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Tired of Windows Vista? Get the new Windows 7 NOW!


Mar 6, 2008
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You can easily download a new copy of Windows 7 from Microsoft's website now.

No charge, No nothing.

Windows 7 Release Candidate Customer Preview Program

The file size is about 2.2GB's and the best part is that you don't have to format your primary disk in order to get the latest version of windows.

You can simply choose the option 'Upgrade' and get your installation running without any troubles with your files in their original location.

(Make sure you have the Windows Service Pack 1 installed on your Vista before you begin your installations)

Some good qualities about the new Windows ...

It's FAST! WAY faster than Vista. Rest you'd have to see for yourself ;)

Anyway, Enjoy!
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When the final version arrives, do you have to pay the full retail price to upgrade from the beta version? Just wondering! What I really need is photoshop! way too expensive though!

Yeah, you have to pay full price. A beta is only a test which everyone, really everyone can download. So it would be nonsense to reduce the price for people with the beta version
I am so tired of Vista, Microsoft killed the windows experience. Does anyone remember the good old days of Windows 3.1 :D
I am happy with my xp-sp 2.....i have the vista inspirant installe,for visual peace....
I am so tired of Vista, Microsoft killed the windows experience. Does anyone remember the good old days of Windows 3.1 :D
I do...Yes things were simpler, a lot more simpler. I used to have an AT 386 DX 33MHz, and I had installed 8MB RAM. Boy O' boy, in those days, 8MB RAM was something. And on that machine, windows 3.1 used to run like a charm. Good old days.

BTW my first PC was a Commodore 64. With this, an idea comes.... Should we start a thread "what was the first computer you owned?".
^^ Same here, C64 was my first home computer! Damned, I still remember how I managed to convince my parents as a 7 year old that the C64 would help me type out and print my course works. Trust me, it was expensive as hell! LOLZ Of course, the games which back then were awesome is really what I got the system for. LOL I still remember how I used to hook up the system to the old TV set and get ready for hours of enjoyment. It was some user experience back then with the mouse and joystick for games. There used to be this Rambo game in which you could buy different kinds of guns etc. Wicked! There also used to be this Olympics game in which you could play against an opponent. Awesome! I did do some BASIC programming on the C64, but those too were games or other useless silly programs. Amazing times. LOLZ anyone remember the blue prompt?

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When the final version arrives, do you have to pay the full retail price to upgrade from the beta version? Just wondering! What I really need is photoshop! way too expensive though!

Adobe signed an agreement with Indiana University recently. All staff/students can download Adobe products for free or buy CD/DVD at the book store for $20.
What is Vista? Oh that flashy thing by MicroSquish..
Any sane person would have stayed with XP Pro and will not be touching Windows 7 till it has at least developed to Service Pack 1.
By then it may be stable and safe to use.

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