hope to UN security council. In such a event we only loose lives and freedom But India will loose its face and body parts. I do not think Indian decision makers are that dumb.

just wait for the 2014 Loksabha Election,once NDA comes to power and Mr.Modi becomes the P.M. we are going to have an independent Ealam for our Tamil brothers in Lanka itself pretty soon:agree:

Then be happy to announce the free Kashmir. Who knows what other states would like to break away from India.
wait for the 2014 Loksabha Election,once NDA comes to power and Mr.Modi becomes the P.M. we are going to have an independent Ealam for our Tamil brothers in Lanka itself pretty soon:agree:

Bengali comedy relief :rofl: and you think its gonna be a cake walk for India in establishing ealam in Sri Lanka ? To sri Lanka, India is just an irritating gnat that can be smacked away at will. And you imagine China will do nothing ??? 2 major Indian Neuclear reactors are within Sri Lanka's striking range :china:
If India attack SL. It will be the end of Indian Union and Indian hope to UN security council. In such a event we only loose lives and freedom But India will loose its face and body parts. I do not think Indian decision makers are that dumb.

Lol End Of Indian Union..India Have Reason To defend their Peoples from any kind of Foreign Invasion...I'm talking about Fisher Man Attacks by Lankan Forces...In the next two years that will Happen

Then be happy to announce the free Kashmir. Who knows what other states would like to break away from India.

Is Kashmir struggling for freedom...he gets in 1947
Bengali comedy relief :rofl: and you think its gonna be a cake walk for India in establishing ealam in Sri Lanka ? To sri Lanka, India is just an irritating gnat that can be smacked away at will. And you imagine China will do nothing ??? 2 major Indian Neuclear reactors are within Sri Lanka's striking range :china:

China Holding Tibet ..did you know How Tibetans Acting themself in China Occupation...And Did you know how is Press freedom in China...and Well does China launch Nuke over India for Tamil Eelem Issue...
first you have not explained me the sanctuary part yet -

Sanctuary doesn't have to include direct military help; only to protect the civilian front to the insurgency.

UK/US provides sanctuary to BLA leaders where they can raise money and plan operations, even though Pakistan calls them terrorists.
India does the same to TYC and other Tibetan groups, even though China calls them terrorists.

Bottom line, as long as the dominant West can shield the separatists from the terrorist label, they can operate freely outside India.

and as i said, the referendum is simply out of question because that is beyond the wildest imagination that i can even assume for the sake of argument......

No point my repeating what I wrote above. Emotions can be manipulated with bomb blasts on religious events, children, etc. Look at Syria where each side blames the other of atrocities and it's not clear who's more credible.

If done properly, the rest of India would support the separatist demands just to end the bloodshed and move on.
No point my repeating what I wrote above. Emotions can be manipulated with bomb blasts on religious events, children, etc. Look at Syria where each side blames the other of atrocities and it's not clear who's more credible.

If done properly, the rest of India would support the separatist demands just to end the bloodshed and move on.

Just shows your terrorist mindset.:tdown:.Some people will never change.Human tragedies also has the power to unite the people.You people are so divided among yourselves you won't understand such things.
Just shows your terrorist mindset.:tdown:.Some people will never change.Human tragedies also has the power to unite the people.You people are so divided among yourselves you won't understand such things.

These tactics have been used by puppeteers throughout history; latest examples being in Syria.

I am pointing out the harsh reality of how the powers-that-be work; however unpleasant it may be to accept.
brother as a fellow Indian and a Bengali i want justice for our Tamil brothers of SL!i mean whenever i see those pictures of a young child(Balachandran) getting murdered in cold blood by those lankan soldiers,my blood start to boil!but those congressis are hell bent to not interfare in this serious matter!here in Kolkata the majority of my fellow Bengali friends support the Tamil cause for a separate Ealam in Northern Lanka and my my words that it will soon become a reality.just wait for the 2014 Loksabha Election,once NDA comes to power and Mr.Modi becomes the P.M. we are going to have an independent Ealam for our Tamil brothers in Lanka itself pretty soon:agree:

I am happy that you have a sentimental feeling as a Human being to feel for the fallen 140000 comrades in SL. But the formation of a new eelam has been a dream and will be a dream as the people who fought for it has already been wiped out by SL with the help of India, China and Russia.
The cultural identity of the Tamil majority Eelam is already gone in the last 4 years as a lot of Shingalese have been moved and the Tamils already made minority in their own lands. Hindu Temples have been demolished and Buddhist temples have raised in the very same place where Hindu temples stood.
BJP has openly said they are not going to interfer in the SL issue. I see no hope for the Tamils in SL.
All we can at the most demand is bring the people responsible for the killings to justice in the International court and if that does not happen and INDIA does not act proactive, the next step from TN Tamils will be on stop paying tax to the INDIAN Union, that will put the policy makers in the center to realize that our own 8 crore people have been forgotten at the Center
Ideally Sri Lankan Tamil areas should have been a part of India , a part of Tamil Nadu . But due to lack of geographical continuguity with India , it became a part of Sri Lanka.

This entire issue reminds of the conflict between Greece and Turkey for Cyprus. solution should be the same. Make Tamil Eelam a part of India and let the rest of Sri Lanka be Sri Lanka
Ideally Sri Lankan Tamil areas should have been a part of India , a part of Tamil Nadu . But due to lack of geographical continuguity with India , it became a part of Sri Lanka.

This entire issue reminds of the conflict between Greece and Turkey for Cyprus. solution should be the same. Make Tamil Eelam a part of India and let the rest of Sri Lanka be Sri Lanka

Comparing Apples to oranges.. But then again we cant expect much logic or factual comments from Indian keyboard warriors here (Bar a few knowledgeable intellectual ones) Who cant differentiate their left testicle from the right
I am happy that you have a sentimental feeling as a Human being to feel for the fallen 140000 comrades in SL. But the formation of a new eelam has been a dream and will be a dream as the people who fought for it has already been wiped out by SL with the help of India, China and Russia.
The cultural identity of the Tamil majority Eelam is already gone in the last 4 years as a lot of Shingalese have been moved and the Tamils already made minority in their own lands. Hindu Temples have been demolished and Buddhist temples have raised in the very same place where Hindu temples stood.
BJP has openly said they are not going to interfer in the SL issue. I see no hope for the Tamils in SL.
All we can at the most demand is bring the people responsible for the killings to justice in the International court and if that does not happen and INDIA does not act proactive, the next step from TN Tamils will be on stop paying tax to the INDIAN Union, that will put the policy makers in the center to realize that our own 8 crore people have been forgotten at the Center

Brother, If India helps in the break-up of SL to form a separate country for Tamils, it will only effect India in the long term:

1. The SL (remaining part) will become totally against India & may even throw out every Indian company & other Indian interest from SL.

2. It will play perfectly well for China as now Lanka will give it an access in the IOR region which it could only have dreamt of earlier.

3. Lanka may even take path of Pakistan (post 1971 break-up) where it wants nuke for itself (no matter whats the cost), can we afford another nuke neighbor??

4. Ealem will only encourage separatist tendencies in Indian TN.

5. This will make every Indian neighbor afraid of Indian Hegemonic tendencies & again the most advantaged nation of this situation will be CHINA.

So, is a separate Tamil nation interests of India or not??

My heart really goes out for the Innocent Tamil people of Lanka who have died b'coz of this war, but for me, Indian Unity & Interests comes first.

So we should think here PRACTICALLY rather than EMOTIONALLY.

But, India should make all the efforts to bring the perpetrators of the genocide to justice.

Just my opinion :)
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