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Turkey calls for no-fly zone in Syria

A common misunderstanding in Turkey. US didn't lose the Vietnam War, South Vietnam did. US reached some of their goals and pulled out at a time when the war seemed endless. They've killed over a million North Vietnamese miliatants which is a tactical win in itself.

The ultimate goal was to test NATO war machine against the Warsaw pact equipment and succeeded. Most weapons we use today are built according to the teachings of Vietnam War.

US had more than 58000 casualties in vietnam war... you call that a win? Cuz I don't.

US and South vietnam were equally involved in the vietnam war against the North, defeat of the south means defeat of both.
US learned from its mistake in Vietnam. Every war expert would say that. But I wouldn't call Vietnam war a success or a victory for Americans. It was a clear defeat for Americans after Vietnamese cut their army in too.

The FSA needs heavy Anti-aircraft missiles to bring Assad jets down after that will see who is who in the front line Assad and his mercenaries will hide like rats in the sewer pip camp of Hassan Nasrallat.

Assad is already preparing to flee to a 3rd party country. I hope he stays and face the consequences of his actions like a man should. I think nobody will take Assad as refugee any way.
Turkish, Saudi, UAE, Jordanian, Egyptian Air Forces team up and bomb the hell out of Asad, there will be nothing left but sticks and stones. Once his air cover is gone, his Army will be demoralized and FSA will kick them to the doors of hell.

Israeli commandos and airforce is more than enough for it...remember the last incident, when Assad was moving his chemical weapons Israel warned to airborne its commandos within hrs and Russia warned Assad and took west's side
Good initiative. Hope it happens soon.
Dude, The problem is that the Russian fleet is serious this time.

I don't blame them, There's no way that Rusky black sea fleet can't match with us. Plus, NATO Maritime Rapid Reaction Fleet is stationed in Naples, Italy very close to turkey. And according to the description of all NRF's their are missioned to respond neither the article 5 is invoked or not. So sad for them.

P.S But in my opinion, we should never put our foot into syrian mess. Regardss :)
US is just providing non lethal help. Russia and US are working on the FSA/SAA talks. US is not on Turkey's side.

I am not a Debka fan at all but it is worth reading these articles:

US joins Russia in drawing ceasefire lines for ending Syrian war

Assad Pulls Ahead in Syrian War. Putin, Khamenei Are Co-Victors

How come Iran's nuclear program ended some where the same time Syrian talks are going on?
Ok,and you think Turkey is alone on this?
You have no idea of the situation,if Turkey(Erdogan)wasnt backed in this by the west he would never dare to do something.
Turkey had a good relationship with Assad,why the sudden change(maybe the West wanted to cutt Irans door to the mediterranian Sea)?
Can you explain that?
If you cant,there is your answer,so think before assuming.
Turkey is backed by all of the west.
How serious are things getting ?
Don't forget the vietnam war, where US lost. While the north was only provided with equipment and training by russia and no military assitance.

The issue in Syria is more serious than you think.
Russia can do NOTHING.
Vietnam war was'' lost'' because of the infrastructure and not because of the Russian weapons.
The US could have Napalmmed all of the north but they didnt,so it became a guerilla war in the jungle.
Who has the edge there the native or the intruder?
There were many protests all over the world(mostly in the US)so they wanted to end it as soon as possible.
Btw they didnt lose the war read this,

Ok,and you think Turkey is alone on this?
You have no idea of the situation,if Turkey(Erdogan)wasnt backed in this by the west he would never dare to do something.
Turkey had a good relationship with Assad,why the sudden change(maybe the West wanted to cutt Irans door to the mediterranian Sea)?
Can you explain that?
If you cant,there is your answer,so think before assuming.
Turkey is backed by all of the west.

I read Syrian news from a Aljazeera Arabic to Press TV and Debka file. I dont see what you say. US and Israel may want to drag the war. Turkey has asked for No-Fly Zone several times with no US answer. The only weapon FSA is getting is from KSA and Qatar and Turkey.
Hopefully you are right!
I read Syrian news from a Aljazeera Arabic to Press TV and Debka file. I dont see what you say. US and Israel may want to drag the war. Turkey has asked for No-Fly Zone several times with no US answer. The only weapon FSA is getting is from KSA and Qatar and Turkey.
Hopefully you are right!
I dont know how you make conclusions but evry one should know that Turkey and the Arab countries would never send weapons without the approval of th US.
Officialy the US didnt help untill yesterday i believe,but now they openly help th FSA.
That must have shown you something about the US position,you will see many western countries admitting help to the FSA.
Try reading western news to!
I dont know how you make conclusions but evry one should know that Turkey and the Arab countries would never send weapons without the approval of th US.
Officialy the US didnt help untill yesterday i believe,but now they openly help th FSA.
That must have shown you something about the US position,you will see many western countries admitting help to the FSA.
Try reading western news to!
-I only read CNN and Fox. They said US aid is just non-lethal aid. The Zaman variant is:
US aid to Syria should be 'non-lethal,' new Pentagon chief says

-I dont think KSA has asked for US permission before sending weapons. I dont know why you concluded otherwise.

-When I see the Russia-US talks and FSA-SAA talks are going on, I cant expect No Fly Zone.
-I only read CNN and Fox. They said US aid is just non-lethal aid. The Zaman variant is:
US aid to Syria should be 'non-lethal,' new Pentagon chief says

-I dont think KSA has asked for US permission before sending weapons. I dont know why you concluded otherwise.

-When I see the Russia-US talks and FSA-SAA talks are going on, I cant expect No Fly Zone.

Either you dont understand the situation or you dont want to understand.
Syria is to be taken out of the hands of Iran(this the main US policy)
How it happens doesnt interest the US,but it has to happen.
The US couldnt and cant openly show support(weapons)to the FSA because there is the UN security council.
Russia and US work on this together,they have an agreement(no weapons from Russia or the US)
All the weapons the FSA gets are financed by the KSA and provided by the US,and all the weapons Assad gets are from Russia brought by Iran.
So officialy no weapons from US or Russia.
We will hear this after the end of Assad.
The FSA rodents are being pounded by the Syrian army, so the no fly zone is the only way the US, Turkey, GCC can achieve their objective. But not gonna happen. It will be vetoed by Russia and China.
Its very natural for Turkey to call for such a desperate move of a no fly zone, seeing as how its going horribly for the terrorists. Turkey is panicking after their massive foreign policy failure in Syria, which was to shelter terrorists in order to oust a neighbour's government. And when Assad and Syrian government wins the war (not if, when) Turkey will have a very bitter enemy in its southern border. Man what a mess Erdogan has dragged Turkey into. They should just cut their losses and accept that Assad Syrian government is here to stay. Turkey just keep making it worse for themselves lol
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