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If Pakistan Goes To War?.

If we view Pakistan already being at war...then who are its true friends?


Lots of sentimental noise about the eternal Turk-Pak friendship, brotherhood etc, Ottoman war of independence. What have they done in real terms, apart from getting closer to India? Nothing.

Grey Wolves for example have fought in Azerbaijan, Bosnia, Kosova but never in Kashmir.

When Salala incidents, NATO attacked Pakistan soldiers, where were Turkey? Don't trust them yaar.

The most difficult times is OBL raid, only China stand for Pakistan immediately thick walls. Other countries are hesitate to response.


Even as a member of NATO, Tukeye stand by Pakistan after 24-26 Pakistani troops were martyred in FATA.
NATO air strike: Turkey backs Pakistan

Turkey supports Pakistan at Chicago Summit

Also Turkeye has always supported Pakistan openly on Kashmir issue.
Ḥashshāshīn;3755714 said:
I don't agree. I think India would get involved, not directly, but India with definitely get involved. What better chance would they have to destroy Pakistan completely?

firstly nato will not attack pakistan.if atall they want to twist ur arm they might try it economically .if at all theres a war as u rightly said india would not involve in the war..but i also wanted to clarify that india never wanted to destroy pakistan but only to keep a check on pakistan.india never started any war by itself and will never do so.also we can observe the relations are getting better compared to last decade..govts are trying to reduce hostilities.proxy wars have reduced considerably.unless some incident like 26/11 happens again i dont think the relations will get bitter
Samson Option in the form of local "Samosa Option," if we die, the whole region dies with us. Other than this, not even god can help us. Pakistan should devise strategies based solely on this option. There are no friends, just potential enemies.
And yes China & the US will also support Pakistan.

I doubt for Iran or other Arab countries(except maybe Egypt).

Also i must say if there is unity in Pakistan then no one can dare to attack Pakistan.
Totally depends on how war is started, every country like China, SA have their view on war, example China does not want war in the region. China will try to stop any war with Pakistan, if other want to go for war, it will discourage them if Pakistan wants to go for war, China will not at all support them.

Example if Pakistan say, I want to go for a war with India on Kashmir. China will not support it, SA will not support it and USA will not support it either.

But if India attacks Pakistan or USA, then China will help Pakistan but will try to stop/end the war. SA will do the same.

In short, China will be against Pakistan if it is offensive but help if it is defensive. Without support Pakistan cannot go for war.
China has said that attack on Pakistan will be considered as attack on China.
well isnt thats called a lip service..china gave a lot of warnings to lot of countries..but i seriously doubt that it would risk its growth by involving in any war..i dont think china will come to rescue of pakistan or any other nation other than its lipservice
no one will come to pakistan's aid.no country on earth wants to weaken its economy at this time.though i expect the chinese to provide some tactical support.
and remember,god helps those who help themselves.:enjoy:
Actions speak louder than words.

Please provide examples of real concrete phsyical support e.g. how gulf Arabs provided free/subsidized petrol.

Action can only happen if(God Forbid) war occurs. Salala incident was the latest where Turkeye supported & stood with Pakistan even when it was NATO country. All previous wars Turkeye supported Pakistan. You need to do some search.
I, don't believe in "banking" on other countries, Pakistan is self sufficient in defense. We Pakistanis at the moment may not know anything, but we do know how to fight.

Its not trolling but serious points:

1.) what fighting have gave you in last 60 years???

2.) They know how to fight and that's why they are fighting in between themselves, punjabi-bengali (pre 1971), pathan-baloch, shia-sunni, pathan-punjabi, sindhi-muhajir etc. etc.
Action can only happen if(God Forbid) war occurs. Salala incident was the latest where Turkeye supported & stood with Pakistan even when it was NATO country. All previous wars Turkeye supported Pakistan. You need to do some search.

This is my point.

For some this is a nice theoratical topic to discuss over the internet, for others e.g. the million or so IDPs (refugees) from Waziristan and elsewhere in the north, their lives have been ruined, Pakistan is at war.

What has Turkey done apart from say some nice pretty words?

As for the "need to some search" part, this isn't anything I'll spend time Googling for. :D

I really don't mind if you prove that Turkey is the best friend to Pakistan that has ever been, but I doubt it and think that Turks (not the Pakistanis) overexaggerate this whole myth of Turkish-Pakistani friendship. The feelings amongst the Turks are genuine and sincere, but in real terms they have never done anything as much as the Arabs or Chinese, whilst acting like they are the best friends of Pakistan.

On another forum I saw a Turk mocking Arab support to Pakistan after some natural disaster and calling them "backstabbers" (saying they should do more rather than praise what they had done), whilst Turks have never fought in Kashmir and Arabs have.
Ḥashshāshīn;3755918 said:
Who else would aid India apart from Russia?
Well India won't need aid that's for sure. Its strategic reserves to sustain a war are more than Pakistan's, for longer period of time. Point is if China deploy its forces towards Indian borders which may divide its forces.

And India already have defense pacts with many countries and the growing investment of countries like KSA, Japan, even China, US and Russia, will make sure to diffuse the situation as soon as possible.

Indo-Pak rivalry is among the most dangerous rivalry of modern world. We don't read much about it in International media regarding the tensions, but the higher political circle of major nations keep a close watch on it.

Even during 26/11, US sent Rice to India immediately. Read the part of 26/11 in Rice's book.
My Pakistan will never b defeated even if nobody supports us or help us:pakistan:

This is my point.

For some this is a nice theoratical topic to discuss over the internet, for others e.g. the million or so IDPs (refugees) from Waziristan and elsewhere in the north, their lives have been ruined, Pakistan is at war.

What has Turkey done apart from say some nice pretty words?

As for the "need to some search" part, this isn't anything I'll spend time Googling for. :D

I really don't mind if you prove that Turkey is the best friend to Pakistan that has ever been, but I doubt it and think that Turks (not the Pakistanis) overexaggerate this whole myth of Turkish-Pakistani friendship. The feelings amongst the Turks are genuine and sincere, but in real terms they have never done anything as much as the Arabs or Chinese, whilst acting like they are the best friends of Pakistan.

On another forum I saw a Turk mocking Arab support to Pakistan after some natural disaster and calling them "backstabbers" (saying they should do more rather than praise what they had done), whilst Turks have never fought in Kashmir and Arabs have.

Turkeye doesn't have Oil like Arabs to support Pakistan with it. Turkeye did all what was in their capacity i.e support by providing military equipments(when US & west refused in 65 war) & stooding up for Pakistan in international forums & gatherings.

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