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India just hanged Kasab

I wonder where he is going after death?

Quick question, do Hindus believe in this as well?

Avici - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Here we call it "無間道" (Wu Jian Dao) which means "The Never-ending path", referring to Avici which is the lowest level of Hell.

Interestingly, it is also the name of one of our most famous movies.

Actually it depends on karma of an individual in his life where is he going afterlife ...
Thr are millions of heavens and hell ... Based on deeds(karma) a person gets highest level of heaven or hell and also the time
He will spent in heaven or hell.. After that he will take a rebirth ... In any of millions of species ... A human life is rare and only one
Where you can do karma ... And this cycle will continue ...
To break this cycle of heaven hell rebirth ... A soul has to attain moksha .. Means to be one with the almighty ... This can only be attained by highest oh highest sages after millions of years of tapasaya in thr various human lives ... Tye basic idea is to know yourself your soul ... To become totally neutral not to feel any of moh or maya ... Moh means the attachment. And maya means the circle of heaven and hell ... Its too complex .. You can read gita to know more how can one soul can be libraed and become one with the ultimate energy
Now the drama can finally be put to rest. Closed chapter.

I wish too but all the actors are breeding well in your part of the world. They just started a new one:

Kasab execution: TTP ‘shocked’, LeT says will ‘inspire’ more attacks

ISLAMABAD: The Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) expressed shock over the execution of Ajmal Kasab on Wednesday, the lone surviving gunman of the Mumbai attacks, and the Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) said he was a hero and would “inspire” more attacks.

“He was a hero and will inspire other fighters to follow his path,” the commander of Lashkar-e-Taiba told Reuters by telephone from an undisclosed location.

The Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan expressed shock over India’s execution of the lone survivor of an attack that killed 166 people in a rampage through the financial capital Mumbai in 2008.

“There is no doubt that it’s very shocking news and a big loss that a Muslim has been hanged on Indian soil,” Taliban spokesman Ahsanullah Ahsan told Reuters.

The sole surviving gunman from the 2008 Mumbai attacks was executed on Wednesday, nearly four years after 166 people were killed in a three-day rampage through India’s financial capital.

Pakistan-born Mohammed Kasab was hanged at Yerwada jail in Pune in the western state of Maharashtra after President Pranab Mukherjee rejected his pleas for mercy earlier this month.

He was sentenced to death in May 2010 after he was found guilty of a string of charges, including waging war against India, murder and terrorist acts.
Incredible or not but your's is echoing in the emptiness.

Atleast my brain has billions of neurons to keep it company. How about yours, where the last neuron just choked to death after the above brain fart . :azn:
P.S you indians wanna reosrt to personal attacks? Bring it on!
LoL they hanged one of their own....... ah well.....whatever.:)

If we hanged one of our own, why are Pakistanis claiming him?

Kasab execution: TTP
ISLAMABAD: The Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) expressed shock over the execution of Ajmal Kasab on Wednesday, the lone surviving gunman of the Mumbai attacks, and the Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) said he was a hero and would “inspire” more attacks.
“He was a hero and will inspire other fighters to follow his path,” the commander of Lashkar-e-Taiba told Reuters by telephone from an undisclosed location.
The Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan expressed shock over India’s execution of the lone survivor of an attack that killed 166 people in a rampage through the financial capital Mumbai in 2008.
“There is no doubt that it’s very shocking news and a big loss that a Muslim has been hanged on Indian soil,” Taliban spokesman Ahsanullah Ahsan told Reuters.
The sole surviving gunman from the 2008 Mumbai attacks was executed on Wednesday, nearly four years after 166 people were killed in a three-day rampage through India’s financial capital.
Pakistan-born Mohammed Kasab was hanged at Yerwada jail in Pune in the western state of Maharashtra after President Pranab Mukherjee rejected his pleas for mercy earlier this month.
He was sentenced to death in May 2010 after he was found guilty of a string of charges, including waging war against India, murder and terrorist acts.
LOL why are we Pakistanis worrying if Ajmal Kasab isn't Pakistani ? I just think of this as like Indians hanging their own citizen and yes I'm assuming with no source or anything, but it's so damn obvious...speaks hardcore Hindi and all his facial features and skin tone resembles the people somewhere from subcontinent :D
They should have tortured him and then shred him to pieces.....166 pieces as a symbol for each victim that was killed on that day.
Are marr gaya to marr gaya. Mat publicity do usko ab warna log use abhi freedom fighter karrar kar denge. :D

Good news from India keeps coming!!! First Baal Thakerey was dead and now this too. Two lead terrorists out. Combine this with OBL last year....things are looking PRETTY good for the world. The terrorists are getting killed or drying. Either way, great for the rest of the civil population!
I already mentioned GOI's foot dragging and bad faith in conducting a joint investigation. India was more interested in milking the event than in resolving it.

Joint investigation? That's sick, considering that all evidence pointed to the LeT, an organisation that enjoys the support of the stae of Pakistan. In any case, we have found exactly what Pakistan does with an investigation, a joint investigation would have been a joke.

It's called due process. HS is not being treated like royalty, but a citizen who has as much right as anyone else to get a fair trial based on evidence, not Indian demands.

It's called state support for a terrorist. You believe your version, if that helps you sleep better at night.

If someone is committing crimes while holding a Pakistani passport (fake or real), then Pakistan has every right to apprehend him and investigate. The question is why does India want to whisk away an Indian national committing crimes using a Pakistani passport? Who was he really working for?

Whisk away? India went through an extradition process of over a year to get this chap. Pakistan tried desperately to prevent it but promptly changed his tack & labelled him an Indian the moment their request was rejected by the KSA. As for committing crimes holding a Pakistani passport, that would sound reasonable except that Pakistan didn't claim that he had committed any crimes.:lol: Nice try. Pretty clear from what extent the Pakistani state went that India was right in it's suspicion of Pakistani state involvement in the attacks & damns any idiotic talk of joint investigation.

Irrelevant speech.

I would then end up having to label all your speech here just an act of terrorism support. In the end it simply boils down to that. Your excuses for the Abu Jundal affair, ones that the Pakistani authorities didn't even make, make it pretty much clear that there is no reasonable standard that you set yourself to. You will support a terrorist act & support every excuse that can be offered however ridiculous they are. Sad but true.
I don't get it... why can't we have one civil conversation on pdf about such things..? The first few pages are all good humor and banter and chat (even when there were so many flame baits)... and then after few pages, venom spewing on unrelated events starts from both sides... Hats off to postors of the like of Admin, KRAIT, Safriz, CD etc, who could sense and speak about the 'sense of closure, justice and good riddance' instead of trying to score nasty and bitchy points that are splattered across most of the rest of the pages... Grow up folks!

Some day, when some of you would meet another guy from India/Pakistan, you would laugh at the hackneyed generalities we tend to carry about each other at times!
Kasab.exe :lol:

Open Hangman style... India Celebrates :P

How many Pakistani here buy Indian claims that Pakistani Army/ISI trained Ajmal via LET and sent him in India for ek tha tiger mission?

If you guys believe in this non sense then that mean you should blame your army/ISI before bashing Ajmal. Then i dont get those pakistani who on one side bash Ajmal and on other side love Pakistan Army and ISI. We know the India and Pakistani boht have sponsor terrorism across the border and its just the matter of getting caught or getting away with it without leaving any evidence. India always supported/sponsored bloch terrorist and we know their selfless help in creating Bangladesh . India cash this terrorism things way too much.

Ajamal and bhgat singh got death sentence for same crime which was using violence for political struggle or political gain. one wanted to free hindustan from angraiz and the others wanted to free kashmir from india. Countries always been creating fear in minds of their opponents by killing civilians in wars or by such cross border terrorism for political interests. If India is Enemy of Pakistan then enemy of India is friend of Pakistan or No ? :)
I wish too but all the actors are breeding well in your part of the world. They just started a new one:

Kasab execution: TTP ‘shocked’, LeT says will ‘inspire’ more attacks

ISLAMABAD: The Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) expressed shock over the execution of Ajmal Kasab on Wednesday, the lone surviving gunman of the Mumbai attacks, and the Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) said he was a hero and would “inspire” more attacks.

“He was a hero and will inspire other fighters to follow his path,” the commander of Lashkar-e-Taiba told Reuters by telephone from an undisclosed location.

The Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan expressed shock over India’s execution of the lone survivor of an attack that killed 166 people in a rampage through the financial capital Mumbai in 2008.

“There is no doubt that it’s very shocking news and a big loss that a Muslim has been hanged on Indian soil,” Taliban spokesman Ahsanullah Ahsan told Reuters.

The sole surviving gunman from the 2008 Mumbai attacks was executed on Wednesday, nearly four years after 166 people were killed in a three-day rampage through India’s financial capital.

Pakistan-born Mohammed Kasab was hanged at Yerwada jail in Pune in the western state of Maharashtra after President Pranab Mukherjee rejected his pleas for mercy earlier this month.

He was sentenced to death in May 2010 after he was found guilty of a string of charges, including waging war against India, murder and terrorist acts.

hah.....and you will continue to milk on it the way you've been doing for years

and if you think TTP receives any sponsorship from Pakistani government then you have a very demented though process.
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